I think TJ's ongoing crusade to ride STW of subliminal racism smacks a little of someone who is now shunned by his peers and workmates after trying to point out the inherent bigotry in their thought processes.
He's an Englishman in Scotland. I have an inkling of where his tendency to see racist bogeymen in every thread may have come from….
As for Fred, I dont hold much respect for the proposition: "Dont judge him unless you've met him in real life…"
The internet is every bit as much "real life" as being down the pub. If you cant be civil in here, then you cant be expected to be treated as someone who might well be civil down the Dog & Duck.
As nickc says, whether he comes back or not doesn't really bother me – his inability to argue in a style any more refined than shouty shouty belligerence has never put me on the debating back foot – but if he did, you could start the countdown timer until his next banning.