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  • Ban The Burka?
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    Not so many years ago I would have laughed at a Western government trying to make laws about what clothes their citizens can wear.

    And the idea of armed police forcing women to undress at beaches because they weren’t showing enough flesh would have been ridiculous.

    But I’ve watched France.

    And I’ve tutted.

    And I’ve shaken my head.

    But I assumed we, in the UK, had little more respect for individual freedoms than that.

    But no apparently I was mistaken there too…

    A majority of the British public are in favour of banning the burka in public, a poll has found, while almost half say the burkini should be prohibited.

    According to the YouGov survey, 57% of respondents in the UK supported banning the veil in public places..


    Is it just me that finds this all a bit sad and divisive?

    Full Member

    Free Member

    It’s more people than voted us out of Europe; beware democracy…

    (Yes, it’s sad and divisive. But there is a growing attitude that integration should work both ways.)

    Free Member

    Under most burkas is a bloke in a suit.

    Full Member

    Is the OP some kind of bet? 🙂

    Free Member

    bongohoohaa – Member
    Under most burkas is a bloke in a suit.

    Makes you think

    Full Member

    But it is ok for a religion to tell women what to wear?

    And do. ( driving, travelling) .

    Free Member

    I personally don’t feel comfortable with people walking around in public with their faces covered up . How would you feel if men did it too ? Do you feel happy for people to walk around with full face balaclavas on?
    trying to ban burkinis is ridiculous ..but face coverings yes.

    Full Member

    There’s loads of men here like that – especially in November

    Ever been to the Western Isles?

    Free Member

    The vast majority of muslim women I see just wear a headscarf, can’t see anyone being bothered by that.
    I can only remember pointing out “shit ninjas” on one or two occasions.
    I don’t like the idea of people hiding their faces in public, and I have no respect for a misogynistic religion like islam.

    Free Member

    The saddest thing for me is that not long ago there were calls to “ban the Burka” because of fears women were being forced to wear them and it was a tool of oppression. Now… Who knows the reasoning other than Islamaphobia? It’s certainly not to offer freedom to Muslim women, it’s because some fear and hate them.

    Free Member

    Old people fear change.

    Full Member

    Ban the burka, no, that would just isolate people and make their lives worse.

    I would like to see the same application of anti discrimination laws to religious organisations as apply to any other though.

    Full Member

    But it is ok for a religion to tell women what to wear?

    Can’t say I’m wildly keen on that either – but plenty of other religions tell both men and women what they can and cannot wear.

    I doubt 57% of people would be keen to ban nuns from wearing habits, priests wearing white collars, Sikh’s wearing turbans, or Jewish men wearing kippah.

    More over, I don’t think it is valid to say “To stop you misogynistic bastards oppressing women and telling them what they are allowed to wear, we are going to make a law telling women what they are allowed to wear”

    Free Member

    Is the OP some kind of bet?

    I feel the OP could have least of waited till tomorrow morning. People have to go have their tea etc.

    Free Member

    I doubt 57% of people would be keen to ban nuns from wearing habits, priests wearing white collars, Sikh’s wearing turbans, or Jewish men wearing kippah.

    None of those cover the face though.

    Let us not forget why the burka is worn.

    Free Member

    Last I checked We’re pretty free to wear what We like within reason. I like that.

    Full Member

    Don’t ban it. It does however stop the ladies integrating.
    I’m on nodding terms with lots of people i dont know. There’s no way a veiled lady can make friends with someone she’s not allowed to show her face to.
    As for the beach I wear a long sleeve top , a hat and shorts for swimming. If there are jellyfish I put on leg warmers and gloves. Is that banned?

    Full Member

    None of those cover the face though.

    Here are some pictures of ladies in burkinis for you. See if you notice anything:

    Full Member

    On the burkini issue, it only became worthy of news to hide the fact that the french government were forcing new and harsher labour laws.

    Free Member

    Last I checked We’re pretty free to wear what We like within reason. I like that.

    +1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I don’t like the idea of people hiding their faces in public, and I have no respect for a misogynistic religion like islam.

    You use too many words for your level of bigotry so fixed it for you.

    Anyone thought about asking a woman wearing the burkha how she feels about a bunch of over-privilidged, white males deciding how she should be free ?

    Full Member

    Let us not forget why the burka is worn.

    not quite got down to your beach body weight? Nothing else clean?

    so specifically the burka? Not the niqab or hijab or any other of the funny clothes these people wear? Pretty sure it’s fear of the different,face covering is just a handy stick to beat someone with.

