Threads like this have a depressingly insular feel to them, but IMO…
I don't think this forum is really an adequate substitute for face to face human interaction, whether it be banter, heated debate, or otherwise. When it works it's usually between people who already know each other in real life. If you're just trying to do it with strangers, it can come across as the equivalent of shouting into a jar.
Where this forum comes into its own is as a place to exchange information. If you want to find out what size seat post your frame takes and can't be arsed to walk to the garage, or if you're wondering whether there is any good riding in the vicinity of Scunthorpe, someone on here will know the answer. Often they will present it in a way that is pretty entertaining too.
IMO a lot of Rudeboy's posts (not all, but the great majority) had no informative content. They were basically the equivalent of someone standing on a street corner and shouting "LOOOOOOOOK AT MEEEEEEE!". That's OK, and there is maybe some amusement to be had both from the OP and the responses, but it doesn't contribute much.
I think that makes me a lot less inclined to defend him than, say, someone like SFB, who despite having the same tendency to turn the subject of every thread towards himself, is genuinely knowledgeable and helpful some of the time.
I'm probably doing the guy a disservice but it seemed like towards the end of his time here he pretty much used to post about himself, anyone who offered advice that he didn't want to hear was moaned at, and he could also be pretty offensive (I don't really think it's OK to call someone a c–t on a public forum, unless it's purely for humourous effect). Defend him if you like and I don't mind if he is reinstated but I don't miss him either.