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  • Boris – boot in trap moment, Obama content
  • gwaelod
    Free Member

    I don’t live in London, so don’t know the ins and outs of campaign, but I have picked up that some are insinuating that Goldsmith is running a subtle islamophobic campaign.

    I always thought London was a fairly multicultural city – isn’t campaigning to be the Mayor based on a racism-lite platform in failty cosmopolitan world city just sheer madness and something that will be hammered at the ballot boxes

    Free Member

    The posse would be lost without it, ATP!

    [Are you back riding yet, I always expect to see you on Hankley?]

    Free Member

    Hoping for a pootle on Sunday thanks, first offroad since July 😮

    Free Member

    Glad that you are better. Go and try those cheeky berms on H’down (but watch out for the hole on the side of the third one)

    But the whole Brexit debate is bringing political dialogue down to a very low/poor level not seen since the independence nonsense

    Free Member

    The stench of Crosby’s dead cat is all over Goldsmith’s campaign. Shame really – I used to think he wasn’t the worst kind of Tory. Y’know, unpalatable but he used to talk a bit of sense now and then. He hasn’t seemed quite so comfortable in his own skin since having to tow the party line a bit more. The slightly islamophobic stuff these last few days has been disappointing. It just distracts from the issues as one group are shouting “racist” and the others are shouting “professionally offended”. Everybody stops talking about the important stuff.

    Full Member

    Some said Boris’ aversion to the truth is due to his part-Turkish ancestry, but it’s actually due to his all-ego personality.

    Free Member

    Old Soames talking some sense though according to the Beeb

    Asked whether Mr Johnson is fit to lead the party in future, he [Soames] says he “doesn’t have the stature”.

    Time and time again his judgement is awry and he shows in this article a remarkable but entirely consistent disregard for the facts, the truth and for all judgement.

    He says Boris is a friend of his, “but this is business” – and claims his comments demonstrate “he is not really a serious figure”. “Boris needs to grow up,” he adds.

    Free Member

    How many outrage wagons are there in this thread?!

    I don’t know – I’m confused! That’s why I was asking….

    Sod it, I’m going down the pub!

    Full Member

    But the whole Brexit debate is bringing political dialogue down to a very low/poor level not seen since the independence nonsense

    I don’t think you can really refer to it as dialogue. You’d get a higher standard of ‘dialogue’ in a school playground

    This is all about the two sects of the Tory party. They’ve been dying to have this out for decades. Mix in some deeply personal animosity and petty jealousies between that main self-entitled protagonists, and I think by June you’re going to be looking at this little spat as a moral highpoint.

    Its a good job theres nothing important at stake

    Oh… wait…. hang on a minute….

    Free Member

    The Tories always do their bllx in over Europe – they never learn (one thing we agree on Binns 😉 }

    But the bare faced Brexit lies (eg cost of membership) repeated every day really are beginning to sound like wee ‘eck in all his glory (sic)

    Free Member

    Politicians making efforts to influence another countries electoral process. Dreadful


    There is a difference between Boris, a journalist, commenting in a UK paper on American affairs and a serving American president visiting the UK to campaign. The equivalent would be David Cameron going to New York during an election and getting trying to persuade Americans to vote one way with an article published in the New York Times.

    Free Member

    The equivalent would be David Cameron going to New York during an election

    It’s a referendum we’ve got coming up, not an election.


    Free Member

    I think a referendum is a specific type of election, what with election just meaning choice. Hence the need to specific what kind of election: general election, local election, European election… “HTH”

    our deputy chancelor weighing in with ‘dog-whistle racism” – WTF is that?

    If you don’t know what something means, try googling it.

    Free Member

    I think a referendum is a specific type of election

    I’m sure the candidates will agree.

    Full Member

    Are we talking about this Borris Johnson?

