Home Forums Chat Forum Channel 4 “Swiped”

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  • Channel 4 “Swiped”
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    Two part documentary about a class of 12 year olds giving up smart phones for 3 weeks.

    Really interesting. Maybe confirmation bias that the results were what you/the experts expected, but well worth a watch.

    Quite how you put the genie back in the bottle at this stage I don’t know.

    Free Member

    Watched a bit last night and then decided to do something more useful like stick pencils up my nose. 12 year olds being interviewed who “love” their phones and spend 5+ hours a day on them. Is it the phones that are the problem or just crap parenting? Put limits on them, its not hard to do. 15 and 11 year old here. Both have phones. Both have 1/1.5 hour limits on them per day. No problems at all – no moaning they want more time etc.

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