Home Forums Chat Forum Blocking websites at work…

  • This topic has 48 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Rich.
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  • Blocking websites at work…
  • Singlespeedpunk
    Free Member

    Due to a member of staff repeatedly surfing porn on the works PC* I have to install a filter. I have FoxFilter for Mozilla but need a list of, err, adult stars names as that is how he searches for them on Google Image Search (bypassing the normal p*rn / xxx blacklisted words) He is careful to delete his seach history while leaving the other sites visited that day.

    So does anyone know where I can get such a text list of these names? I guess I could buy a copy of Nuts and do some left-handed surfing but I have better things to do!

    I know I could block Google but its so damn useful for work.


    *despite verbal and written warnings…

    Free Member

    Err – sack him for violating company policy??

    Or is this in the public sector?

    Free Member

    That sounds like a thankless task. If someone wants to browse porn they will – we have SurfControl here, which uses a big, daily updated database of sites for the blocking and still people find ways through.
    You’ll get nowhere doing it manually!

    Free Member


    Boss has no balls, I threatened to sack him after the first time…this is the 5th or 6th (always my day off!)


    Free Member

    I mean, you block the Google name method, he’ll just find another way.
    The w*nker.

    Full Member

    if someone wants to find pron, they will.

    set his pc up for remote desktop and then just logon to it when you think he’s doign things he shouldn;t and type messages to him.

    as has been suggested – if he won’t stop because he’s been told to stop then get rid of him – the company is in a dangerous position if anyone sees his ascreen with this stuff on it and makes a sex discrimation claim against the company for allowing it – might be a way to get the boss to deal with it if you suggest that?

    Full Member

    Wikipedia has a comprehensive list of "adult movie stars"

    I’m not going to search for it in work but it is there.

    Free Member

    Tell your boss that, if the polis find out, they’ll confiscate all teh computer equipment (PCs and servers) to search for teh porno images. Mibbe he’ll grow some balls.

    Full Member

    can you not remove his user rights for surfing?

    Free Member

    As long as it’s not kiddy/animal/violent porn whats the problem?

    #puts on CBA and hides in a bunker#

    On a (slightly) more serious note. I would just get a remote control of his desktop and take some screen dumps, then Email them to his wife/GF from his computer during his lunch break.

    Problem solved, unless you happen to be in the pictures that is 😆

    Free Member

    HAve you got a direct connection to the internet then?
    Surely you go through a ISA security server or firewall where logs of his browsing will be available?

    Full Member

    If your boss isn’t willing to sort it out, then why even bother installing the filter?

    Full Member

    "violet porn"

    look at the stamens on that 😉

    although a subsequent edit and spelling correction above rather made this post pointless 🙁

    Free Member

    One of our Dutch users used to visit shoe fetish sites. I had to check some of them to see if they were porn. Right funny it was.

    Free Member

    If you really want to go down the manual route – you could maybe use this to gererate some keywords

    Free Member


    .txt file cut and pasted from a blog

    Free Member

    Thanks MrMW, just the job!

    I still vote for kicking him in the nuts and sacking him though…


    Free Member

    if you’ve got that list, i’ll take it off my website. don’t want some of the more hormone rich forum members getting over excited

    Free Member

    No problem 🙂 I have it saved as a text file.


    Free Member

    Singlespeedpunk – Member

    No problem [:)] I have it saved as a text file.


    * ponders whether or not this was a set-up *

    Free Member

    *wonders whether SSP will find out the reason the girl on reception always has one too many buttons undone*

    Free Member

    how can a boss not give a crap about paying some douche to search porn all day?

    if you set the permissions on his pc he wont be able to delete his history so you can pull him up well easy on it… id go down that route if sacking isnt an option

    Free Member

    If one wants to browse porn, one can. its easy to get round filters.
    the thing that stops people (who swing that way, and are comfy looking at porn at work, weirdos) is the risk to thier jobs.
    update your company policy, and get him fired.
    or just fire him for wasting work time!
    log when hes using the sites, and dont pay him for when they are open.
    messing with peoples money usually gets through to them, and why should he get paid when hes not working?

    there are plenty of people looking for work out there at the moment.
    should prevent it from happening again.