    “What a relief it must be for Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies,”

    and the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles


    (Don’t worry it’s just satire , obvs)

    Hes just your standard Oxford educated elite who thinks racism is fine as part of political discourse

    Goldsmith has been exposed as a clueless egoist who’s campaign seems to be about saying ‘sadiq Kahn and terrorist’ enough in the same sentence in the hope that it’ll get him the position someone of his good breeding and worthy stature obviously deserves

    Free Member

    Private Eye has been covering one of the candidates who’s been writing to every elector whose name is Singh saying “Dear Mr Singh, have you ever noticed how amazing Sikhs are, yeah me too PS I love that big temple in India, would you vote for me? Cheers”, which is a bit odd because not all the recipients are Sikh and few still like to be pandered to so obviously. I now cannot remember for the life of me whether it’s Khan or Goldsmith that’s doing it, though

    Free Member

    Obama’s back of the queue comments drown everything else out. Britain and America’s ties go beyond the frickin EU so who the frig does he think he is with his sassy threats. He’s nothing more than an outgoing president acting as Dave’s lackey. Jog on.

    Full Member

    BJ seems to be infected by the tide of racism sweeping across the Eton party, with Beetroot Face joining in Goldsmith’s vile slurs on his mayoral rival.

    Just for a bit of balance here:

    Free Member

    Britain and America’s ties go beyond the frickin EU so who the frig does he think he is with his sassy threats

    The US is like the UK’s first girlfriend: you think about them a lot more then they think about you…

    Full Member

    As much as the Brexiters don’t like to believe it, I suspect there is a lot of truth in what he has said.
    They will negotiate an agreement with a bigger trading block, so yes it means we fall down the list.
    No love in politics is there

    Free Member

    Not sure what old BJ is trying to achieve here.

    He’s positioning himself to take over the leadership of the Conservative Party. I don’t think he particularly cares about Europe either way.

    Full Member

    I now cannot remember for the life of me whether it’s Khan or Goldsmith that’s doing it, though



    Free Member

    The EU Referendum is in June, but next month there are Parlimentary/Assembly Elections in 3 of the UKs 4 Nations. Judging by BBC coverage of them they think Trump is running in Scotland, Clinton in Wales and NI…well let’s be honest we’ll never see any political news from NI again on UK News unless they start rewiring car ignition circuits with Semtex again.

    Free Member

    As much as the Brexiters don’t like to believe it, I suspect there is a lot of truth in what he has said.
    They will negotiate an agreement with a bigger trading block, so yes it means we fall down the list.
    No love in politics is there

    The US has been finding it very tough going trying to negotaige with the EU which is very cautious in dealingbwith the US. If Britain where to leave the EU its quite likley those negotiations would stall completely. It has been the UK which has been pushing the EU towards a deal with the US.

    As others have said on TV today Obama is a lame duck President, come November he is gone. We would get more insight if we asked Trump/Cruz or Clinton the question as one of them will be President come the time of any negotiations.

    @allthepies, sorry to miss the fun today but we all have life away from STW from time to time. Won’t be around much this weekend either as campaigning to do and 400 leaflets to deliver, co volunteers have another 600 to do also.

    Free Member

    What does it mean when, upon hearing someone being accused of racism, you immediately assume it’s directed at you?

    Not at all @Northwind, not for one second did I think that remark was directed at me. It was clearly directed at Boris

    @binners it seems it was #Livingstonebollix after all based on the quote posted by @just5minutes

    Boris has never had a good relationship with Obama not least as the Americans have refused to pay £9m in London Congestion Charge spuriously claiming its not a toll but a tax and therefore with their diplomatic status refusing to pay it.

    @tmh if Vote Leave wins Boris is a shoe in for Party Leader within 12 months, if Remain wins Osbourne will have to wait 2-3 years and with more banana skins to come from a Greek default/EU economic crises its not clear he could withstand a challenge from Boris in a leadership contest. All my opinion of course 🙂

    Free Member

    If Brexit means no free trade deal between UK and US, as they are concentrating their effort on a trade deal with the EU…

    Then doesn’t that mean that the NHS is saved from all the negative aspects of TTIP that we were being told about last year?

    Full Member

    Bozo is more likely motivated by his history of trying to dodge his own personal US taxes than giving a crap about any issue of public finance.

    Full Member

    Then doesn’t that mean that the NHS is saved from all the negative aspects of TTIP that we were being told about last year?

    Indeed. If only we had politicians in whose hands we would feel safe putting the NHS then the Brexit argument would be a slam dunk.

    Free Member

    The US is a union of states who gave up almost ALL their powers to a central government. It was supposed to be a loose federation, not a single country.

