We have a Panasonic one now after the seal on the tin of the previous one, a Russell Hobbs, failed after about two years of every-other-day use. The Panasonic one is a lot more expensive than the old one (it was a pressie!) and has disadvantages and advantages.
– the bread comes straight off the paddle every time; the other one you always had to dig out the paddle which made a mess.
– a “standard” loaf takes four hours instead of three, so needs to be started earlier on an evening if you don’t want to be waiting up until 1am if you want to make sandwiches the night before rather than in the morning
– it’s taller, so doesn’t fit under our kitchen cupboards with the lid open, which the other one did.
– the bread is probably a bit more consistent, and doesn’t leave unmixed flour in the corner of the tub like the other one did sometimes, but as for the overall quality of the bread I can’t tell the difference.