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  • Being overtaken by Sir BW
  • aracer
    Free Member

    6:38 for the impatient

    (originally found at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02rnyr1)

    Full Member

    odd that the guy would come to a total halt like that and just let wiggo ride off

    ( 😉 )

    Full Member

    Looks like a fun road to ride on.

    Full Member

    I think his heart must’ve sunk a bit. Brad is barely going any slower than the cars.

    Full Member

    I thought he was going to come past a bit quick.
    He was indeed “brisk (with a capital F)”!

    Free Member

    Why would you film that?

    Free Member

    there’s being caught by your minute man and then there’s …. 😉

    Free Member

    Why would you film that?

    Because you know there’s no way in hell youre gonna hold off a world and Olympic TT champion, and think it’ll be interesting? 😕

    About the most interesting amateur Go Pro footage I’ve seen on here!

    Free Member

    Puts you right off ever wanting to do a TT

    Free Member

    Caught by your minute man inside of five minutes. On any other day you’d hang up your wheels in shame.

    Second fastest on the day was ‘only two minutes slower’ than Sir Bradley. Imagine being able to make that claim.

    Then again imagine being Alex Dowset and being able to say you’re 28 seconds faster.

    Free Member

    38 seconds faster Dowsett`s record is 17.20 .I have ridden that course it is so quick kept it in top 55/11 nearly all the way .

    Free Member

    the footage is great! the minute man was interviewed all over at the end of last week, the footage compliments it nicely,

    seemingly Wiggins took his foot of the gas with about 1.8km to go, based on approximate split times,

    However, I still think there is something not right, as it isn’t making sense to me, and I think the key is the section from the bridge to the finish, where as has already been mentioned, he seemed to ride unfeasibly slowly.

    So we’re talking about this segment:


    He was apparently timed at 15:27 to the bridge, which is with 1.8km to go, i.e. it’s at 14.3km. So he did 55.53kph to that point, vs the comp record pace of 55.73kph.

    For that segment, he did 2:31, vs other people at the same event:
    Neil Holden 2:32
    Adam Robinson 2:34
    Duncan Sleigh 2:37
    Andrew Disley 2:37

    It makes no sense that people he was almost 3 minutes faster than would suddenly be as fast as him for that segment unless he stopped trying. If he was nearly 3 mins up on the above people to the bridge, then if he had continued at the same effort, it seems likely he’d have done around 2:10 for that last segment, giving him 17:37. That would be a lot easier to reconcile with the time comparisons I previously posted. So I think he was 0.2kph down on the ave speed he needed to match the comp record at the bridge, could see his average going down rather than up as he battled into the headwind at the end, and stopped trying.

    Free Member

    Similar thing happened to me once when I got passed by Chris Boardman off 5 minutes in a 25, the speed differential was depressing.

    I used to ride that course a lot and it’s not the most pleasant place to ride, but it is very quick especially if you get a slot when the ferries are unloading. Judging purely from that video the cars and lorries were giving the riders a lot more respect than I seem to remember, helped I’m sure by Wiggo having an outrider.

    Free Member

    Excellent video, it really does highlight the speed differential. The rider clearly needs some new wheels or something, it must the equipment you know 😐

    Free Member

    That sums up TT’ing for me totally. This should be used in training courses for vehicle users and cyclists alike.

    Articulated Trucks doing 60+mph
    Cars doing 70+mph
    Coaches doing 70+mph

    All on a Dual Carriageway with the vehicles in the righthand lane trying desperately to both overtake and keep clear of the cyclists.

    One whole lot of “fun”


    I still do not understand why folks do this.

    Free Member

    I still do not understand why folks do this.

    Because we like to be ‘in the arena’.

    Free Member

    I still do not understand why folks do this.

    IMO TT’s on Duel carriageways are safer than TT’s on twisty single track A roads. get a bright rear light, and the cars have good visibility of you from along way away. they’re only doing 10 / 15 mph more than cars on singletrack A roads, but there are no blind crests, blind corners, etc, and there’s plenty of room to overtake.

