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  • Bad luck comes in threes
  • johndoh
    Free Member


    Double electric garage door broke – we’ve been repairing it for the last three years but accept it is beyond further remedial repairs being nearly 25 years old (£2,400 for a new one)

    Last night I pulled up on my drive, pulled the hand-brake on, and was greeted with a bang and suddenly lots of play (no idea what it is yet – I still need to investigate further but I bet it won’t be cheap).

    Then this morning I found a big puddle of water under the dishwasher (it hasn’t been cleaning properly for a few weeks) and a painful sound of the pump attempting to pump (water has drained out though). I can’t find any evidence of a blockage.

    Just what I need in January. Happy bloody Christmas.

    Full Member

    go back to bed.  Pull the duvet over your head or build a pillow fort.  it wont change anything but you can escape for a while.

    Free Member

    Handbrake cable, shouldn’t be too spensive.
    Dishwasher remove filter and fish down in the hole and remove gunk/glass/nuts/etc
    If not that check outlets where thye conenct to drain under sink
    Garage door? You are screwed.

    Full Member

    Bad Luck? That’s my normal life! 🤣🤣

    Full Member

    It blooming well does come in threes. A few years back we had a nightmare when we opened our static caravan. Wife forgot she’d put the flatscreen TV on the bed under a duvet, and put a heavy bag on it, broken TV. Then the fence blew down the next week, week after toilet started leaking and it just went on. Each weekend it was fixing stuff.

    Full Member

    Double electric garage door broke – we’ve been repairing it for the last three years but accept it is beyond further remedial repairs being nearly 25 years old

    roller shutter? is it just the motor? Had our one at work (must be getting on 30 years old!) replaced a few years back, good as new now. Had to phone round quite a few places though before we found someone who actually wanted to repair it (or at least, fit a new motor) rather than just replace the entire thing. Think it cost about £600 from memory.

    Free Member

    roller shutter? is it just the motor? Had our one at work (must be getting on 30 years old!) replaced a few years back, good as new now.

    Needs a new motor, the manual over-ride has broken (so if it does fail completely we are royally screwed as I couldn’t open/close it), only have one (dodgy) remote and it’s so old I can’t get it to pair with a new generic remote, it keeps going out of adjustment (not opening fully/over-closing). The repair guy quoted £900 but he advised getting a new one – not through him either as he just repairs so he’s not trying it on.

    Full Member

    Mine are:

    1. Timing belt or cam belt has gone on the car last week leaving me stranded for 3 hours (in the rain) waiting for the RAC by the side of the M25. Mechanic tells me it probably needs a new engine.

    2. Lost a crown that same evening. Got dentist appt in an hour. Couldn’t get NHS (old dentist closed down) so not going to be cheap.

    3. Android phone updated yesterday, failed and factory reset itself. I’ve lost all 2-factor authentication from my app and am having to reset all accounts. Also I can’t get wifi calling to work as it’s saying it’s not allowing the apk download or something due to the new OS. Phone signal is almost non existant at home (where I work from). Not actually cost me any money yet but Vodafone say they don’t support wifi calling on my OnePlus 7 so I might need to upgrade.

    Not a good start to the year.

    Free Member

    Handbrake cable, shouldn’t be too spensive.

    The weird thing is – the handbrake still works so I don’t get it? I haven’t driven it yet but I was wondering if it was a brake shoe that has imploded? (Rear drums on the car).

    EDIT: It has rear disks and I have just taken it for a quick drive – it appears to be braking in a straight line but when I pulled the hand brake on, only one side was working. Would there be two cables (ie, one for each side)?

    Free Member

    I am dreading my third one then, or next two if you lump the breakdown together.

    Yesterday broke down on A303, injectors knackered.

    Then had to wait 10 hours to get picked up!

    What could be next?!

    Full Member

    EDIT: It has rear disks and I have just taken it for a quick drive – it appears to be braking in a straight line but when I pulled the hand brake on, only one side was working. Would there be two cables (ie, one for each side)?

    Yes, although not on all cars.

