I see two regular twunts on my commute, one who undertakes anything that dares to use the second lane, and he does it fast and close, repeatedly. Another can’t be bothered to use a roundabout, so cuts off 200 metres of road by driving along a pavement and joining a dual carriageway from a layby.
I don’t ever try and block though, its the same with cyclists isn’t it…a few idiots spoil things for the rest of us.
As a small hijack, what does the ‘cocking the leg’ gesture mean? A biker did this to me (the nutter above, I wasn’t sure if it was abuse for occupying the outside lane (I was overtaking a tractor and the biker had undertaken the three cars following me before swerving across the lane and trying to buzz my rear bumper with his front tyre) or a thank you for moving over promptly. I saved the same guys life the following day after I did over-shoulder check-mirror-signal-manoeuvre…the life saver was I did a second blind spot check during my manoeuvre, noticed a headlight and he flashed through the gap and rode between a truck and the three cars ovetaking it. He couldn’t have stopped if I’d moved across…