Bike now partly taken apart. The chainset was really hard to remove, it took loads and loads of effort to get the 10mm bolt to budge, but it did in the end.
Spotted a missing cable tie, just below the dropper post entry point. Parkesie, worth checking yours as without it the dropper cable was rubbing on the swing arm.
The tyres go up easily without tubes, although they need sealant to fully seal. Currently allowed to work on it in the house as it is a new bike, but thought using sealant was pushing it!
core, you are the same size as me. I haven’t ridden the bike yet, but in the picture above the saddle rails are 72cm above the bb (same as my other bikes) and it seems about right for me. The dropper post could go up another 3cm in the frame, so I could fit on a medium frame, but prefer a slightly longer TT. I would have thought a large would be fine for you. Or wait a day or two and I will let you know once I have ridden it.