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  • Charlottesville
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    So you read that tweet. Decided that must be the real story. Then several hours later posted it on here and didn’t think to go back and see if your “unverified” story had been verified? Even when the immediate response to your post was “You only need to watch the footage to know that is a big load of bullshit.”

    i.e. footage containing images like the screenshot I posted above showing no one anywhere near the car.

    You’re missing a trick anyway, the real right-wing nutters (who started at “it was a liberal in the car”) have already given up the “it was self defence from being attacked” argument and have now moved on to the good old “false flag – didn’t actually happen” argument.

    Free Member

    You needed a tardis to read tweets which had already been posted (at least 24 hours earlier) at the point you made your post?

    Free Member

    Wow. I was amazed there were 25 pages here, I mean there’s not much for any reasonable person to argue about. It’s pretty clear that nazi scum are a bad thing for everyone.

    And then I looked at it and saw it’s just Ninfan trolling.

    Full Member

    I presume you accept that it’s possible that we don’t actually have access or footage of the entire series of events

    Of course.

    But at the point of that still image we can see that there is no one near him or his seemingly undamaged car. He has a clear street behind him, but instead of reversing he is heading straight towards a a large crowd of people with no signs of braking.

    Even if his car was under attack at some unseen point prior to that footage, which is possible, at the moment pictured he has escape options and he chose to plough into a crowd instead.

    Granted he may be someone like you that thinks the mere suggestion of a punch is a perfectly good reason to run someone over – but most sane people would disagree with that.

    Free Member

    this is fabulous 😆

    Free Member

    I’m wondering if there’s a reason why I didn’t read the tweets that came after I read the tweets that I read?

    My guess is that you read the tweet cut and pasted on some far right supremacist website (that is in your favourites folder) and they had cherry picked what suited their narrative and ignored the truth.

    So you weren’t aware of the deletion and the subsequent retraction.

    Close ?

    Free Member

    Well to be fair it’s not a far right supremacist website, neal (I was curious), but it has sufficient reporting bias (and I CBA checking the history to see what the page said at the time ninfan originally posted, I suspect it might have been even more biased) to suggest that the contributing posters weren’t entirely neutral – it certainly doesn’t contain the later tweets:


    Assuming that is he was using it for reference at the time rather than desperately casting around for anything to support him later

    Full Member

    Oh and of course when he reversed, seconds after the attack, it was back up an empty street with no signs of a crowd that could have been swarming his car:

    Blimey – nazi tears? – what a snowflake.

    Free Member

    I presume you accept that it’s possible that we don’t actually have access or footage of the entire series of events

    I think we all accept that we just need you to accept that the series of events we dont have footage include the account you gave of the event[that was known to be untrue at the point you gave it] and what we do have clearly contradict your account of an attack they were fleeing from.

    Full Member

    I’m closing this indefinitely for a mark of respect to the tragedy in Barcelona.


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    Free Member

    for many San Franciscans, an unwelcome visit from members of the “alt-right” is an opportunity to fight back in the spirit of the city by the bay – with flower power, drag queens, a little creativity, and an assist from the animal kingdom


    Free Member

    I love it 🙂

    Refusing to meet them on their terms totally undermines the nazi cause, which is ultimately violence and war.

    These creative measures are a fantastic way to avoid getting sucked into their sociopathic little role play.

    Brilliant! 🙂

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I read the sponsor-a-nazi story yesterday. Brilliant. 😀

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