Impatient persons guide to purchasing from Ikea.
1.Know what you want before leaving the house.
Find the item on the website and make a note of the exact name.
2.Go straight to the tills.
Follow the signs for the food store. (Important: this is not the same as the restaurant.)
3.Make sure that the check out queues aren’t too long. Be prepared to abandon the quest at this point.
4. Go into the store, past the tills. Yes this is the exit, but conventional thinking is not your friend in Ikea.
5. Find a terminal.
You are now in the warehouse area and the place is littered with them.
6. Look up the item name you noted earlier.
You did remember to write it down, didn’t you?
7. Locate item, pay and exit as usual.
My record for successful shopping in Ikea is less than 15 minutes.