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  • Bike carrier
  • mogrim
    Full Member

    A friend’s looking for a tow-ball bike carrier, the obvious choice would be Thule but I’ve seen this model on CRC:


    It’s a Mont Blanc, not heard of them before. Is it any good? Any other recommendations? He wants to be able to carry 4 bikes, ideally it should fold down so he can open the boot (it’s an Audi Q7), lockable.

    Free Member

    My mate has one of the high end Thules which is nice but I don’t like the grabbers (tech term) that hold the bikes.

    I got one of these instead which quality wise is on a par but has a better grabber and also the whole things slides away from the car on a rail which works really well.

    bike rack clicky

    Full Member

    Cheers, will take a look at that one. (Not heard of Atera either, not that I’ve ever really looked into it!)

    Free Member

    That strada looks good, fwiw I have the Mont Blanc Automaxi from decathlon (same as the CRCone)which carries 3 bikes
    Its a bit basic as in you have to put a moulded block on the towbar first then drop the carrier onto it and push down the levers, its no hassle but worth pointing out
    I only went for mine as I have a rear wheel on the back doir of my freelander and it negates the first carrier( so much so I ended up removing the wheel holders.
    It tilts as it should and electrics have been faultless
    You only get a bar to strap bikes to though so not as secure as most,i ended up modding mine with parts off an old scissor type towball carrier bu utilising one of the arms to run at 90 degrees from the main bar- works a treat now but the Thule types have seperate locking bike arms so may be worth the extra cash.
    The bike spacers are pants
    Heres mine;

    Heres the mod;


    Free Member

    As an Aside anyone who has the same carrier and wants to do the same MOD , im sure I have the other arm spare
    Email in profile if anyone wants it for a fiver

    Full Member

    Thanks mattzzzzzzz.

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