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  • Banged knee
  • onehundredthidiot
    Full Member

    So I smacked my knee pretty hard two weeks ago. Sore leg as in a dead leg, lots of bruising most of which has slid down to my ankle.
    But my knee is still swollen.
    Bottom and inside quadrant. In fact it feels like fluid as when I prod it the swelling move around. It definitely feels like fluid in a bag.
    What’s going on. Pretty sure it’s not cat aids.
    Had a 3km run Monday and no pain but I’d like it to settle soon please.

    Full Member

    That sounds like a proper bang.

    RICE? rest, ice, compression and elevation. I’d get some tubigrip on it to reduce the swelling, and elevate while you’re watching TV. Probably some rest wouldn’t go amiss, and ice to reduce any inflammation too. I’d probs be rubbing some germolene into all the bruising and taking some ibuprofen as well (even if it’s not too painful)

    Free Member

    Two weeks ago you say? Maybe pop into the local walk in centre?

    Full Member

    Hematoma? Banged my knee in July, it’s still swollen. Can take a long time to break down, granted mine was 13x8x3cm.

    RICE, get it looked at if you can, it’ll probably be X-rayed and show nothing and maybe a month or so later if it’s still a problem you ‘might’ get a scan.

    Free Member

    Two weeks ago you say? Maybe pop into the local limp in centre?


    I had a decent prang coming off my bike, hip was sore but ok, but then progressively got worse over a couple of weeks, then got better slowly. I took it easy but kept mobile

    Full Member

    Found a great pic of  my Hematoma. Does it look like this?


    Full Member

    Similar thing here – nearly a month ago sorting some stuff out in the garden I stepped back and hadn’t noticed there was a large, very heavy concrete flowerpot behind me. Fortunately I went down onto the patio on my side, rather than backwards, which could have been catastrophic, but I’ve always got a bunch of keys in my pocket and I landed hard on them, just below and behind my hipbone.
    Over the course of a couple of days, it got progressively more painful, to the point I couldn’t even put my bloody socks on properly without an immense amount of pain.

    A couple of weeks later, I stepped out of the bath, having basted myself for half an hour in a Radox and Epsom salts bath, and the jolt of pain that went down my leg was so intense I nearly passed out! I had a prickly sensation all over, I had a rushing sound in my ears, and my vision started to grey out! I managed to get into my bedroom and lay on the bed, still soaking wet, for ten minutes or so, before everything settled down.

    It’s largely healed up now, but even trying to sleep was difficult, trying to find a comfortable position to lay in.
    That’ll teach me to look behind me in future!

    I did see my doctor, all he could suggest was physio excercises, whereas Voltarol and CoCodamol helped a lot more. *shrug emoji*

    Full Member

    @jamesoz not quite that bad. Poking it about us a bit weird. Going to try a run this morning see what happens.

    Full Member

    Hmmm are you sure going out for a run is the right course of action here? It can’t be that bad at all then, either that, or username checks out 😉

    Running isn’t kind to injured knees, or any lower body injury generally.

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