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  • Car drivers – what is your problem?
  • br
    Free Member

    I commute the best part of a 100 miles a day, on a motorbike. As you’d imagine an awful lot of it is spent filtering – but why, in far too many cases will car/van drivers just not move aside when trying I’m trying to pass them, and some purposely move to block?

    Its not like I will make them any later than they already are, and I can see in their mirror that they know I am there.

    I already take a ‘no prisoners’ approach to riding, including liberal use of horn/main-beam and have no worry whatsoever with squeezing through narrow (or sometimes, too narrow :oops:) gaps.

    So drivers, what gives?

    Free Member

    They know what you did last summer…

    Free Member

    they are tossers..Next question?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    they are more important than everyone else.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you ride like a pratt an are treated accordingly.

    Free Member

    Because I think attaching a motor to a bike is cheating.

    Free Member

    You sound like a classic motorbike ****, perhaps it’s you that has the problem?

    Free Member

    coz its funny 😈

    Free Member

    I used to ride a motorbike before I passed my car test, and always wondered the same thing.

    Why all the hatred towards motorcyclists?

    Then you get a car and realise that 99% of motorcyclist ride like feching anchors, and car drivers are just taring us with the same brush.

    They are probably sick of people riding 1/2 an inch off their rear bumper, thinking that the speed limit only apply to cars, or they have the right to be in front of everyone because they are riding a motorbike and obviously in a rush.

    You get the idea.

    Edit: I just read your post fully and realised you fit the bill perfectly.

    Free Member

    filtering is perfectly legitimate, some car drivers just have a cactus wedged up their arse and hate everyone else who ‘pushes in front of them’

    Free Member

    I always move over when queuing and I see a bike behind. Often get a thank you wave that shows that what goes around etc. If someone knocked my door mirror i would be pretty annoyed as the last one (2002 Golf) cost £150!

    Free Member

    They probably havent seen you as they are too busy texting . . .

    Free Member

    I let people filter all the time, but there is some really bad positioning and poor filtering by a lot of motorcyclists…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Have you considered moving closer to work?

    Free Member

    Lets face it, 99% of motorcyclists are useless at riding a bike.

    They should make it law to do further training (IAM) for the riders safety, test standard is just to low.

    Free Member

    I already take a ‘no prisoners’ approach to riding, including liberal use of horn/main-beam and have no worry whatsoever with squeezing through narrow (or sometimes, too narrow :oops:) gaps.

    I’m guessing folk have gotten fed up with people on bikes acting like bar stewards so they act the same back. What goes around comes around

    Free Member

    So how many of those who commented on bike riders skills have a bike licence?

    Free Member

    I’ve had a bike licence for 9 years.

    Only had a car licence 5 years, before that it was motorbike everywhere, everyday.

    Full Member

    So, is this going to be one of those things where cyclists get annoyed at all being treated the same because of the sins of the few, but are quite happy to do the same to motorcyclists?

    Just to answer the question- people obstruct motorbikes because they’re fannies. No justification is possible as far as I can see- least of all “Oh but they probably saw some other rider being a knob earlier in the day so it’s totally fair game”. It achieves nothing, it’s potentially unsafe, and it’s illegal.

    Though- it is a fact that there’s an awful lot of bellends on motorbikes. Less so than pushbikes on the road though IMO.

    Free Member

    Many motorists ,like many motorcyclists and many cyclists drive and ride in an unsafe ,discourteous manner.
    I don’t.
    You can’t change the whole world but you can change the way you behave.
    Try it.

    Free Member

    I like to see the look of terror in their eyes.

    Free Member

    I already take a ‘no prisoners’ approach to riding, including liberal use of horn/main-beam and have no worry whatsoever with squeezing through narrow (or sometimes, too narrow :oops:) gaps.

    So drivers, what gives?

    As above, sounds like you drive like a twunt, monkey see monkey do. I don’t move over to let motorbikes filter unless I’m already moving and it makes no odds to me and I feel like it at the time. If you want to filter, that’s fine, but if I don’t want to move over that’s also fine.

    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t you let a bike through? Very odd attitudes here… There are a few dual carriageways I have to drive down regularly where I konow there’ll be bikers commuting. I always make the effort to leave a gap wherever possible.

    And yes, there are always going to be a few scrat-ends. A biker bashed into my boot mounted bike-rack a few years back – we were stationary in a queue. His female pillion passenger did the whole headshake thing as they weaved they way through the traffic. Later on we found big scratches in the car and on the forks of one of the bikes. Not best pleased.

