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  • Campaign for more responsible cat ownership.
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    Clearly the OP will be paying for all the erosion he cause while out cycling offroad, on private land, as he would be responsible for the cost of re-instatement and repairs, no?

    Full Member

    I ride on public rights of way and my taxes pay for their repair to whatever minimal damage I cause.
    A better analogy would be me doing burn outs on my neighbour’s lawn and telling them to suck it up as that’s what motorbikists do and it’s just part of life.

    Free Member

    I’m gonna give it a go, I’m gonna train my cats and be a responsible cat owner,
    Right after I’ve finished training my goldfish to sit and fetch…

    Full Member

    I sympathise with you 100% zippykona but an e-petition isn’t going to make any difference, one of my neighbours has 7 cats – she used to have 9 but 2 are now missing, prob something to do with the amount of shite they leave in folks gardens and veg beds around here – all the neighbours are really pissed off.

    It’s quite easy to go cat fishing as all you need is a suitable mesh net stretched out across the area that you wish to protect from shite and then it’s just a waiting game, eventually you’ll hear a wailing and then you go and see what you’ve caught – I caught a few and word must get around – they don’t like it and before long they’ll stay clear of your garden, doesn’t hurt the cats and they soon get the message but removing them from the net can be tricky.

    Failing that get a Jack Russell that likes to hide out of site till the cats come right into the garden before launching an attack – who knew cats could jump 6ft and cling onto a roughcast wall?, remarkable creatures indeed!.

    Free Member

    My neighbour, who had completely had enough of the 5 cats from the property opposite shitting in his gravel drive, decided to soak some cat food in anti freeze and leave it in a bowl under his car. Unfortunately he got my 5 month old cat who had just started to venture beyond our garden gate.

    It was a very traumatic end to his short life.

    Full Member

    ^ that’s not nice

    Full Member

    I have no doubt that if a neighbour did that to one of my pets, one of us would certainly end up prosecuted.

    Full Member

    Responsible cat ownership would mean no cats getting poisoned and no neighbours getting punched.
    All the world needs are more cat litter trays.

    Free Member

    How would you even prove what cat shat on your lawn and who owned it?

    How would you even know who’s cat it was, my last cat didn’t come with a receipt, not that it was my cat officer, it was just resting in my account garden.

    Free Member

    If you don’t control your pets then someone else will. It’s not nice but owners have to do their bit to prevent it.

    Full Member

    I know which cat it is because it’s the same one that shit IN my car.

    Free Member

    In my old house with small garden I just chucked the cat poo back into my cat owning neighbour’s garden. I also use a super soaker when it came in one time but made the mistake of running up my tree so not a great escape.

    Full Member

    zippykona – Member
    I know which cat it is because it’s the same one that shit IN my car.

    Well at least it wasn’t in your garden. 😉

    Free Member

    Hmm, momentum is building, overnight the petition has shot up to 13 signatures 😯

    Full Member

    13 signatures on an e-petition !

    This has all the makings of a comedy sketch at the Edinburgh Fringe 🙂

    [Edit] I think that I will go and start one about seagulls,I bet it could get higher than 13 [edit]

    Free Member

    Ignorant cat owners should be neutered.

    Free Member

    I have managed to attain a state of calm as I trowel up the turds, deposit them in a little bag and drop them into the bin. I don’t really understand why it should be necessary for me to clean up after someone else’s animal if I don’t want a garden full of shit, but there we are.

    When I spot one, I chase after it snarling, throw a handful of gravel or turn the hose on it, depending on what comes to hand.

    Also, I like to piss in my garden. Someone once told me this annoys them, but it also feels great.

    The last thing we need is more absurd legislation about incredibly minor social problems however.

    Full Member

    Cat poo in your garden is annoying though! Ours has a designated are for it in our garden (he chose it) and we don’t grow anything edible there.

    Nothing is as bad as fox poo though!

    Free Member

    Our cat is very responsible. She only craps in our garden or the litter tray. I did try to have a word with her about this ‘problem’ & could she have a word with the other feline population round here but clearly she couldn’t give a shit.

    The Cat 001 by jimmyg352[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    “Rub my tummy and we can talk about it”

    Free Member

    Yeah, & rub mine while your on…

    Pepsi fat cat by jimmyg352[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    I effing hate clearing up cat shit from my garden. My 2yo boy seems to like picking it up though. Thanks responsible pet owners 😐

    I just let our German pointer out at them whenever I see one in our garden now, I think they’re starting to get the message 😈

    Free Member

    Tummy Rubs ??

