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  • Boris Johnson!
  • nick1962
    Free Member

    I think I posted several years back on one thread on here,”Imagine a world where Trump becomes US president and Boris UK PM”….
    On the positive side Boris doesn’t have an eye for detail (ie is lazy) and is a good at delegation so maybe our future lies in the hands of unelected advisers.I hope they’re better than Theresa May’s.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    If Brits are so resigned to the fact that we are to continue as a slow-mo car crash to some bitter end then he’s driving crashing a Fiat Accompli into Trumpville. No airbags.

    Full Member

    There was a story about a rumour that the committee banned phones in the voting chamber on the grounds Boris team was wanting mps to take a photo of the ballot paper with the cross in the right place. Just in case people were lying about their support to hedge their bets when it comes to the nice ministerial jobs.

    Free Member

    Top boy him and the Trumper for dragging blond hair into disrepute.

    Full Member

    He got more than a third of the votes in the first round.

    Hopefully the other near-two-thirds of Tory MPs will continue to vote for anyone-but-Boris as the process moves forward.

    Full Member

    Unfortunately, as Channel 4 news has just shown when interviewing a selection of typical Tory members (Male, White, rich, retired and from the south east), they all absolutely love him!

    If he’s in the last two – which he surely must be already – then he’ll walk it

    The depressing reality is that barring him ****ing it up for himself, he’s our next PM.

    That’s why his team are keeping him locked in a cupboard and only letting him out if he promises not to open his mouth.

    Our only hope is that with a past as dodgy as his, someone’s got some real dirt that they’re waiting to spill

    Full Member

    Of course they will vote for Boris. Anything else is handing control to Farage or Corbyn.

    Full Member

    ^^^^ Is the nation really that insane?


    seemingly not actually that insane & apparently #faknews

    Full Member

    Given the past few years… do you even need to ask?

    Full Member

    Our only hope is that with a past as dodgy as his, someone’s got some real dirt that they’re waiting to spill

    There must be.
    But will it get out? Doubt it.

    The media are terrified of the Tories – the BBC is fighting for it’s life and the sensible print/net sources are irrelevant now, fake news innit?
    Strange how McVey’s alleged affair with the modern Mosely is never mentioned…….

    Free Member

    Chris Grayling is backing Boris. Surely even Boris must be a little worried by that?

    Full Member

    Love how everyone here just keeps ignoring a certain troll so they keep upping their comment game only to be further ignored.

    Back on topic, another angry voice over on Facebook earlier suggested he always goes against what he’s been elected on.
    Personally I think at the moment he’s doing his usual I can do this and general throwing shit from the sidelines. It’ll be interesting to see what happens should he be elected and actually make decisions.

    Full Member

    a Fiat Accompli

    I see what you did there, well played.

    Free Member

    `whats to stop a bunch of people clubbing together to fund say 63001 conservative memberships (although presumably you won’t need that many as all of the existing ones aren’t going to vote for the same person) and voting for whichever one is the least problematic? I’d put in a few quid.

    Full Member

    I think you have to have been a member for so many months in order to be eligible to vote, otherwise i’m sure someone would do that!!

    Full Member

    About 30k new members signed up since Aron banks suggested they should infiltrate the Tories last year, 160k total iirc

    Full Member

    The whole Tory leadership selection is a show. It’s bread and circuses. The vast majority of people throughout the nation’s of the UK have no say in this. The media are letting us all down by not pointing out just how small a group actually have a vote in this farcical sham of democracy.

    Full Member



    `whats to stop a bunch of people clubbing together to fund say 63001 conservative memberships (although presumably you won’t need that many as all of the existing ones aren’t going to vote for the same person) and voting for whichever one is the least problematic? I’d put in a few quid.

    Pretty much the opposite has already happened, though inexplicably the press isn’t full of wailing about Tory entryism (their membership has gone up by about a third in the last year)

    Free Member

    The big problem the Torys have got is finding someone who the public will actually vote for – Hunt and Gove are not going to get much public backing, and after Boris promised a tax cut for the big earners I am surprised if the public will be very warm to him.

    I think that ultimately the top three from yesterdays vote will not ultimately get the top job.

    Free Member

    If we are judging PMs on their moral histories, then frankly you know nothing about the intimate details of the ruling political classes since…the beginning of time.
    Power doesn’t corrupt – those who seek power are already corrupt.
    If you are looking for innocence then go to your local coffee shop barista or NHS frontline worker – those who serve, etc., shall hopefully inherit the kingdom of god. They deserve to.

    Full Member

    All I know is the man needs to invest in a **** comb or a brush. You’re a grownup FFS, brush your hair. Boris and Trump, truly we’re getting the leaders we deserve. Apathy brought us here

    Free Member

    Apathy brought us here

    Populism brought us here. People not taking in by populism are not apathetic, we just don’t have the numbers. Populism is not surprisingly popular…

    Free Member

    Our only hope is that with a past as dodgy as his, someone’s got some real dirt that they’re waiting to spill

    He’s a racist, liar and philanderer. His supporters don’t care. See also: Donald Trump.

    Full Member

    Hunt and Gove are not going to get much public backing, and after Boris promised a tax cut for the big earners I am surprised if the public will be very warm to him.

    I think that ultimately the top three from yesterdays vote will not ultimately get the top job.