    Come again? Do you read history?

    Every time you mention your pro-out remain fans become almost personal and threatening. I’m for out. Full stop. On another forum in a poll out of 771 polled 62% say leave, 21% remain. No one in the leave camp threatened or insulted anyone.

    Full Member

    What is a ‘State’ hora? Now think about the name of the country Obama is President of. That’s your clue.

    Full Member

    ? Has anyone been threatened here? Jamba comes in for some stick, but only because makes stuff up to support his arguments, which is a trait he shares with bojo

    Free Member

    Boris is a shoe in for Party Leader

    & what f-ing disaster that would be – BJ is the most transparent politico on the market at the moment when it comes to putting his ambition first..

    Free Member

    A country formed out of destroying the indigenous people torn apart by civil war. I don’t think it was a consensus

    Free Member

    If Britain where to leave the EU its quite likley those negotiations would stall completely.

    Why? All that is happened is the state got a little smaller – it will have no impact on the talks at all. That is like arguing that if Alaska left the US union or california negotiations would stall. TBH i cannot even see why anyone would think this is remotely likely to happen let alone write it down as a serious point.

    It has been the UK which has been pushing the EU towards a deal with the US.

    Yes apart from us the EU has no interest in free trade at all 😕

    I love this without us they are nothing and they will collapse without us Brexiters meme.

    Free Member

    JY as I posted EU is very US sceptic, its the UK which is pushing the deal and the terms are very “corporate power” orientated and very much against left leaning EU political bias. Portollio on This Week said, “I’d love to take Obama to a session of the EU so he can experience the hostility that exists towards the US”

    @kimbers I have strongly held views based on facts and my interpretation of fhem, you and others don’t like many of them as they generally justify government policy here and abroad.

    As for Conservative divisions you have a Laboir party lead by a leader who is deeply eurosceptic yet is campaigning to remain in a EU he wants tomsee reformed. What he’s skipping over is that the EU will indeed continue to reform and mive further and further away from what he wants. Its a political project for a United States of Europe. Whether they can get there I son’t kniw as the imoending Greek default could well destroy it in a massive and very messy financial crises far mkre severe than 2007/8

    Full Member

    Personally I hold both BJ and BO in equal contempt pair of self serving dog fiddlers.

    Free Member

    Alaska to US v UK to EU.

    I think that’s a different form of proportionality.

    There’s lots of trade between Germany-UK, UK-France either way and it’s not just ‘luxury cars’ as one stated yesterday. Do you think German leadership will want to lose this trade route/partnership that might harm their own economy/businesses?

    A solution will be offered at the 11th hour. It’ll be brinkmanship. In the run up though we’ll see more threads and smears from Tory politicians aimed at us, the leave voters.

    Oh but if we leave the Tories will be able to do whatever they want? Vote them out then.

    Obama coming here and telling us how to think. The recent Obama speech telling us why we should remain talking about WWII together but he omits the massive debt the US strung us with to help the demise of our influeblnce globally. Now the silver-tongued speaker is telling us that ‘xenophobia’ if leaving the EU is linked to facism that we all fought together. He’s not said it directly but linked.

    As for BJs naked ambition. So what? He might want to be PM. I’d rather have him than Osborne or the bloke who has nice ideas sometimes but is unelectable.

    Free Member

    Boris is very popular amongst Tories and centre ground voters, he won the London mayorship and thats a hard thing to do for a Tory given London voter mix. The lefties don’t like him nitbleast as deep down they know he’s charismatic and popular

    Free Member

    BTW I’m out of further discussion. I’m out and know a fair few more who don’t want the hassle of being brow beaten but have chosen our direction. Bye

    Free Member

    JY as I posted EU is very US sceptic

    I can read what i was after, and I realise how foolish this, the evidential base for your assumption.
    Repeating what you just said is not evidence.

    The lefties don’t like him nitbleast as deep down they know he’s charismatic and popular

    I am going to take an outlandish and wild stab in the dark here and claim that it is his right wing policies that makes left wing people dislike him. I know its a bit radical and out there compared to your rational, non trolly vows 🙄

    Hora use california – FFS why do you think I mentioned another state – to avoid that “point” – the removal of one state from the USA would not cease the trade agreement nor will it with the EU

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