Home Forums Chat Forum Buying materials from EU for business purposes (for non VAT registered business)

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  • Buying materials from EU for business purposes (for non VAT registered business)
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    Say I wanted to buy a pallet-load of flooring from Poland for a job…

    I pay for the materials & carriage (which includes Polish VAT at 23%). They get couriered to me. Do I then have to pay any further import duties at port of entry? Or is that it?

    Can I just import and sell on to a client at an obscene profit and sit back polishing my belly with no fear of a wolf from HMRC calling at my door?

    As mentioned in the thread title, I’m not VAT registered.

    Full Member

    free trade = no import tariffs or additional VAT due from you.

    I *assume* VAT rules are the same as stuff you buy in the UK and pay VAT on before selling onto a customer.

    Free Member

    Can I just import and sell on to a client at an obscene profit and sit back polishing my belly with no fear of a wolf from HMRC calling at my door?

    VAT threshold is 82k so depends how much you are going to be selling it for

    Free Member

    Oh crikey, I wish I was going to be impacting the VAT threshold.

    Not yet unfortunately. 🙂

    Full Member

    I think you only have to cross the threshold in one month for it to apply for a year? So if you turn over 1/12th of 82k in any one month you have to register.

    Free Member

    I think it’s done on a rolling twelve month thing wwaswas, rather than on a month to month thing (from what I’ve just read on the HMRC site anyway).

    EDIT: and that can be on any twelve month period. But one month >82/12 wouldn’t necessarily put one over the threshold.

    Full Member

    Can you register for VAT even if you are under the threshold?

    Full Member

    *follows link*

    So it is 🙂

    Free Member

    yes you can

    Free Member

    Can you register for VAT even if you are under the threshold?

    You can – and if a-buyin’-and-a-sellin’ is a lot of your turnover, then you probably should. However, for me, I mostly sell labour and only occasionally sell materials.

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