Home Forums Bike Forum BB Facing – will the fabric of space and time itself collapse inwards…

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  • BB Facing – will the fabric of space and time itself collapse inwards…
  • Coyote
    Free Member

    …if I don't get the BB faced?

    The frame is a DMR Trailstar and it will be having a Hope BB fitted and Blackspire stinger chain device. All the parts should now have arrived and I want to start building this weekend. Obviously taking the frame to be faced will mean I can't.

    Free Member

    It'll be fine.

    Free Member

    It will b e fine, ive never bothered with any of the bikes Ive put together and my BB's last for ages

    Free Member

    get it faced when the BB needs replacing – new bike means new bike time!

    Free Member

    It'll be fine. Or at least if it was so badly made as to cause a problem, it's pretty obvious (and unusual).

    Full Member

    space/time will be OK, unless your pedals meet their future selves & have a baby

    bearings too, unless there's an obvious discrepancy as you screw in the cups

    Free Member

    If it's an external bearing b.b get it faced, it should only be £10 -£20 if you take the frame stripped to the shop. Otherwise don't worry too much.

    Full Member

    will the fabric of space and time itself collapse inwards

    No, but your bb bearings might. As above, you might well get away with it, but for the sake of 10 minutes in the bike shop is it really worth it?

    Free Member

    Don't forget my bike blessing service. You might well get away without it but for the sake of 5 mins (I can do it over the internet too!), is it really worth it? 😉

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