At work I have a virtually limitless supply of “energy drinks”, specifically Rockstar. It comes in 500ml cans which have 32mgs of caffine aswel as guarana etc.
32 mgs of caffine seems to be a standard amount for these 500ml cans, things like monster and relentless etc all seem to have that amount. Is it much in comparison with coffee? And how much caffine is “acceptable”?
I try to (and usually do) limit myself to one can per day of this stuff, in the morning. I dont drink coffe so this is my “wake me up”.
Aside from the 300 odd calories, could they be doing me any harm? Will power is not a strong point of mine, and seeing as they are free and abundant it’s easier than walking to the shop to buy some healthier beverage.
I’d just like to hear people’s thoughts on them.