    The “public” has no say in it. It will be decided by about .3 percent of the population. Whoever they choose from the current nominees is guaranteed the “top job” until a general election is called. Due to the Fixed Term Parliament Act that could be 2022

    Full Member

    The country needs to go through some true hardship. Perhaps for a generation, to finally quell this whole hateful Brexit/ far right resurgence

    Yep I said this a while back. I was called selfish. But it’s true.

    We need a financial collapse and the public need to see they are always being screwed at the expense of private debt.

    As for Bojo, like Farage he’s a character – good or bad doesn’t matter he gets attention all the time and that resonates.

    Free Member

    I’m looking forward to him being PM. I assume that will be the end of Michael Gove for one, and secondly it’s got to be worth a couple of percent swing to the Yes vote in Scotland for IndyRef2.

    Full Member

    It’s like some horrible catch 22. If Joseph Heller were around he’d be quite worried.

    The only ones to get into power are those with power, those that need and should be represented by power are not. Just the powerful representing the needs of the powerful for the power hungry.

    Full Member

    I’m looking forward to him being PM. I assume that will be the end of Michael Gove for one

    This +1

    Despite his buffoonery, Boris is actually quite a good business man, kind of like Trump without the narcissim – judge on the scale of politicisation vs average man of course.

    I’l be interested to see that if he becomes PM, his advisors might reign in the former and the latter might shine a bit.  I imagine that’d be a tricky balance.

    Full Member

    Despite his buffoonery, Boris is actually quite a good business man

    What absolute nonsense. For a start he’s never been “a businessman” his response to business being worried about a no deal brexit was “**** business”. And let’s not forget the Garden Bridge fiasco…

    Free Member

    You mean they’ll make him less of a businessman and more of a Trump like muppet?

    I can see that working.

    I think what Boris is actually good at is diverting attention. He’s like the proverbial “good day for bad news”. If the Tories get him in no 10, they can do all sorts of other stuff without anyone noticing. Just wheel out Boris to make a few gaffes and fill up the front page. And doesn’t he look all cuddly with his untidy mop.

    Full Member

    To be fair, that was good business for the consultants…

    Full Member

    Despite his buffoonery, Boris is actually quite a good business man

    Cite. Unless the business you are referring to is the promotion of one Boris Johnson.

    Free Member

    What the…! Since when has BJ been a good businessman? I bet he was trusted to run the tuck shop at Eton and ran it into the ground after 5 mins / ate the entire stock. Oh Boris with your Billy bunteresque japes! Quick here comes matron!

    Full Member

    kind of like Trump without the narcissism

    What? The man is a walking narcissistic personality disorder

    Full Member

    Back on topic, another angry voice over on Facebook earlier suggested he always goes against what he’s been elected on.

    You have to understand that all that matters currently for him is getting first the support of a majority of Tory MPs – look serious / be the only way of saving your own job and party / look General Election electable and then appealing to the majority of Tory party members.

    He’ll promise anything – tax cuts / the death penalty / free holidays for rich OAPs / public chocolate fountains – so the latter will vote for him, BUT once it’s done and he’s elected, he never needs to appeal to them again, so there are no real consequences to lying. It’s slightly different with MPs, but for the members, it doesn’t make any practical difference. He can promise anything and then go back on it without consequences.

    Our only hope is that with a past as dodgy as his, someone’s got some real dirt that they’re waiting to spill

    It would have to be seismic, like he’s a robot or Putin’s secret cold war lover or something. Part of his appeal is that the Tories already know he’s a duplicitous, serial liar, philanderer, buffoon, probably narcissist etc. But if you think about it, that’s actually something of an advantage for someone who won’t be able to deliver what he promises. When he goes back on his word, no-one will remotely surprised.

    He’s awful though. When he was answering questions at his launch thing, he started to look like an oversized teddy bear that was about to start leaking stuffing through badly stitched seams. Shifty, blustering, evasive. But then it’s not like anyone didn’t know that already.

    Free Member

    I read an interesting artical about what other foreign diplomats thought of Boris when dealing with him during his time as foreign Secretary.

    They thought he he was totally useless.

    Full Member

    And when Boris marries his mistress a situation becomes vacant.
    What I can’t get over is how lightweight they all are…people I’ve never heard of before now seeking to be PM without a mandate from the electorate and talk of suspending parliament. This is a real spectator sport. I just worry about how those people will react who’ve been suckered into far-right populism when they become even poorer and lose their jobs etc etc.
    Boris has already shown his political astuteness by announcing tax cuts for the wealthy at the same time as the elderly are losing their free TV licenses. Trump’s comments on the NHS helped Labour win brexit-voting Peterborough. This ****storm is going to run and run.

    Free Member

    I just worry about how those people will react who’ve been suckered into far-right populism when they become even poorer and lose their jobs etc etc.

    They will just believe the next bit of populist nonsense that explains why they are poorer and have no job. They are hardly going to become politically enlightened.

    Full Member

    Boris has already shown his political astuteness by announcing tax cuts for the wealthy at the same time as the elderly are losing their free TV licenses.

    He’s just appealing very specifically to the Tory party members whose votes he needs. It’s not exactly genius: they’re old, rich people who would like to pay less tax. At this point he doesn’t give stuff about the wider electorate and, in particular, old people who will actually notice having to pay for a TV licence because, guess what, they’re not Tory party members. Don’t be suckered into thinking this has anything to do with the wider electorate, at this stage he’s just doing anything he needs to, to appeal to that very particular constituency.

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