    But otoh I’m still kinda torn on the if you have to remove your hoody/motorcycle helmet/none religious(slashculteral) head gear then everyone has to have their faces showing too.I’m generally of the opinions that special rules for your religious beliefs can get bent. (this can quite easily be solved by not stipulating helmets/hoodies must be removed, aslong is everyone is treated equal I’m not bothered what the rules are)

    Free Member

    The burkini is very different from the burka.
    You did title the thread “ban the burka”.
    You would not get a burka wearer in a burkini.

    Full Member

    unless you inerview each and every burka wearer you don’t know whether they are being forced by family, indoctinated or genuinely just kinda like that get up. So forcing our rules on them to counteract their religion/friends/family supposedly forcing their rules on them is stoopid.

    Full Member

    A hajib and headscarf? No, no issues with that at all.
    The burka or niqab where the face is covered, I don’t like. Nothing religious in it, I had equal distain for all religions, just that I like to see people’s faces. Motorbike helmets and balaclavas don’t fill me with joy either.

    As for burkini’s, well, until someone can explain why someone can wear a wetsuit with hood, a long sleeved dress and hat or such like but not a burkini I think we should leave people ro wear what they see fit.

    Free Member


    But stop moving the goalposts, OP.

    Full Member

    Here are some nice safe Catholic nuns.

    Where is the law forcing them to undress to save them from misogyny?

    Full Member

    Having peripheral vision whilst driving should be requisite ,whether a veiled lady or a yoot in a hoodie.

    Full Member

    The burkini is very different from the burka.
    You did title the thread “ban the burka”.
    You would not get a burka wearer in a burkini.

    Very true but the article I linked mentions both. 46% of the people polled were in favour of banning burkinis.

    Free Member

    I can’t help but feel this thread is allowing Graham to covertly post all the jpgs from the folder labelled ‘Sexy’ on his desktop.

    Free Member

    allan23 – Member

    Anyone thought about asking a woman wearing the burkha how she feels about a bunch of over-privileged, white males deciding how she should be free?

    I would have asked one the last time I attended mosque, except they weren’t allowed in.
    Let me guess, you’ve never attended mosque and have tried to start an argument with someone who has a much greater understanding of Islam and how it is taught in the UK?

    Free Member

    There’s no way a veiled lady can make friends with someone she’s not allowed to show her face to.

    So blind people can’t have friends?

    I make friends with people easily, but I think it’s a function of being Northern; we’ll talk to anyone, and we do. I’ve chatted to ladies in the full face cover plus veil before and they’re just like everyone else.

    Free Member

    Why the hell (sorry) would anyone give a shit what someone else wears to the beach?

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    Very true but the article I linked mentions both. 46% of the people polled were in favour of banning burkinis.

    It would not surprise me if a large percentage of those people don’t even know what one actually is.

    Free Member

    So blind people can’t have friends?

    Goddamit….I am almost tempted to cancel my evening’s plans to see how this one pans out.

    Full Member

    Having peripheral vision whilst driving should be requisite ,whether a veiled lady or a yoot in a hoodie

    is this a recognised stat or just another stick to start swinging? I dunno, but anecdotally I’ve never started shouting abuse at a driver for almost killing me and seen a lady with her face covered behind the wheel – or a hooded yoot for that matter. Lot’s of experience of drivers who seem to have a limited field of view but it was just their inability to look properly, no headgear evident.

    Why the hell (sorry) would anyone give a shit what someone else wears to the beach?

    humans innit, crap design, despite what your chosen prophet might have said.

    Free Member

    Isn’t equality about treating everyone the same?

    Free Member

    More over, I don’t think it is valid to say “To stop you misogynistic bastards oppressing women and telling them what they are allowed to wear, we are going to make a law telling women what they are allowed to wear”


    There’s no way a veiled lady can make friends with someone she’s not allowed to show her face to.

    WHy is she my friend then?
    We even go to the cinema together

    She is not married who are you blaming for her choice…sorry i mean forcing her to wear this?

    people can wear what they like
    Its not my choice

    the real problem is white western MEN, whose expertise in islam is slim, have decided every Burka wearing woman is a picture of misogynistic oppression. Its a deeply flawed premise

    have tried to start an argument with someone who has a much greater understanding of Islam

    never ever do an appeal to authority and never ever do it to your own authority

    Free Member

    Where is the law forcing them to undress to save them from misogyny?

    Where is the law forcing these guys to undress to save them from misogyny? 💡

    Free Member

    Back row, far left. Has anyone seen a happier looking monk?

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