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  • Bmx at +40
  • bigdean
    Full Member

    So popped in a skatepark thats 2mins from work and on the way home.
    Last night i ended up buying a bmx (Fit 22″).

    Used to ride derby storm ages ago but was never really any good. Will i die? Oh and skate parks have changed.

    Anyone else got back into riding when you should know better?

    Free Member

    Will i die?

    Probably not
    Will you injure yourself and take a lot longer to heal that when you were a teenager – Definitely
    Will you bottle it and not try loads of stuff you would try as a teenager – Definitely

    Full Member

    Us Monday Night Pub Ride lot have had regular BMX Nights at the National Cycling Centre.

    Bloody great fun! But riding 20” wheels is absolutely knackering

    Full Member

    You know all those skinny teenagers that get massive air out of all the ramps and spin all over the place making it look like the easiest thing in the world? Well it bloody isn’t.

    Full Member

    I bought my first BMX at 49. Never had one as a kid.

    All I’ll say is expect progress to be very slow, and in some cases painful.

    My main problems are lack of skill, lack of confidence and massive inconsistency.

    But it’s riding a bike so it’s still good.

    Full Member

    Am realistic, only goal is to be able to air a quarter at some point. Just roll pump round a park would be good.
    Heckeled by kids is inevitable.

    Full Member

    Started at 38, retired at 41 🙂 might make a small comeback at 44.  I crashed more often and harder than I have mountain biking, in that same time period I started doing the megavalanche, crashed a few times there, but always got up smiling. BMX mainly got up grimacing and have written off two full face helmets.

    Free Member

    Will you injure yourself and take a lot longer to heal that when you were a teenager – Definitely
    Will you bottle it and not try loads of stuff you would try as a teenager – Definitely


    I injured myself at the end of 2018 and still occasionally get twinges in my wrist from it, nothing more than a fall onto my wrist (albeit with the added fun of a swan dive to the floor and a bump to the head). I’ve not been back to a park since and tbh I have little motivation to do so. My stack was onto wood and everything around is concrete. If I had an indoor park close by I probably would have got back into it but between the bump to my confidence and the travelling effort it would take anyway I’m done.

    Full Member

    Drink more milk. You’ll need the calcium to heal those older bones.

    Free Member

    there is a group on face book called ride on bmx all about older riders just don’t post pictures of your bike unless your riding it lol

    Full Member

    I found most of the kids at skateparks (that are any good) are sound and actually quite supportive of older blokes riding.
    I wasn’t any good but really enjoyed it and we’ve a couple of decent pump tracks local to me which are heaps of fun, but I haven’t ridden my BMX for about 6-9 months as I’ve had seriously bad tennis elbow which hurts like **** when landing on hard tyres and rigid forks.
    Thinking of chopping it in for a DJ bike with a bit of suspension which hopefully might help the elbow pain.

    Free Member

    39 and ride every week. Not good by any measure but have ridden on and off for years. Starting from scratch is hard but doable depending on your skill level, committment etc. BMX has a brilliant community and if you can find a over 39s or over 40s night near you it is worth it.

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    I bought one aged 48.

    I can show you the scars if you like.

    Full Member

    So i had an hour at The Asylum skate park, friendly staff, some old bladers and roller skaters having a laugh and some friendly locals.
    Was awsome started on the little pump track, eventually had a roll around the bowl forgot how much fun rolling around and riding vert wals was. I got talked into trying the resi box.

    Hopefully its not going to get closed and i can go again.
    I bought a fit 22″ the bars are the same height as my 29er but it rolled good and was a better fit than the old 20″

    Full Member

    Sounds fun. Do you have a brake? Riding brakeless adds a new dimension. It’s pretty safe in a skatepark but you learn to just always hit stuff at whatever speed you’re riding instead of scrubbing it off all the time.

    This just came out, which might tip me over the edge,

    I know I want an S&M as I’ve always been a fan and I’ve been hovering over the BTM frame for a couple of years now. This one is a touch bigger than normal but still 20″ wheels.

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