Home Forums Chat Forum Black Eye Friday – anyone risking it?

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  • Black Eye Friday – anyone risking it?
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    Full Member

    Anyone entering the fray then?

    I’ve sort of half-committed to a few post-work pints with a couple of mates late afternoon, but am seriously questioning it already. In theory we should be reasonably safe at that point, but if the real lunatics will have been on it since lunchtime, who knows…

    Full Member

    I may cycle to the brewery for a post-lunchtime pint… but that’s about the depth of it. It’s in the middle of nowhere so not your usual townie crowd.

    Full Member

    In this weather? Not a chance. I am not a city person at the best of times, but I think tonight will be spent in front of a great christmas film – the hardest part is choosing between Home Alone and Die Hard

    Full Member

    When I was younger it was certainly the highlight of the year but working from home and no company party this year has culled this fine institution.

    Full Member

    leave him Binners – he’s not worth it !

    Full Member

    I’ll be in the pub for a couple of hours later this afternoon/early evening. I’m not expecting any riots. 

    Full Member

    Not a chance. My work party obligations are over for the year and at 6+ quid a for a pint in town they can keep it.

    Full Member

    Do it binners.

    Full Member

    No chance, I am too old and grumpy for that nonsense. I may walk past the local for a couple on my afternoon dog walk but that’s as wild as it will get for me.

    Free Member

    @caher, yeah same, one year i got 10 or 12 santa suits, red felt ones circa £10-12 each, then bought some white felt material and created some turn-ups, my friends seemed happy enough when i turned up at the pub., went into town, absolute carnage night out, at one point bumped into another group and there where 25 santas in one pub,

    a friend brought his then girlfriend out and she decided to dress as santa, though it was very short sexy santa style, you could see a cheek or too :0), someone touched her bum, she turned around and punched the bloke in the face, he appolgised, thought it was gonna a kick off..

    tonight no chance am i going out.

    Full Member

    I’m out for beers in Manchester at teatime so bring it on, I guess. Actually meeting an old mate who’s up for the football tomorrow and hadn’t realised it’s mad Friday when we arranged it tbf. 

    Free Member

    Heading to Newcastle for a curry with the lads at 8. Last train to Hexham back, yikes!

    Full Member

    It’s way calmer now then it use to be. Might venture out later for a few before we have a takeaway. 

    Full Member

    I may cycle to the brewery for a post-lunchtime pint… but that’s about the depth of it. It’s in the middle of nowhere so not your usual townie crowd.

    yup. microbrewery on the edge of the woods is having a chrimbo event so will cycle up there… it is not a “black-eye” crowd 😂 A city/town boozer full of holiday-drinkers? Can’t imagine anything worse (at any time, let alone Christmas!), surely only a masochist would even contemplate it!!

    Full Member

    Nope, finished work last Friday, so chiling. Weather is crap also. Avoiding risking getting any bugs as had a few Christmasses ruined by illness. Plenty of ‘satsumas’ being consumed to top up the Vitamin C.

    Full Member

    Thanks but I’m washing what’s left of my hair

    Full Member

    Milesy mentioned slipping out for a pint but I’m not 100% on that idea

    Full Member

    We’re lucky enough to live near a couple of quiet drinking establishments. Even so I’ll be wrapped up with a bowl of home made soup and a film, (not a shooty, shooty, bang, bang type 😁).

    Full Member

    work crimbo party tonight.

    i doubt it will get too rowdy… the place we are going to wants £7:50 a pint!!

    Full Member

    Off to watch Bradford city thump Doncaster rovers, at Doncaster. Hoping they’ve got some brown sauce this time…


    Full Member

    Love the Jim’ll paint it depiction of this kind of night out, in a Bayeux tapestry stylee…

    Free Member

    I did contemplate it with other staff members but having just nipped out of the office and past the local Tescos I realise how much I dislike most people so Ive sent the staff home, some are off out the rest enjoying the few hours extra away from work. Im sat here waiting for 2pm gate closed home for a 15 year old single malt and feet up.  I used to love the last day from work   out till the death but lately its not worth paying the £6 per pint and resulting wallet- oscopey the following day .  

    Full Member

    I’ve been pressured into meeting Mrs ColP in Liverpool at 2.30pm for a few drinks. Fully intend to be back home with a cup of tea by 5pm.

    Full Member

    Works do in town centre Bolton. Pub at 3, curry at 5 then drinks in town. What could possibly go wrong?

    Free Member

    We’re on the way to Sheffield for a gig tonight, train cans being supped. Gonna be marvellous 

    Full Member

    Looks like you’re watching Home Alone @nbt. @Bunnyhop has spoken!

    Full Member

    19.00hrs kick off tonight,hoping to grab a window of opportunity,between the lunchtime lightweights and the gutter crawler/brawlers :-)
    Binners,you will be fine,what with your friendly Vin Diesil appearance and natural charm. ;-) 😁

    Full Member

    Barbary’s, about 8pm, just a quiet one. 🤞🏻

    Full Member

    There’s enough risk of it with the wife and her sisters getting together over the weekend, the thought of a pub full of strangers is not for me right now.

    Full Member

    i went out on saturday, with my old workmates. we met in Leeds at 2.30. by 7.30 i was done for.

    i had a hangover until tuesday night.    big drinking is no longer something i can do.

    Free Member

    I’ll pop in to The Riflemans Arms in Glastonbury for a pint after walking up The Tor. Doubt it will be kicking off in there.

    Full Member

    I remember a few years ago on mad friday in manc a massive snow storm blew in whilst everyone was in the pub. We emerged to 4 inches of snow on the roads, no buses or taxis running, and panicked revellers wondering how they were going to get home after 10 pints. It was total carnage.

    Full Member

    I spent 25 years running pubs and bars. Not a chance I’d go out today. In fact, it’s exceedingly rare I go out at all, but this time of year is definitely the worst, alongside the only other usual ‘carnage’ day – Ladies Day at Newcastle races. Dreadful day to be working in a city centre venue.
    No. Thank. You. 😂

    Full Member

    Looks like you’re watching Home Alone @nbt. @Bunnyhop has spoken!

    Full Member

    Local club probably

    Absolute carnage there last night


    Full Member

    Taking a walk over to the local brewery shortly.
    No plans on giving or receiving a black eye.
    Plan on getting another ride in tomorrow morning so will restrain myself.

    Free Member

    Nope. Did my work leaving drinks last night, town was surprisingly quiet. I’ve just iced the cake and will cook the ham next.

    Full Member

    ‘Well St’ ho ho ho. Yep out at 4 for a couple and hoping to dodge the two-pot screamers.

    Full Member

    As I’m retired I had my ” work” Xmas do today. Cycled over to Jim’s Cider Shack for a glass of Mulled Cider and a festive burger 👍

    Full Member

    I’ve never even heard of it 🤷

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