Well, if they are fake, they’re the most convincing fake I’ve ever seen. The box feels like quality card and there’s even a serial number in the flap of the box. Case feels genuine although the lining feels slightly better than my old jawbones. The lens removal instructions are there, as is the warranty registration card. Again, feel like they’re printed on quality card. They’ve also come with spare nose pieces, spare icons for the arms and a retaining strap. The bag feels the same, has lens pockets and the same graphics. The label is a bit smaller and says made in Cambodia rather than my old one that says made in China. Spare clear lenses are there. Lens in engrave with “prism” at the bottom with a prism trail sticker on the lens. The model number is printed inside one arm and is clear and sharp, the other side has racking racket moulded into it.
Any experts know any other clues I should be looking for?