Home Forums Bike Forum Charge duster rear wheel single speed free hub stripping

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  • Charge duster rear wheel single speed free hub stripping
  • sideshowdave
    Free Member

    My charge duster free hub is ‘stiff’ and I’d like to strip and clean it. Not got a clue how it comes apart though? Can’t find any drawing or even YouTube vids to give me a hint. So before I have to take to the lbs has anyone got any ideas how? (Sensible ideas before you start).

    Free Member

    Is it a Formula? http://www.formulahubs.com/products_p01.php?id=133&pid=10&sid=18

    Does it have any hex keys on the inside of the axle, or flats on the conical parts on the sides?

    Free Member

    It’s unbranded, couldn’t see the hex key slot inside the axle and definitely no flats on the conical sides , that’s why it’s perplexing me

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