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  • Bridleway rights and farmers
  • DezB
    Free Member


    Free Member

    its his field, how about holding a ploughing match in your office, after all its not liek your wanting to inconvenience his work for the benifit of your hobby?

    Right so it’s okay for him to do whatever he wants, bang in the middle of a public road? Or is it different to you in some way just because it’s a right of way that only bikes and horses can go down? Would it be okay for a farmer to decide to leave a tractor blocking a road for a few weeks?


    Full Member

    Erm where was all this salt the other week when we had a national shortage and the country ground to a halt?

    Except up north where we had bugger all snow 🙁

    Free Member

    Had a similar problem a couple of years ago, saw the farmer and asked when he was going to reinstate the BW to which he replied “I’m too f**king busy – **** off my land”.

    I reported the ‘conversation’ to the ROW officer who examined the BW and they ‘requested’ the ROW be reinstated, 3 weeks later they slapped a court date on him and he got fined (eventually).

    Apparently he’d clashed with the ROW officer before so they follwed through.

    Full Member

    Erm where was all this salt the other week when we had a national shortage and the country ground to a halt?

    Mostly getting delivered out to happy customers who could use it to maintain their roads.

    Full Member

    Ermm- not all MTB riders jump lights, litter trails etc. Not all farmers act in the unpleasant ways some people have listed above. In fact, the guys around where I live (Western part of Brecon Beacons) all seem to be pretty good people.

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