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  • Can a bird lay an egg in flight?
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    Whist driving along the M60 this evening The Mighty Vectra was struck on the windscreen by an egg.

    I wasn’t passing under a bridge and it didn’t come from the car in front.

    So, was it a…

    A) Thrown several hundred feet from the housing estate next to the carriage way?

    B) Dropped in flight by a bird that couldn’t wait?

    C) Done by magic?

    Free Member

    Yes, often happens in emergencies, much like tales of women giving birth in the footwells of the car on the way to hospital.

    Free Member

    dunno, but I’ve been owned by a starfish, which I can only assume was dropped by a seagull.

    Free Member

    If it was a small egg, it could have been dropped from the beak of a larger bird.

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    druidh – Member

    If it was a small egg, it could have been dropped from the beak of a larger bird.

    Can’t comment on its pre-impact size, but it was big enough for me to have to wash most of the car.

    Free Member

    sounds like a pterodactyl egg. do they lay eggs?

    Free Member

    Probably a laden swallow trying to gain a bit of speed.

    Full Member

    European or African?

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    Free Member

    Free Member

    dogbert, thats inspired.

    Full Member

    Baby Robin?

    Free Member

    Tis Easter, was it a Cadbury’s? any bunnies within range?

    Free Member

    Best thread title EVAR

    Full Member

    Just think yourself lucky it wasn’t two swallows dropping their coconut!

    Free Member

    Python is alive & well on STW. 😀

    Full Member

    Anyway… What were you doing driving? Aren’t you meant to be spending the day watching homes under the hammer in your PJ’s? Or were you nipping into town for a spot of shoplifting?

    Free Member

    Didn’t it happen in the Goodies?

    Full Member

    Can if it’s an Angry Bird

    Free Member

    I demand to know more about the starfish incident

    Full Member

    A good friend of mine once took out a jogger with a Manchester log end dartboard thrown from a speeding Capri.

    He may have gone back to his criminal ways, I’ll ask him.

    Free Member

    I demand to know more about the starfish incident

    Chocolate, or the more fishy variety?

    Free Member

    I don’t think they can, because they have nothing to brace against when they’re flying.

    It’s like farting whilst driving – you can’t do that unless you push slightly on the farting bracket to the left of the clutch.

    Full Member

    You can’t fart whilst pedalling – I read that on here once.
    True n’all.

    Full Member

    It’s like farting whilst driving – you can’t do that unless you push slightly on the farting bracket to the left of the clutch.

    Farting bracket. 😯 😀

    It does however bring Newton into the equation. If every action has an equal and opposite reaction does the bird experience a rapid change in velocity the insant is expells an egg? Do chickens make all that bloody noise because they bang their heads on the shed roof?

    Free Member

    Dunno about eggs but I was driving through a leafy part of Derbyshire once when what must have been a BIG bird shat on my car from a branch. A huge burst of gloopy brown liquid hit the windscreen and in panic I pulled the wash/wipe, which just spread it in a thin opaque brown film over most of the windscreen. For a few seconds I was not in control of the car and couldn’t see where I was going. At the next petrol station I stopped and jet washed the whole vehicle; I was still finding brown crap in nooks and crannies for a few weeks afterwards. I have never seen such a prodigious amount of liquid poo.

    Free Member

    I believe you are correct about Newton. My late grandmother told me that if you fart and sneeze at the same time you will do a backflip. This is based on science and I don’t think she would have made it up.

    On second thought, it might just have been spacemen that do that.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen my chickens lay an egg while running for food 😀 very funny

    Full Member

    thegreatape – Member
    I believe you are correct about Newton. My late grandmother told me that if you fart and sneeze at the same time you will do a backflip. This is based on science and I don’t think she would have made it up.

    My late grandmother told me that if you sneezed with your eyes open they would pop out. She also told me that giraffes couldn’t cough.

    Grandmothers are ace. Fact.

    Full Member

    Trip to snowdon last month following a van down windy B road, van ran over some roadkill and some rabbit guts got flicked up onto our windscreen, turned wipers on but the guts stuck to the wipers smearing rabbit juice all over the screen. Bleurgh.

    Full Member

    I’m sure I have farted whilst peddling?? 😕

    Can you not push against the bars for the leverage required to pop one out.

    Perhaps a question for Dr Nic, what bar width for sufficient fart leverage?

    Full Member

    Sorry, not possible, belive me, I’ve tried.

    Not pushed it to the limit, like, but theres only so much I’ll go through for science.

    Full Member

    Ah ok harry thanks for the clarification.

    Perhaps I must be getting confussed with laying and egg whilst peddling 😳

    Free Member

    some rabbit guts got flicked up onto our windscreen, turned wipers on but the guts stuck to the wipers smearing rabbit juice all over the screen. Bleurgh.

    Try 20 miles of road riding on roads where frogs have been crushed on their way to the river/stream to spawn. After about 3 miles I gave up trying to stop get it on me. Everything was very well washed on my return though.

    Free Member

    I was minding my own business in the carpark where I work when something smacked me on the head, looked around and saw a starfish on the ground and a bit of starfish slime on my head. There’s loads of seagulls about so I guess one dropped it. I told my colleagues on my lunch break but they just thought I’d finally lost the plot. so I went to get the starfish to show ’em.

    Did anybody see that programme with the baby quails trying to fly in zero gravity?

    Free Member

    I vote this thread for the new Picolax…

    Full Member

    I don’t know about laying eggs in flight but I did see a bird spew while running for the toilets.

    Full Member

    Many moons ago a mate of mine was having a quiet slash in a toilet cubical at The Brick House in Manchester. In runs a girl, barges open the door and pukes over his back.


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