    Probably best to replace both if you’ve snapped one, though.

    Full Member

    Needs a new motor, the manual over-ride has broken (so if it does fail completely we are royally screwed as I couldn’t open/close it), only have one (dodgy) remote and it’s so old I can’t get it to pair with a new generic remote, it keeps going out of adjustment (not opening fully/over-closing).

    sounds like it’s pretty shagged although only the manual override is potentially dealbreaking, if there’s no other way into the garage!! When we moved into our house the electric roller shutter on the garage was “broken”, a bit of poking around revealed it was just the controller, so simply removed it & replaced it with a £25 WiFi relay made for the purpose, much better anyway as now can be controlled by all manner of things including phones, Siri etc.

    Free Member

    Garage door openers aren’t pricey if you’re prepared to DIY. I bought a second hand one for £80 but managed to repair the one that was installed by the previous owner (mine only needed a new capacitor in the end). Couldn’t resell the one I purchased, so tipped it in the end.

    This year, I’ve had a bent alloy on my car due pothole…all the emissions lights illuminate plus a blow out on my van…. spendy 😖

    Oh, I forgot I trashed my kite lines on New Year’s Day too! Got a bit scary and thought I was going to get swept into a groyne.

    Not been a good start to the year!

    Full Member

    Then this morning I found a big puddle of water under the dishwasher (it hasn’t been cleaning properly for a few weeks) and a painful sound of the pump attempting to pump (water has drained out though). I can’t find any evidence of a blockage.

    Have you tried the pulling it out and leaning it forwards at 45 degree angle for a minute or so trick? I’m not sure what it does or how it works but seems as common a fix as have you turned it off and on again! Do get a towel though as water will come out…

    Full Member

    1. New boiler heat exchanger.

    2. Broken phone screen, chargeable unless I can complain that one away.

    3. New back door, not entirely broken but a complex tilt and slide mechanism that’s on its way out.

    I bloody hope its only 3!

    Free Member

    So your example of bad luck coming in threes, two of them happened simultaneously because you put off sorting them at the time? They’re not really bad luck either, just the fact that items wear out…

    Wife forgot she put a TV on the bed…. erm that’s not bad luck just forgetfulness.

    Free Member

    On your garage door, you might be able to ‘smart’ it. I fitted Meross smart things to ours so they can be controlled through HomeKit. Removes the reliance on the remotes and I find it a lot more convenient.

    Full Member

    On your garage door, you might be able to ‘smart’ it. I fitted Meross smart things to ours so they can be controlled through HomeKit. Removes the reliance on the remotes and I find it a lot more convenient.

    yeah, exactly what I did, only with a Shelly 2.5

    Free Member

    just the fact that items wear out…

    Yeah, but bad luck they all failed just after Christmas. The garage door has been soldiering on for years – it could have at least waited a few more months. And I can only crawl under the door now so no homemade pizza at the weekend (the pizza oven gets stored in there). *SOBS*

    And regarding ‘smarting’ the garage door – as that is only one of the manyfold issues I am having with it, it makes no sense to do it – there is no point having smart controls for a door that won’t open properly or, worse still, refuse to close with eight bikes in there…

    Full Member

    1. I got a year older today.

    2. The Fiesta got stolen today.

    3. Another tooth cracked today.


    Free Member

    Just what I need in January. Happy bloody Christmas.

    As my colleague said to me January is the hardest month of the year.

    Full Member

    Double electric garage door broke


    Free Member

    Bad things come in threes do they? Well I am wrong there – my wife has just had an email from her work (a state school) saying they have miscalculated her pay (she recently changed to working two jobs in two different bands so it is a bit complex) – she now has to repay £880 and her monthly salary has been corrected so she will also be taking home £100 less each month as well.

    $%*& off 2023.

    Full Member

    Meh… it’s not the number of things it’s the significance of the event that matters.

    Still don’t have the insurance sorted on this bastard…

    What’s luck got to do, got to do with it?

    Full Member

    If bad luck comes in threes not fours this must mean that you are in for some good luck next.

    Go on, stick something on the lottery.

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