You should be able to do it contactless, with a handy email address if there are any problems.
What, like car parks? Where you have to download an app to pay, then find there’s virtually no network connection, (and when the networks shut off 3G, there will be none) or you’ve already got an app, but it’s a different one, or you then find you’ve got to spend ages having to tap in all your personal information, bank card details, car registration, how long you’re there for, which happened to me a couple of weeks ago in Bourton-on-the-Water! Many places now at least have a QRCode system which is pretty quick.
Which brings me to the public loo, and the Japanese lass I was with was desperate for the loo, but she had none of the right change, and neither did I, because, who does, these days. Fortunately, it does have a contactless system, so I just used my phone for her to get in, but as a massively tourist oriented village, expecting visitors to carry all of the right money, and have a bank card that would be acceptable is a big ask.
Oh, and exactly how long are you expecting an email response to take, especially on a weekend? I mean, seriously? Christ on a pogo stick, you’d be lucky to get a response from a council within a couple of days! Or are you actually taking the piss?