I’m told, getting stabbed in the bum hole is one of the harshest forms of punishment as it takes a long time to heal due to bacteria and if done properly it severes the sphincter muscles and you need a colostomy sack.
Many years ago, my mate, a bit naughty, was knifed in the pub, as his legs buckled under him, he shat himself, and shouted you “twunts you have stabbed me in the arsehole and went mental, until someone said don’t worry mate, it’s only your back.” bruised the spinal cord so he was ok in the end.
Why have I told that story – as you come off a drop, your bum hits the front of the seat, the leverage snaps the seat off, you hit another bump and wham, you’ve just been stabbed in the bum hole by a carbon spike.
Not really a great story to tell people at the pub as to why you have a colostomy sack.