Home Forums Bike Forum Changing forks…..a Q pls .

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  • Changing forks…..a Q pls .
  • Macca
    Free Member

    My son wants to swap the RS Forks on his hardrock, but can anyone tell me what the effects of swapping his 80mm travel forks for some that are 120mm pls ?

    Assume it would alter the head angle, and have an effect on the steering/handling perhaps ?

    Cheers all.

    Free Member

    Assume it would alter the head angle, and have an effect on the steering/handling perhaps ?
    yes and yes. I put replaced the 80mm judys on my old (2001) hardrock with 100mm recons and it was great, but an extra 30mm will be very noticeable. You minght find it ‘wanders’ uphill and steers a bit slower. (But will be a hoot downhill!) does he have a fork in mind already? otherwise some u-turn or similar would be ideal as you can alter them whenever you want in a ride.

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