    Free Member

    You’ll get nowhere doing it manually!

    Well, I don’t know… 😉

    Seriously – can’t you just stop his computer from accessing Google?

    Free Member

    You could just buy ‘Websense’ although this does take the fun out of looking for Adult stars.

    Free Member

    I don’t think this is a genuine request. Someone’s being silly

    Free Member

    ^ do what I said, its quick free and easy and if he cant delete evidence of going on such sites or google images… he cant hide from the fact

    Free Member

    I can’t block his PC as its mine too, and all the other staff none of which abuse it!

    I have blocked all the keywords I could think of and the names MrMW supplied plus a few from the history. Router is now logging all visits and all firewall filters turned on. Best I can do with the bargain basement, cobbled together EPoS we have here.

    DezB, I wish it was, damn near quitting as the little s**t gets away with murder (well he chocked the chicken!) and every one else gets jumped on for silly small stuff.


    Full Member

    Buy one of these:

    Dummy CCTV Security Camera – £2.69 from Amazon

    and install it in your workplace so that it can obviously see his screen.

    Either that or just liberally sprinkle his box of "Man Size tissues" with ground chillis.

    Free Member

    I am not sure but is the list of sites visited not still in index.dat or some other file – even if he deletes the history.

    Perhaps changing his permissions so that he cannot delete search history or removing his internet rights would be the way forward

    Free Member

    Is the boss reluctant to act cos he’s guilty too???

    Surely gross misconduct would apply?

    Full Member

    I hope you disinfect the mouse and keyboard before you use it…

    Free Member

    Please can I have some advice about your rights as what/how an employer can ‘police’ someone’s pc?
    My junior colleague based in another room often time wastes, spends time sending personal emails ( I mean lots, not just the odd quickie ) and frequently can’t shut her lap top down quick enough to prevent me seeing the latest freecell game she’s playing.
    Definitely *not* in the above league, I’m certain no porn involved, but when you’ve got steam coming out your ears cos of not knowing which job to do next, go next door and stumble on yet another bl*ddy game of Freecell….it WINDS me up!!!

    so as a line supervisor, what can I do?
    where do I look?
    thanks peeps.

    Free Member

    Uninstall freecell from her PC?

    Free Member

    use open dns and network admin to block whatever type of sites you want, with reporting back on any attempts. fascinating!

    Free Member

    Yes I did think about that! I suppose I’d have to uninstall it from both my colleagues pc’s, and mine. I’m just wondering in this polotically correct and fair world, whether you are allowed to do that?
    Also our IT Dept has it screwed down so tight that only they have ‘Admin rights’, and asking might prove embarrassing.
    ….and are you allowed to ask to see someone’s email programme? cos I’m sure it’s full of non work emails.
    Working for a local gov’t I suppose there are rules about such things. Perhaps I’ll try and delicately find out, as I don’t want to plod around too much.

    Full Member

    One tactic we used was to start publshing ‘surfer of the week’ stats to the company, inncoently you know, and make sure they are on thelist with ‘most frequently visited site’. Peer pressure stops them looknig at http://www.bigknockers.com all day…

    Free Member

    Christowkid if you are her line manager, tell her it’s unacceptable. you don’t need evidence, tell her you have noticed what is going on and don’t want to have to go down the route of having her PC monitored but if she continues to waste company time you will be forced to do so. Also if you’re so snowed under, delegate some of your work load and give her strict deadlines for completion.

    Free Member

    We use Italc at my school for monitoring the machines being used. It gives a nice thumbnail view of a selection of machines being monitored, with a really nice feature where you can grab a snapshot of the users desktop nicely timestamped.
    Install it on his machine and just keep an eye on it for a few days until you have a nice selection of evidence.

    Edit: Oh it’s free too 🙂

    Free Member

    Why would anyone want a w**k at work?

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