My 2 year old Orange Alpine started playing up a bit a couple of weeks ago, creaking and making generally horrible noises under power.
Flipping it over I noticed a very think black line on the rear swingarm that looked like it might have been a crack.
I chucked the bike in the boot and took it over to Orange HQ where Ben took a really good look at it and confirmed a crack. He asked how quickly I needed it back as they’d need to replace the swingarm and if I could wait they’d strip the front end to check for further cracks and I could therefore have a colour change.
Anyway, just got my bike back today, completely refinished in their new polished ally effect silver powder coat, new bottom bracket because mine was gritty and new cables.
Absolutely stunning service from Orange, exceptionally helpful throughout and a huge reason why I’ll never buy anything other than an Orange. This isn’t the first time I’ve had warranty issues with Orange and they have absolutely blown every other company I’ve ever dealt with for ANYTHING clean out of the water. They absolutely go right out of their way to make you happy. When I had an issue with my 5 year old 5 and whilst they could have shrugged and told me to sod off based on the age of the frame, they sold me a new frame for half price, chucked in a custom colour upgrade, maxle upgrade and Kashima RP23 upgrade. They also stripped and rebuilt the bike with new cables and even chucked in a new seatpost and headset.
I’ve got a 5, an Alpine and a P7. They’re all fabulous bikes and whilst they’re not the cheapest, they all ride great, are superbly simple and Orange’s backup is absolutely stunning and just makes for the icing on the cake.