The Singletrack 502 Raffle: Win A Cannondale Habit LT 1

by 101

We reviewed this bike in issue 151 of Singletrack World Magazine – read the full review here.

Cannondale have stepped up and offered us this amazing bike worth £4750 for our first ever raffle prize draw. For a chance to win this bike and help us raise the money to upgrade our server you can buy raffle tickets from us via our page on

The Bike

This is the Habit LT. Not to be confused with the Habit. The LT stands for longer travel (the standard Habit is a 140/130mm bike) and it offers a 150mm travel fork with 140mm of rear travel. Both Habits are available in aluminum or carbon. We tested the Carbon Habit LT 1.

Despite this being the flagship Habit LT, the build kit is not offensively and pointlessly expensive. The bits on this bike have still clearly been chosen with an eye on maximum bang for buck. The fork is perhaps the best indication of intent here; you can’t buy this fork. It’s an OEM only fork. It’s essentially RockShox’s best damper (Charger 3) but stripped of Buttercups (RockShox’s anti-vibration rubber puck thingies). To all real-life on-trail intents and purposes, this is an Ultimate level fork with Select+ decals. The rear shock is a standard Super Deluxe Select+, which works pretty darned fine.

Gears are SRAM Eagle GX. Again, all fine. Not showy. Kudos to Cannondale for speccing a 30T chainring; we like a 30/52T spinny bail-out gear, so thanks! The brakes are SRAM Code R which have the power and feel but miss out on SRAM’s Swinglink stuff (basically a cam that pushes more fluid at the beginning of the lever stroke) and bite-point adjustment.

Our raffle page can be found by clicking this button

Tickets cost £5 each. For the first 7 days if you buy4 tickets you will get an extra ticket free. 5 chances to win for £20.

Help us build a better website

Money raised through this raffle will be ring-fenced and used to upgrade our website servers. You can find out why we are doing this by clicking the box below.

Terms and conditions

This raffle is open to all but we will only deliver the prize to a UK address. Alternatively if you win you can arrange to collect the bike from our office in Todmorden, West Yorkshire. Delivery to a UK address is free but any costs associated with collection of the bike must be born by the winner.

The winner will be picked at random from the list of valid entries by and the winner will be notified shortly after the closing date for this raffle. The closing date can be found on the Raffle page by clicking the button above.

Staff and immediate family of Singletrack staff are prohibited from entry.

The prize is a size medium – other size options are NOT available

Help us feed the hamsters

Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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  • The Singletrack 502 Raffle: Win A Cannondale Habit LT 1
  • 1
    Full Member

    Make this sticky and put all the other 502 Club info up!? :-)

    [Edit] I see it’s in a drop down. 🤦‍♂️

    Full Member

    Do we get to know what the t shirt sizes are and the design and colour

    Full Member

    Looks like a good cause to support. I’ve gone for the buy four get one free option. Hopefully lots of people chip in to support and (maybe) win a bling bike.

    Full Member

    Would love to support, but no choice in the size of the bike? That seems a bit weird.

    Full Member

    The size restriction is because that’s the size they have for this prize. It won’t always be th ecase with prizes gong forward (there will be more raffles) but in this instance the time constraints mean that a full rang eof sizes are not always available.

    Many brands and distributors have a limited range of stock they can use for promotional purposes. This is one such case.

    Full Member

    The size restriction is because that’s the size they have for this prize.

    Is this just a bike in size medium they have provided? So not the bike (in large) as tested by Ross?

    Full Member

    It’s a brand new bike in size medium and not the actual bike tested by Ross. It’s the same model and spec just new and in medium.

    Full Member

    Medium is just fine. All you lanky gits can just donate instead of thinning my chances of winning 😜

    Full Member

    Thanks for clarifying. It was only the posts above that led me to the small print. My first read I thought it was for the large test bike.

    Any upcoming raffles for large framed enduro bikes?

    Full Member

    We are negotiating other raffles but it’s a little early for me to announce, but if things go to plan you will be catered for.

    Full Member

    You need a totaliser to show 502 Club progress! 🤣 🤣

    I’ve got some bottle tops I could send!

    Full Member

    Do we get to know what the t shirt sizes are

    how are the t-shirts arranged if you donate? No option on donation page. How would you guys know what sizes etc?

    Full Member

    Kudos to STW for embracing the 502 thing :D

    the-muffin-manFull Member
    You need a totaliser to show 502 Club progress! 🤣 🤣

    I’ve got some bottle tops I could send!

    Bring-and-buy sale anyone?

    Full Member

    Once you donate, you email Zoe with your details.

    All is explained in your ‘order’ confirmation.

    Full Member

    Some very early donators didn’t get Zoe’s email. My first mailshot to the 502 Club Newsletter will also have instructions for t-shirts. essentially drop Zoe an email with your username if you haven’t already. She’s managing a massive spreadsheet with everyone on it.


    Full Member

    Thanks @tomhoward and @Mark

    Full Member

    Good luck and thanks to all those who have entered and donated. The little business you’re supporting is worth it, like all products there are some quirks but it wouldn’t be the same if it didn’t. More importantly you’re keep a great group of people in work.

