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  • Arran bike routes
  • tcomc1000
    Free Member

    Does anyone have a map or gpx files to the various routes on Arran?
    I’m getting no joy from the Arran mtb website and quite fancy a play over there before the weather deteriorates by the weekend
    Cheers in advance

    Full Member

    *Forestry Tracks
    Lamlash well Cordon, up the Ross (yellow rd to S/W onto cycle route in forest, over to Whiting Bay (Gleanashdale falls/Giants graves) then down to Whiting Bay, and back dropping down short track to Cordon beach (*we did the paths to Kings cross point as well – 3 stiles, gf pushed lots but a nice area and up at the Fish Farm – the white road before to the L should(** be doable *it was a car road in the 60s) the Giants Graves is a great place to eat sarnies

    *from Giants Graves this track goes either (L) to just above High Kildonan(not on map but we did it last year) or R on Forestry track to twin tracks to Kilmory (we went up the E one and looped to Giants Graves and back to High Kildonan) or you can backtrack to Lamlash

    Lamlash, (up Brodick hill) of if you’re REALLY HARD(ie this would be a lot better down) up the back of Lamlash on black broken dots path that joins) , then W to bridge on Gleann Dubh then Glen Cloy, Brodick – up hill towards lamlash L, South CorrieGills to Fort we did W leg to Clauchlands I believe the E leg(to point) is doable (other tracks in area looked rideable)

    Glen Rosa out and back (you seem to be able to go out on S of river track – lovely, we did this out and back) and somewhere cross and go back on N of river track (saw walkers etc on it) into back of Brodick castle which has tracks

    The N Cock of Arran bit is deffo unrideable (after a while) it was nearly unwalkable. the bit over the hill to the Laggan (remote house ) no idea about and we saw tyre tracks from North Sannox N on coast track (but I’m not planning on doing it)

    I was told not to do the nice looking Lochranza loop round Beinn Bhreac

    beware ticks and cleggs, gf got 9 ticks repeat 9 in 2 days.

    ps Glenisle Bistro Lamlash recommended, as is the view at Kildonan(pub there did nice food as well)

    Free Member

    Have only walked there, but I always thought that the decent from the saddle up toward the summit of goat fell, down into glen rosa would be immense. If you try it, let me know!

    Free Member

    Also, with my recommendation you would finish at Arran Brewery and could then proceed to get lashed on Arran Blonde.

    Full Member

    The Arran bike club Black is good, as is the Cleuchlands Loop, which is quite tecky. I don’t have maps but do remember the routes 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers guys.
    Will do some exploring.
    I was actually t the saddle yesterday ( not biking, got a lift up there) looking down glen rosa thinking how epic it would be to bike down, though with easter holidays at the moment there are shed loads of walkers about.
    Deciding whether to B and B it or wild camp, anyone got good tips about either?
    Really is such a great little island!

    Free Member

    Arran boys don’t really use the website much any more, but are very active on Facebook and will at the very least give you some routes, but more likely to offer you a ride with them.

    Full Member

    I did the Clauchlands loop last November when it was too windy for Goatfell (and almost for the ferry back too). It was a fun and varied ride. Description and gpx file here:


    Free Member

    Nobeer – did the Glen Sannox / Rosa loop based on your recommendation last year. I really enjoyed, but Gav was still moaning about it when I saw him at the weekend. He, and I quote, says “it’s the worst ride I’ve ever done”. The other rider in the group was reduced to tears during the ride.

    I love biking on Arran, been over a couple of times a year for the last few years. Favourite routes are:

    – Clauchlands loop from Brodick. Great trails and views.
    – Big loop of the south taking in Clauchland and Glen Ashdale. Brilliant ride, some good singletrack and options for cafe stops.
    – Descent of Goat Fell (climb from High Corrie and descend from path junction on main path)
    – Cock of Arran (ride road to Lochranza, path from Lochranza to Laggan and return along coast).

    I’ve added a couple of the gpx files for the Clauchlands and big classic loop here:


    Full Member

    Heading over for a week in summer with family, staying in Lamlash. Still not decided between cx and mtb….. Have ridden a lot there, both road and off – its all good, although road surfaces are crap.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Rich – we had pdf’s of the black and red and cleuchlands loop when we were over with George and Judit a few hrs back – do you still have them ? I must have a look when on home pc…, might be handy when I’m over in summer !

    Free Member

    Nobeer – did the Glen Sannox / Rosa loop based on your recommendation last year. I really enjoyed, but Gav was still moaning about it when I saw him at the weekend. He, and I quote, says “it’s the worst ride I’ve ever done”. The other rider in the group was reduced to tears during the ride.

