Home Forums Chat Forum Caframo ecofan 812 – how fast should it spin?

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  • Caframo ecofan 812 – how fast should it spin?
  • mj27
    Free Member

    It arrived yesterday and went straight onto the stove and was spinning shortly after.

    I have positioned it as instructed but struggle to feel the air being blown by the fan.

    I am a bit underwhelmed by it at the moment.

    Is this as good as it gets?

    Free Member

    They do spin quite quickly but I have to have a really hot stove to be able to feel a breeze.

    Have you got a stove thermometer? Most people run thier stoves too cool for fear of running it too hot…

    Free Member

    I don’t suppose it needs much force to circulate the air. Think how easily a dropped hat permeates round a room/office/gymnasium without much force. Unless your stove is on a conveyor belt, it’ll be different then.

    Full Member

    I don’t really feel the direct movement of air from our stove top fan – a slight movement of air – but the cumulative effect of the fan over a period of time is very palpable. It really helps the air circulate the warm air around the house and down to the room at the end of the corridor.

    Full Member

    Same here, don’t really get a breeze but the room seems to heat evenly so you don’t need to sit on the floor in front of the fire.

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