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  • Brexit benefits – lets start a list
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    Thinking about it can you even get beer in a pint size can/bottle


    Free Member

    Thinking about it can you even get beer in a pint size can/bottle

    You’ve been able to get Stella and Fosters in pint cans for years. Think Newcastle Brown is a pint bottle

    Full Member

    I would buy 500ml bottles of wine tbh, always seem to struggle to get through a 750ml these days

    Er, I mean 568ml, of course

    Full Member

    Why would any ‘winery’ essentially re-tool thier production line just for UK to make a different sized bottle?

    They won’t but UK bottling plants can import the cheapest, roughest wine and put it in the smaller bottles and charge more for rubbish. Also makes a mockery of our drive to Net Zero more weight of glass to be moved around the country for the same volume of wine as currently.

    Full Member

    Half price chocolate hob nobs in coles

    Full Member

    OMG, I have just tried to reclaim £700 of VAT and customs duty incorrectly charged on an import. You fill in a form on the HMRC website and… POST it to HMRC. What the actual?? Who in their right mind designs these things? Non-tariff trade barrier loving morons. ‘**** business’ Boris said. Obviously as an imperative.

    Full Member

    “We’ve always done it this way.”

    Free Member

    Pretty certain wine is imported in big bins and bottled locally as cheaper to transport, so we could use pint bottles in the UK, bloody well hope not though……

    Free Member

    I would buy 500ml bottles of wine tbh, always seem to struggle to get through a 750ml these days


    Full Member

    I’m enjoying a schadenfreude situation. We have one mate who voted for this shambles. Up to now he’s been quite muted, until that is he’s tried to buy something large from the eu.

    It amazing how irked he became when he was informed by the seller that he might have to pay import duty, would have to pay VAT and a service charge imposed by the courier. Then when we pointed out that it wasn’t the invoice amount that determined the level of duty but the price of the first search result in the UK for a similar item he became livid.

    Full Member

    TBH given that one of the biggest draws to Brexit was giving extra money to the NHS I’m surprised that more unhappiness isn’t occurring around the state of it.

    When Jack swapped his cow for magic beans at least he got a result.

    I’m not sure what type of fairy tale Brexit is turning into.

    Full Member

    Thinking about it it’s the pied piper 🙁

    Full Member


    but the price of the first search result in the UK for a similar item he became livid.

    Genuine question, is that really what customs do? Just Google a similar item rather than check invoice amount?


    Full Member

    If they expect an artificially low declared value, they must do some kind of comparison with real world values. How would you go about that without using a tool like Google? Normally though, the value declared would be used for the basis of both VAT & duty calcs.

    Full Member

    ^^ Cheers for the clarification. I thought he meant that’s what they did by default, rather than only if they think there is some skulduggery going on.

    Free Member

    So you scour the internet for the best price, negotiate hard and get a great price just for HMRC to say – Should have bought it from and twice the price so we will tax you as if you did. Great. I wonder if they use the same approach when reviewing Self Assessments?

    Full Member

    If you’ve sourced at half price, you’ll be fine. £1K+ items regularly coming through with sub £135 costs declared have to be dealt with somehow.

    Free Member

    Ok, I guess that does make sense. Let’s hope they do apply the logic or at least let you appeal in a reasonable manner

    Free Member

    Oooooooooh, oooooooooooohhh, I’ve got a benefit!!!

    Another whining muppet on one of the immigrants in sweden pages has (finally) been banned from reentering the country after spending years and years saying he doesn’t have to fill in all the forms that that migration people said he had to fill in after brexit.

    Went home at easter, wasn’t allowed back in. Not allowed back in for a number of years now.

    That’s the third or fourth to fall.

    All the more amusing as they seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time whining about how bad Sweden was/is and how the UK would be much better. Until they can’t get back in.

    Full Member

    TBH given that one of the biggest draws to Brexit was giving extra money to the NHS I’m surprised that more unhappiness isn’t occurring around the state of it.

    You underestimate – or rather perhaps, overestimate – the brexit brain.

    The Great Bus Lie was one of the first to fall, it was literally the morning after the referendumb when Garage (IIRC) was on TV admitting that it wasn’t true.  Then the brexit brains quickly rallied, the bus didn’t read “we’ll send the money to the NHS,” it said “let’s give it to the NHS”.  There were no promises made, it was just a suggestion, the brexies knew this all along of course and how could the rest of us been so stupid?

    You’ve got to hand it to them really, for all their faults they’re slipperier than a greased otter.  Wearing slippers.  We think we’re the smart ones but Leave.EU outmanoeuvred us at every turn.

    Free Member

    Benefit incoming – pigs will probably have an enhanced diet for a few months as border check IT systems fall over (what a surprise) and perishable food items sit in trailers.

    Full Member

    Oh goody.

    Free Member

    ^^^  does that also apply to EU citizens?

    Full Member

    The LBC piece says nonEU only.

    Full Member

    You are in the clear Alpin…….

    “The EES applies to you if you are a non-EU national travelling for a short stay to a European country using the EES who either:

    possesses a short-stay visa; or
    does not need a visa to stay for a maximum of 90 days in any 180-day period.
    Your travel document data and personal data will be collected, as well as your entry and exit dates, and will be registered electronically in the system. This procedure will facilitate your border crossing.

    If you overstay the period allowed in the European countries using the EES, the system will identify you and record this information.”

    Full Member

    It’s no different to scanning your passport and looking at the facial recognition screen when arriving back into the UK by air though? Unless I’m missing something?

    What are the new EU travel rules and how will they impact Brits?

    Free Member

    You are in the clear Alpin…

    Trees bien

    Full Member

    Unless I’m missing something?

    Fingerprint required as well. Airports might be “easy” but I’d imagine any car ferry point of access is going to be a nightmare.

    Full Member

    In the light of the election announcement if the expected wipeout happens, the benefit will be the removal of the Tory party as a significant part of the political landscape.

    Free Member

    Only to be replaced by Reform

    Full Member

    Reform will suffer the same fate if they continue down the path of Europhobia. I expect it to kill labour too as it’s the gordian knot of British politics.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    In the light of the election announcement if the expected wipeout happens, the benefit will be the removal of the Tory party as a significant part of the political landscape.

    As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, there will always be a party that panders to greed and individualism as opposed to what is better for society as a whole. The name changes but there will always be a “Tory” party of some sort unfortunately.

    Free Member

    It’s not even greed and individualism, for many it’s being too ignorant to vote in ones own interests and spite. I’ve noted a trend in those around me:

    Well-educated but modest income: centre left/socialist.

    Educated well to do: centre right

    Old money: right

    Poorly educated, ignorant of how the world works, I’m all right Jack,  cops, miserable old ****, xenophobic/racist, haterz, authoritarian… : Hard right (or hard left, amounts to the same thing).

    I’d love to see the correlation between being hard right ( or hard left) and voting Brexit – which brings us back on topic.

    Full Member

    I’ve got £176 of  import duty that was incorrectly applied to my import back. Is that a benefit? I only had to spend an hour researching what to do, filling in the form online then printing it out and posting it to HMRC… hopefully the other £500 of incorrectly charged VAT will reappear when I do my VAT return.

    Free Member

    I’ve found a brexit benefit


    Since we left we’ve banned sand eel fishing, now those pesky Danish fishermen are challenging our right to do that with the EU’s support.

    Full Member

    Yay. More issues to export and missing out on huge growth of online sales in the EU.

    Full Member

    *rolls eyes*

    (TBF, they would still have to show ID in Schengen).

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