    Free Member

    I already take a ‘no prisoners’ approach to riding, including liberal use of horn/main-beam and have no worry whatsoever with squeezing through narrow (or sometimes, too narrow :oops:) gaps

    Well this attitude wont win you any friends thats for sure..

    But maybe they just havent clocked you & maybe they dont have the space to pull over to let you through? I mean youre not the Old Bill are you..Ill happily let someone through IF I think its safe to do so but hey thats my interpretation of things..it may not be the same as yours. Perhaps a little understanding on your part?

    [/quote]they are tossers..Next question?

    Helpful TJ.. 🙄

    Free Member

    Ain’t it the truth tho 🙂

    Really makes me laugh this. On a supposed cyclists forum but anytime the slightest criticism of cars and car drivers is made people rush to defend the indefensible.

    The great god Car rules – even on STW

    Free Member

    I reckon the “tossers” comment was fair enough. I’ve had folk deliberately block my path / pull out in front of me / buzz me whilst on my pushbike. I always think, “tosser”.

    Free Member

    Well this attitude wont win you any friends thats for sure..

    All trolls are my friends, so he’s won one at least.

    Full Member

    Is “filtering” legal tho? Are we not supposed to treat a bike like any other vehicle? Ie- should they not have to wait in a queue like everyone else?? (if we’re talking about say, two lines of traffic waiting at lights..
    Any highway code experts? Surely? TJ perhaps?

    Free Member

    All modes of transport have their pros and cons. Car; heated seats, air con, surround sound, ability to carry cargo / kids.

    Motorbike; filtering through stationary traffic, likelihood of death, erm, excitement…

    Why the **** should they wait in traffic if they can safely get between lanes? Just to appease the meat-heads driving from the chippy to the 10-pin bowling alley in the Scenic they’re falsely claiming incapacity benefit for on behalf of their imaginary Aunt Regina?

    It appears f-e-c-k is now on THE LIST. Sorry father Jack – yer banned.

    Free Member

    That’s quite impressive commuting 100 miles a day on a bike and not being dead yet so can’t be that bad a rider….

    Full Member

    I see two regular twunts on my commute, one who undertakes anything that dares to use the second lane, and he does it fast and close, repeatedly. Another can’t be bothered to use a roundabout, so cuts off 200 metres of road by driving along a pavement and joining a dual carriageway from a layby.

    I don’t ever try and block though, its the same with cyclists isn’t it…a few idiots spoil things for the rest of us.

    As a small hijack, what does the ‘cocking the leg’ gesture mean? A biker did this to me (the nutter above, I wasn’t sure if it was abuse for occupying the outside lane (I was overtaking a tractor and the biker had undertaken the three cars following me before swerving across the lane and trying to buzz my rear bumper with his front tyre) or a thank you for moving over promptly. I saved the same guys life the following day after I did over-shoulder check-mirror-signal-manoeuvre…the life saver was I did a second blind spot check during my manoeuvre, noticed a headlight and he flashed through the gap and rode between a truck and the three cars ovetaking it. He couldn’t have stopped if I’d moved across…

    Free Member

    I don’t block filtering bikers, but I would,like to know why they seem unable to obey speed limits in built up areas.

    Free Member

    Bigyinn – Same reason as car drivers fail to obey traffic law?

    althepal – filtering is legal.

    Free Member

    I always allow all traffic to filter. I never move over to allow traffic to pass – if someone wants to pass it is for them to do it safely, not for me to encourage a manoeuvre.

    Free Member

    filtering is legal.

    Only if it is accompanied with a take a ‘no prisoners’ approach, and the liberal use of horn/main-beam, in which case, special dispensation to squeeze into gaps that are too small is given.

    Although I personally, take offence to anyone passing me when I’m stuck in heavy traffic – they’re clearly taking the piss. Specially cyclists.

    Full Member

    motorbikers do like the best of all worlds though, which is a tiny bit irritating sometimes. They’ll filter “because they’re not part of the traffic” but then also will shove their way into the (“safe”) gap between cars when it suits them, extending the queue for traffic lights etc.

    If I commuted somewhere with lots of bikes doing this I’d prob get narked with them too

    Free Member

    scaredy pants – but it is no loss to you at all – you will end up behind the same car in the next traffic jam

    Free Member

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… a gives a ****

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