    Full Member

    @mark how do you up the price you pay for a sub please?

    Full Member

    You have an actual server?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    If I win, I’ll ride it at Ard Rock and then drop it back at STW Towers on my way home, so they can raffle it again.

    Full Member

    Kudos to STW for embracing the 502 thing 😀

    What’s the 502 stand for? I did read the explainer in the “about” expanding section.

    You have an actual server?

    They’re migrating from one cloud service provider to another, the new one charges biannually rather than monthly so they have a £12k bill coming up.

    Full Member

    how do you up the price you pay for a sub please?

    You can donate anything extra here…

    What’s the 502 stand for? I did read the explainer in the “about” expanding section.

    From the above link

    Donate towards the upgrade and upkeep of our servers so we can get rid of those frustrating 502 errors. We want to make our site faster, more reliable and with more features for our members but we need your help to get that work started.

    Full Member

    Sorted,  will the raffle draw be live like the Megasack big draw

    Full Member

    Entered. My birthday is 25th April, so it would a nice pressie….

    Full Member

    My birthday is 25th April, so it would a nice pressie….

    So is mine, and it’s a ‘big’ birthday, so back off! 😁

    Full Member

    Donated for completely selfish reasons.

    I can’t imagine waking up one day, grabbing the mobile and going on the forum one day/reading an email that say it’s all closing down.

    I like this place and the mag but there are other times I *need* this place.

    I’m donating as I’m a selfish SOB .

    Full Member

    Thanks Poop.

    As I said in my email, we aren’t a charity so only donate if you think it’s worth it for you.

    Full Member

    If ever there was a time when members and non members need to think about helping out then this is it.

    This forum is unique in what it provides in a multitude of areas and it it was to go would be difficult if not impossible to replace.

    Mark has told it how it is. It now clear for all to see

    It’s up to use now to ensure we help out and it keeps going 🤞

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Thanks Poop.

    As I said in my email, we aren’t a charity so only donate if you think it’s worth it for you.

    It absolutely is worth it and I know many will say the same. 👍

    Full Member

    I’ve entered the raffle.

    Is that all I need to do regarding spending the £5 on the Raffall site?

    Full Member

    That’s it.

    Now, we haven’t used this raffle platform before but as I understand it you will all have been sent an email containing your ‘raffle tickets’. Apparently if you win you will be notified by email and to claim your prize you need to click a button or something in that email?

    Anyway, at the other end we will be notified who has won by Raffall and we’ll make contact with the winner directly and arrange to get the bike to them. Once the bike arrives the winner then confirms it’s arrived and all is well by clicking another link in the ticket (or some other email – I’m not sure). Once that prize has been confirmed by the winner the raffle ticket money will be released to us.

    This is a learning process for all of us.

    And some have asked why we are using a third party to run the raffle when we’ve always run our own competitions (MegaSack et al). The answer is because raffles are different to free to enter competitions. Money is being handed over for an entry and there are strict rules that need to be followed. Now, while I think we could easily follow those rules ourselves it’s much easier for us to hand over the box ticking and legal requirements to a third party who do this day in day out. It’s one less thing we need to get anxious about. It saves us a lot of time and we have a lot to do already. 10% of the ticket revenue goes to Raffall for their services, which I think is fine – especially as they alos offer guarantees to you guys buying the tickets. If the prize doesn’t show for whatever reason Raffall promise to payout 75% of the ticket revenue to the winner. Although I have no worries about getting the prize to the winner I think that’s a reassuring promise from a ticket buyers POV.



    Full Member

    Ta for the extra info regarding the raffle.

    I’ve read the stuff associated with the upgrade and donated some cash as well.

    Picked up a bottle opener headset spacer thingy whilst i was shopping.

    Full Member

    Entered. It’s almost destiny I’m going to win. I have a 2004 Cannondale Jekyll, a 2017 Cannondale Habit, both of which unfashionable little wheeled, and I leave in  the Calder Valley for easy pickup.

    Full Member

    Entered. I’m sure I can fit a medium playbike. 🤞

    Full Member

    My birthday is 25th April, so it would a nice pressie….
    So is mine, and it’s a ‘big’ birthday, so back off! 😁

    And it’s my birthday too. Midway between big birthdays and would be nice compensation for only making the shortlist for Big Hitters…..

    Full Member

    Can we cancel the raffle Mark?

    Id sooner pay to see all the birthday boys go at it Hunger Games style via a live stream. 😁


    It’s my birthday this year, so this would make it extra special.

    It’s been a tough year for our family – our nephew Johnny lost his pet grasshopper recently and is struggling to get over it. The grasshopper was a big fan of Cannondale bikes, so if we won, I’d be able to take the bike round to Johnny’s and let him look at it occasionally to remind him of his deceased insect

    Here’s hoping, we never have any luck. Fingers crossed we are lucky this time


    Raffle entered, will drop a donation at some point

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Haven’t had an email with my raffle tickets, should I be worried?

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