    Count me in!

    tummy_rubs by danbury collins[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    a garden full of shit

    Can someone post a picture of these gardens ‘full’ of shit? How much do you actually get? I’ve lived in suburban houses for a long time, seen hundreds of cats, and I’m not familiar with this issue. Only ever seen a few turds, whenever I’d let the grass grow really long.

    Which makes me wonder why it’s worse for some people.

    I’ve just inherited a 20 year old cat that refuses to go anywhere but a litter tray. Any tips on how to train her to shit in the garden?

    (or preferably somebody else’s garden?)

    Free Member

    Can someone post a picture of these gardens ‘full’ of shit?

    You don’t need to look that closely to see far too many turds on this thread.

    Full Member

    I’ve had a word with Jeff and George, but they said they didn’t seem too bothered:

    Jeff and George by the fire by brf[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    How much do you actually get?

    Roughly one turd per day. Which equates to approximately 7 turds per week, or 30 per calendar month.

    That is quite a lot of individual turds in a small suburban garden (obviously I don’t let it “fill”, I clean it up. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s a tedious externality to be dealing with as a result of someone else’s choices.

    For what it’s worth, I have one of the larger gardens in my immediate neighbourhood, and I see at least 4 different cats coming and going. I suspect the people who own cats locally do not have gardens as large as mine.


    Full Member

    A simple Yes or No from the cat owners.
    Is it acceptable for your animal to foul in someone else’s garden?

    Free Member

    They’re shot on sight if they enter my property. If a cat is allowed to kill a bird or animal species that is protected by law, the owner should bear the full brunt of the law. It mystifies me why this isn’t the case.

    And it mystifies me why it is perfectly legal to shoot a dog that is worrying livestock, but perfectly illegal to shoot a cat that is killing rare or protected species on my land.

    As far as I’m concerned, the OP’s petition is a complete fail as all it seems to address is catshit in the herbaceous borders, and none of the more important aspects of the cat problem…

    Full Member

    Is it acceptable for your animal to foul in someone else’s garden?

    Yes, it’s a fact of life, you can’t stop them. I’d rather birds didn’t crap on washing etc, but they’re not going to stop either…

    Free Member

    Just squirt them with a water pistol.
    It’s fun, they don’t get hurt and they’ll avoid your garden.

    That’s coming from a cat owner. I squirt mine with a wee water pistol when they get out of line – it’s fun.

    Free Member

    I have one of the larger gardens in my immediate neighbourhood

    Oh yeah, the old “I’ve got more turds in my garden” brag.

    Free Member

    Just squirt them with a water pistol.

    Or just squirt them with a lead-infused jet of cold air from a Weihrauch hw100. It guarantees that they won’t do it again, and it’s still fun! Yey! 😀

    Free Member

    Yes, it’s a fact of life, you can’t stop them. I’d rather birds didn’t crap on washing etc, but they’re not going to stop either…

    Not much of a comparison – birds are wild animals.

    Free Member

    yourguitarhero – Member

    Just squirt them with a water pistol.

    i use a washing up liquid bottle; much more oomph. Range and aim not bad either.

    It’s fun,


    and they’ll avoid your garden.

    nope, if the cats that ‘visit’ my yard are anything to go by, cats are stupid as ****.

    (it doesn’t matter how many times they get a soaking, they’re back soon enough, for another soaking)

    Or just squirt them with a lead-infused jet of cold air from a Weihrauch hw100. It guarantees that they won’t do it again, and it’s still fun! Yey!

    Do you really use an air rifle to shoot cats for pleasure kudos?

    Free Member

    birds are wild animals

    Humans aren’t. So why are they buggering up the environment with all their crap ?

    Full Member

    Not much of a comparison – birds are wild animals.

    Except that in UK Law cats are considered untrainable:

    The law relating to the trespass of domestic animals is contained in the Animals Act 1971. However, cats enjoy a unique position as the Animals Act 1971 does not apply to them. A cat cannot, therefore, in law trespass. As a cat cannot trespass its owner cannot be legally responsible for what their cat does outside of their property.

    Full Member

    Footflaps, cat ownership is something you have chosen. It impacts upon your neighbours ,your view is selfish.
    As yet Ive not had to clean any bird poo off my lawn , even though I’d like to see bird in Surrey that does a shit as big as a cat’s.

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