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  • athiests who is their leader?
  • mogrim
    Full Member

    Dawkins and his fan-boys are just as bad as the Muslim extremists and Christian God-botherers.

    Dawkins is fine – if you read his books you'll realise there's a reason he's won prizes for his writing – but his fan-boys are a nightmare.

    Mind you, neither Dawkins nor his fan-boys were ever responsible for suicide bombing…

    Free Member

    The term Zealot, in Hebrew kanai (????, frequently used in plural form, ?????), means one who is zealous on behalf of God. The term derives from Greek ??????? (zelotes), "emulator, zealous admirer or follower"

    Since when did a word's origin necessarily equate to it's modern day definition ? 😕

    Are only Barbarians guilty of barbaric acts ?

    Is an 'awful' painting one which inspires an overwhelming feeling of admiration ?

    Zeal – fervour for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavour; enthusiastic diligence; ardour.

    Zealot – a person who shows zeal; an excessively zealous person; fanatic.

    Full Member

    Surfer wrote,

    "Atheism is a belief system like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

    Very good- I was trying to say something similiar but couldn't get it so neat.

    Free Member

    Is an 'awful' painting one which inspires an overwhelming feeling of admiration ?

    – 3 dictionary results
    ??/??f?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [aw-fuhl] Show IPA
    Use awful in a Sentence
    See web results for awful
    See images of awful
    1. extremely bad; unpleasant; ugly: awful paintings; an awful job.


    Free Member

    Surfer wrote,

    "Atheism is a belief system like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

    Very good- I was trying to say something similiar but couldn't get it so neat.

    I cant claim it but nore can I attribute it.

    Coyote, your statement is the most ridiculous I have seen for a while.

    Free Member


    And so you should be – you missed out the origins of the word 😀

    1200–50; ME a(g)heful, aueful; see awe, -ful; r. OE egefull dreadful

    Quote : "see awe"

    Awe – an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures.

    As far as whether Atheism is a "belief system", I guess it depends on your definition of "belief system". One definition of "belief system" is : faith based on a series of beliefs but not formalised into a religion; also, a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society

    I certainly know people who consider their Atheism to be part of their belief system.

    Free Member

    Coyote; meep meep!

    Free Member

    the short answer is: no-one.

    the long answer would begin like this: 'it depends what kind of atheist you are'

    Free Member


    Full Member

    If I hear one, just one more idiot espouse the theory that 'atheism is just another religion, and Dawkins is the leader/prophet' I just might go out on a non-religious anti-stupidity killing spree.

    Atheism is humanity's defence mechanism against invasion by self serving, money grabbing, fundamentalist arseholes.

    It demands nothing: No financial or psychologically dubious contributions, no tithe, no guilt, no retribution, no hate.
    None of those crutches that some people, too afraid to consider themselves as a fully functioning independent entity NEED to justify their place on a confusing, anarchic and seemingly senseless planet.

    It offers no solutions, but it certainly removes the possibility that some of the most easily assimilated and morally convenient answers can in any way provide a truth.

    Free Member

    It demands nothing: No financial or psychologically dubious contributions, no tithe, no guilt, no retribution, no hate.

    So Dawkins made no money by promoting atheism? Hitchens contributes all profits to charity?

    All religious extremism is basically self serving.

    Free Member

    All religious extremism is basically self serving.

    Fixed it for ya.

    Free Member

    Do not feed the trolls

    Full Member

    Of course he made money Coyote, but he didn't tell anyone that if they didn't believe him they would suffer in pain for all eternity.

    The speaking clock makes money – it tells the truth as well.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So if the atheists are comfortable in their own beliefs, why feel the need to spread the good word so forcefully? Bit of a crusade or jihad really, no?

    Free Member


    How many churches in your town?
    How many mosques in your town?
    How many atheists calling at your door?

    I'm doing it for my own entertainment, it's a lot less messy than shooting fish in a barrel. 😀

    Free Member

    It demands nothing: No financial or psychologically dubious contributions, no tithe, no guilt, no retribution, no hate.

    A bit like religions, it depends on the individual atheist. 20% of the world's population live under atheism, to which much of the above could apply. Closer to home, a few atheists preach stuff which could be said to incite hatred against those who don't share their atheist beliefs. But then again, it wouldn't be fair to tar all atheist with the same brush, eh ?

    Not sure where you live btw, but I find that I can easily resist demands for 'financial or psychologically dubious contributions, or tithe, or guilt, or retribution, or hate'.

    Free Member

    Seems that the atheists on here seem to feel the need to denouce religion on a fairly regular basis.

    Two churches in my town, no mosques that I know of and anyone calling at my door trying to force their opinions on me generally gets around 3 seconds of my attention.

    Shooting fish in a barrel can often render them inedible.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    No we're responding to you.

    And I am preaching what exactly?

    YOU are the virus.
    WE are the antibodies

    Words fail me.

    Time will tell which of us wins out, but believe me, if ANYONE attempts to FORCE me into a belief which contradicts my instincts and life experience, I'm going to fight back. And by that I do mean with physical force and extreme violence.

    I'll bear that in mind and certainly sleep with one eye open in future.