    Bunch of fannies!. Must be one of the dodgiest hike a bikes ever though up Glen Sannox ie actually handing the bikes up to each other as you need both hands to scramble up!. Surprised at Gavin, thought he was made of tougher stuff!.

    Glen Rosa descent starts off brilliant, but lots of the lower stuff is a bastard as the path is so eroded, it’s 2′ deep and about 18″ wide, pedal grabbing nastiness.

    – Cock of Arran (ride road to Lochranza, path from Lochranza to Laggan and return along coast).

    Try this in reverse next Time Tom, gives a peach of a rocky descent down to to Lochranza, back over the road to Corrie golf club tea room, then tack on the Glen Sannox/Rosa at the end – Did this twice in 2014, cracking day!.

    Heading over for a week in summer with family, staying in Lamlash. Still not decided between cx and mtb….. Have ridden a lot there, both road and off – its all good, although road surfaces are crap.

    When are you going Iain?, I’m booked into a place in Lamlash for a week in the summer, and the last thing I want to look at is you, on an ugly Giant! 😆

    Road surfaces are much better than they have been in previous years btw.

    Tom, I have a new, high level route planned for the summer, but it’ll need a wee spell of dry weather leading up to it, and if we get views, it’ll be a belter!. I’ll give you a shout.

    OP – If I was not looking for hike a bikes or owt, just some good biking, I’d do this –

    Start Brodick, up through Mayish onto fairy glen, which brings you up to the car park at cnoc na dail – cross the road and follow the fire road anti clockwise round to the western most point of clauchland – a wee short steep push up onto the top, then follow the lovely muddy, rocky, techy descent back down to cnoc na dail.

    Then follow the wee path on the south side of the road down into Lamlash – DO NOT follow the route in the Arran MTB map which brings you round the back of Lamlash, it’s shite.

    Descensd into Lamlash, cafe at pier if you want it. Right to south end of village and then turn right for sliddery, but immediately left onto the forest drive. Follow this for about 4 or 5 miles til you come to a quarry – the second, bigger one. look carefully at the SW end of the quarry for a wee bit of singletrack, follow this and it’s really quite nice, spits you back out on the forest drive heading back to Lamlash.

    After a bit, you’ll see a wee sign on your left, canny mind what it’s for – Loch Urie maybe? anyway, it’s not far from Lamlash, take this and follow it back past the wee lochan to lamlash.

    Through Lamlash again, then up the descent you went down into Lamlash, and at cnoc na dail, take the fire road heading into the back of Brodick, nice wee descent spits you out at the back of the Auchrannir resort.

    I could go on, Loads more, but I’m fed up typing, and my soup is getting cold!.

    Free Member

    Towzer –

    The N Cock of Arran bit is deffo unrideable

    Nonsense. The coastal path out to Laggan is lovely, then there is a wee grassy push up to the col, then a belter of a descent into Lochranza. I assume you are talking about carrying on round the coast.

    Edit – Cock of Arran and Glens Sannox and Rosa.


    Full Member

    arrg – sorry – it might be the fallen rocks bit then (did wonder when reading the map) but we (could have been lost) but there were 3 paths repairers and a dog fixing up the path – it was more than a scramble

    Full Member

    When are you going Iain?, I’m booked into a place in Lamlash for a week in the summer, and the last thing I want to look at is you, on an ugly Giant!

    We are heading over sat 4th July, might need to avoid you nobeer 😀

    Free Member

    Glen Rosa descent starts off brilliant, but lots of the lower stuff is a bastard as the path is so eroded, it’s 2′ deep and about 18″ wide, pedal grabbing nastiness.

    Yeah that’s the kick in the balls with that route. The hike a bike is pretty tough, followed by a nice techy downhill section. You can then see a lovely singletrack snaking off through the glen and hopes rise. Only, as you say, it’s many km of 2′ deep pedal grabbing nastiness.

    Full Member

    Iain, I know the maps you are talking about, google just takes me to some dead links.

    Its not a hard route to follow if you’ve ridden it a couple of times though. Clauchland and the bit near Glenashadale Falls being the highlights

    ian martin
    Free Member

    Went to Arran last year for a weeks holiday, I took the mountain bike but regretted it.
    I found the trails to be alright but the roads looked a lot more fun, it’s like wacky races watching folks ride off the ferry and race each other up the hill.

    Free Member

    Roads more fun than trails? Weirdoalert!.

    Seriously though, there is the road all the way round, and two other roads criss crossing the island, it’s good, but once you’ve done it once…..

    Do a bit of homework on the offroad stuff however, and there’s a lot of nice trails to ride.

    Full Member

    Rich – yeah, I remember them quite well and have actually just joined their FB page, where maps are linked.

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