    Full Member

    This is what it looked like from a rear camera:

    4:15 is the overtake

    Free Member

    I still do not understand why folks do this.

    I’m sure testers would find it difficult to understand why MTBers will drive for hours in order to bounce round a badly made cycle path 🙂

    Running a TT on a dual carriageway makes sense; good visibility, no parked cars, two lanes makes it easier to overtake so you don’t get a queue of traffic stuck behind. Plus the drag of overtaking vehicles makes for faster times.

    Free Member

    IMO TT’s on Duel carriageways are safer than TT’s on twisty single track A roads


    The only exception to this is that the danger on some DC courses comes from there being fast exit slip roads on the left. The danger then is from drivers miss judging their exit; overtaking your and then cutting immedaitely in front to make the exit. But many of the courses where that hazzard existed were dropped from the schedule.

    Free Member

    the footage is great!

    If it had been edited to show the last 20 seconds (like iolo is just about to agree). If anyone can watch the whole thing..! 😯 (well, I’ll post up some of my commute vids for your entertainment!)

    Free Member

    That video would be so much better if it was 15 seconds (the bit when the fast guy goes past) instead of the 7minutes 9 seconds shown.
    Edit: as above (slow typing)

    Free Member

    the bit when the fast guy goes past

    You mean Sir Bradley Wiggins?

    Free Member

    You mean Sir Bradley Wiggins?

    How did they know it was him? Was there anything distinctive about his appearance? 🙂

    Free Member

    Was there anything distinctive about his appearance?

    What you mean other than being fast as f&&k? 😀

    Free Member

    There’s always one bloke turns up at the local TT with all the gear and the aero wheels and all that. Never any good, it’s just the kit that makes them fast.

    Free Member

    What you mean other than being fast as f&&k?

    Nah, that’s Cav

    Free Member

    There’s always one bloke turns up at the local TT with all the gear and the aero wheels and all that.

    Just one? More like the most people. But so what.

    Free Member

    There’s always one bloke turns up at the local TT with all the gear and the aero wheels and all that.

    I used to do TTs in the mid 90s. The local club’s hilly 10 and 25. I didn’t own a road bike so used my GT LTS with Specialized Turbo S tyres. Not far from where the above vids were shot. But on the hilly East Yorkshire Wolds, obviously!

    +1 for the editing comments. I would also add: they’re not quality cameras, just the cheapos I reckon. Awful rotary shutter effects. GoPro or Sony would have been more watchable.

    Full Member

    GoPro or Sony would have been more watchable.

    GoPro not very aero 😉

    Free Member

    The full results if anyone’s interested[/url]

    A member of my old CC was 71st at 24.01

    I see there are a load at 55 mins, were these DNS or DNF?

    Free Member

    Why would you film that?

    If you look around you can find on board footage like that from most TT courses, at least ones they use in open events. And they do get watched too by folk preparing to race on those courses. Can be useful to scope out any features on the course (junctions, roundabouts, etc.) Not often do you see a rainbow jersey though!

    Full Member

    Is that wiggo sporting some baggy Lycra on his shorts ^ up there ^ or is it some aero fairing?

    Full Member

    his left leg 😀

    Free Member

    I agree with you about holding a TT on a Dual Carriageway, you think it’s safer and by some degree it’s safer than a twisting A road.
    You can’t really compare it with a 3 hour drive by MTB’ers to ride a gravel shute though, since thats a specific course not on a road and the only traffic will be other riders.

    Still find TT’s in general confusing to me.

    Free Member

    It’s his other leg.

    Free Member

    Still find TT’s in general confusing to me.

    Me too. Quite addictive though!

    Free Member

    The appeal is pretty basic really; it’s about being faster than someone else or, faster than you have previously been. We have in an built desire to progress and become better.

    There is an interesting article on doping in the amateur ranks of cycling on the BBC’s website which taps into these ideas and explains the appeal of TT racing quite well I think (albeit in a tangental way):


    Free Member

    It gave me that ‘Strava’ feeling long before Strava was invented!

    Free Member

    Still find TT’s in general confusing to me.

    Getting on a bike and riding as “fast as ….” is confusing?

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