    Free Member

    believe me, if ANYONE attempts to FORCE me into a belief which contradicts my instincts and life experience, I'm going to fight back. And by that I do mean with physical force and extreme violence.

    WTF do you live ? Or is that supposed to be some sort of joke ? 😕

    ……..I believe what I want to believe, I've never felt the slightest pressure to believe what I didn't want to believe. Not even on here.

    EDIT : Oh I see that you thought better of it and decided to delete your post …….. fair enough 🙂

    Free Member

    Who is the leader of religion?

    Who is the leader of mountainbikers?

    Who is the leader of humans?

    Free Member

    I have had enough of religion and am happy to stand up and be counted as someone who clearly in a loud voice and with some conviction says,

    Religion is complete and utter shit.

    Free Member

    Baby jesus made you say that though.

    Free Member

    Religion – fairy stories for adults

    Simplistic answers to difficult questions for the credulous

    Opium for the masses ( cliche no 456 for stoner)

    You show me proof of the existance of any god and I will believe.

    Why is christianity right and judasim wrong? Or why will catholics burn in the methodist hell? Why is hinduism wrong?

    anyswer me one of those questions you god botheres

    Free Member

    Not sure where you live btw, but I find that I can easily resist demands for 'financial or psychologically dubious contributions, or tithe, or guilt, or retribution, or hate'.

    You have little choice over its impact on you, financially as well as the stifling of academic and medical research. How it impact others may not concern you, however I think it should.

    Closer to home, a few atheists preach stuff which could be said to incite hatred against those who don't share their atheist beliefs. But then again, it wouldn't be fair to tar all atheist with the same brush, eh ?

    Ernie, Can you refer me to any atheists preaching hate?

    Free Member

    Hold the front page! I think I've found god!

    Full Member

    Yes, post deleted – was meant to be ironic, (the non religious adopting a fundamentalist/totalitarian and typically religious approach to atheism, etc), but realised that it probably wouldn't be seen as such.

    Seems I was right. 😕

    Free Member

    No, false alarm. Photo wouldn't load…

    Free Member

    I preach ridicule is that a hate crime??

    Free Member

    So if the atheists are comfortable in their own beliefs, why feel the need to spread the good word so forcefully? Bit of a crusade or jihad really, no?

    No. Never had one knock on my door. Never been preached too by an Atheist.
    There is an irony to your posts. Atheism is not a belief. Why can believers only understand atheism in relation to the rigid framework of their own faith. Why do they always need to find a "leader"
    The fact that you cant think outside the confines of your own faith should not lead you to believe the same of everyone.

    Free Member

    "Dawkins and his fan-boys are just as bad as the Muslim extremists and Christian God-botherers."

    Complete and utter bollocks! No one has EVER done the things religious extremists do in the name of Islam or Christianity for atheism. Atheists are not terrorists, they do not force themselves upon people in their own homes to preach at them, they do not have wars in their name.

    Religious fundamentalists are the most terrifying things in the world today, and the most dangerous. The reason why you have to go through so much humiliation at airports is because of religious extremists. I don't think any atheist has ever killed huge numbers of people in the name of non-belief- no doubt somewhere it has happened in small numbers, but the reason why the world is so messed up at the minute is because of god botherers.

    I'm genuinely upset by the fact that you'd think that this was the case.e

    Free Member

    Seems that the atheists on here seem to feel the need to denouce religion on a fairly regular basis.

    Thank goodness.

    Free Member

    Opium for the masses ( cliche no 456 for stoner)

    Please please TJ, if you're going to quote Marx, then properly and fully, he did after all, write so eloquently :

    "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."

    He was also very good when describing "Christian" socialism in the Communist Manifesto :

    "Christian Socialism is but the holy water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat. "

    One for Tony Blair maybe ?

    Free Member

    Closer to home, a few atheists preach stuff which could be said to incite hatred against those who don't share their atheist beliefs. But then again, it wouldn't be fair to tar all atheist with the same brush, eh ?

    Any references yet Ernie?

    Free Member

    Hi ernie – still don't care…

    Free Member

    Wait, wait! I found it! God!!!!

    Free Member

    Why can believers only understand atheism in relation to the rigid framework of their own faith.

    I can imagine atheism is a very liberating experience.

    The fact that you cant think outside the confines of your own faith should lead you to believe the same of everyone.

    When have I mentioned my "faith" or indeed being constrained by it. I was merely observing the fanaticism of some atheists and their lack of tolerance.

    "Dawkins and his fan-boys are just as bad as the Muslim extremists and Christian God-botherers."

    Complete and utter bollocks! No one has EVER done the things religious extremists do in the name of Islam or Christianity

    Fair comment. I was commenting on their enthusiasm for promoting their own point of view and complete disregard for others.

    Full Member

    mrben100 – Member
    Atheism – a non-prophet organisation.

    well, it made me laugh anyway.
    As far as atheists not foisting their opinions on people, and killing believers, I'm pretty sure large numbers of people died as an indirect result of the actions of a number of despotic leaders during the last century, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot among them. Of course, I could be wrong; I usually am.

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