Home Forums Chat Forum Caffine/Energy drinks.

  • This topic has 14 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by rs.
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  • Caffine/Energy drinks.
    Free Member

    At work I have a virtually limitless supply of “energy drinks”, specifically Rockstar. It comes in 500ml cans which have 32mgs of caffine aswel as guarana etc.

    32 mgs of caffine seems to be a standard amount for these 500ml cans, things like monster and relentless etc all seem to have that amount. Is it much in comparison with coffee? And how much caffine is “acceptable”?

    I try to (and usually do) limit myself to one can per day of this stuff, in the morning. I dont drink coffe so this is my “wake me up”.

    Aside from the 300 odd calories, could they be doing me any harm? Will power is not a strong point of mine, and seeing as they are free and abundant it’s easier than walking to the shop to buy some healthier beverage.

    I’d just like to hear people’s thoughts on them.

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine, so long as you’re not “running on empty” and using them to keep you awake. Carry on. IMO.

    Free Member

    I know if youre a girl and drink more than 8 cups a day it makes PMS even worse than a normal person.

    Apparently drinking over 4 cups a day can increase the risk of a heart attack.

    Your average cup of filter coffee has about 700mg per litre, where as redbull has 320 mg/l.

    Just my musings….

    Free Member

    I would be more worried about the sugar content !

    Free Member

    What Marcus said, but too much caffeine is really bad for you. Not sure at what quantities it becomes ‘too much’ but my father who is a Paramedic at Nevis Range, treated someone at one of the DH world cups who was having severe palpitations and whole body tremor as a result of drinking 8 cans of ‘Relentless’.

    My 12 year old son is forbidden to drink caffeinated drinks and I’m always horrified to see young kids being given or allowed to drink them.

    Free Member

    8 cans!!? Jesus, I get the jitters after 2. I must try to ween myself off them. It’s hard when collegues are chugging them down all day – it’s the smell. It’s kind of horrible but yet strangely makes me want it.

    – I swear it makes my pee luminous.

    Free Member

    i know a guy (i’m loated to call him a friend) who is really addicted to the stuff. Started at uni with the all night LAN partys, cough cough, but now he goes through about 6-10 cans a day every day + coffee on top.

    I’ve seen him without and it ain’t pretty!!

    Free Member

    + caffine is a smimulant and should be regarded by society as such, you’d frown upon a co-worker who couldn’t get through the day without a line of chalie or two, where’s the difference?

    Full Member

    Info here

    I think the 32mg you’re referring to is per 100ml, so 160mg per 500ml can and roughly equivalent to 3 cups of instant coffee.

    Free Member

    I’ve been known to drink a 4 pack of the 300ml cans on a drive home, through boredom. Didnt seem to make any difference to me. But then neither does coffee or anything else like that, none of it keeps me awake and none of it gives me palpitations. Maybe I should be a medical marvel?!

    Free Member

    Normal coffee – 130-200mg per cup
    Cappucino/latte etc – 200-300mg
    Coke – 30mg per can
    Red Bull – 90mg per can

    From the top of my head.

    + caffine is a smimulant and should be regarded by society as such, you’d frown upon a co-worker who couldn’t get through the day without a line of chalie or two, where’s the difference?

    Caffeine doesn’t turn you into a prize tw*t, its supply chain isn’t run by criminals (if you buy fair trade, that is), doesn’t render you unable to socialise with anyone who isn’t also on it, and it tastes nice. Or at least is usually in things that taste nice.

    Free Member

    i had quite a lot (not sure how many cans) of redbull at a mates stag do a while back – seemed vodka and red bull was all people were drinking – and felt like i was going to have a heart attack! don’t drink caffinated things normally and even a can of red bull gives me a noticible increase in heart rate.

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    I’ve been known to drink a 4 pack of the 300ml cans on a drive home, through boredom. Didnt seem to make any difference to me. But then neither does coffee or anything else like that, none of it keeps me awake and none of it gives me palpitations. Maybe I should be a medical marvel?!

    Maybe you’re just abnormal?


    Free Member

    Maybe you’re just abnormal?


    It is an emerging revelation on here! I must just have surrounded myself with similar people to hide it!

    Free Member

    I love the blue monster (snigger snigger), only 1 can every day or so but its so good. I would drink more but I know it can’t be that good for me.

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