Def not my car. Registered to the company, insured so that anyone can drive it and used by anyone in the company during work hours.
Used for removals etc during the day. I take it home evenings and weekends and when I’m on call its fr removals out of office hours.
One of the reasons I want to get shut is the fact thats its NOT my car. I seem to be responsible for it, eyes on me if a mark appears etc but evryone in the company drive it so it annoys the hell out of me that I’m held to account as if its my car despite the fact it isn’t.
There was a situation a few years ago when I was off work with meningitis and they wanted the car back to use it during the day whilst I was off, which meant I was without the car out of hours. Wasn’t really used but meant on a couple of occasions I was up the creek when I needed to drop the kids off at school. Seems to be a loaded deal with the company wanting there cake and eating it.