City centre hotel buffet breakfasts are usually a dismal affair, with congealed beans and cold eggs etc.
However, at the Kimpton Clocktower in Manchester the other week, this was pretty much the best hotel brekky I’ve ever had – was in the usual walk down and pick what you want arrangement, but dished out by staff and a quick turnaround on food, so none of it had been sat long
Full English in the pub this morning which had the novelty of triangular sections of black pudding. Three accompanying pints (Hopback Winter Lightning, Orkney Blast & Thornbridge St Petersburg) soon dulled any concerns, and also required an afternoon ride to clear the noggin. Gawd bless beer & a fried brekker!
It’s been a long while since I had one but I used to enjoy the Big Kat breakfast in Katsouris Manchester.
An even longer time ago I was working as resident engineer on some major surface works at a colliery so I used to get to use the pit canteen. Yesterday’s left over mashed spuds fried up as potato cakes were sublime.
In Mustique a few years back the cook made some sort of curry dish with a poached egg on top.
Beautiful curry and a beautiful egg.
Still can’t figure out if I liked it or not.
Wild camping in a forest in North Jutland having battled the northerly wind for days on tbe NSCR. Posh cafe in some genteel town, me and the wife demolished an all you can eat brunch. Burgers, cereals, pickled random stuff. Must have looked like hobos. Shameless.