Just arrived this evening and was struck my the variety of designs of bike here. I know there are lots of bikes and they tend to be town bikes but it is still an impressive array of styles considering this was a walk from the hotel to a bar and back again.
The ‘normal’ Dutch bike with proper sit up and beg proportions
20180726_200937 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
Similar but in modern colours
20180726_201001 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
Double top tube for what reason?
20180726_200216 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
This, for what reason
20180726_200204 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
Lots of cargo bikes carrying cargo, dogs, children and pretty much anything else
20180726_201429 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
And this was the fourth tricycle I saw
20180726_220530 by WCA![/url], on Flickr