Home Forums Bike Forum Are these worth doing up ? – Shougun Trail Breaker and Universal Something

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  • Are these worth doing up ? – Shougun Trail Breaker and Universal Something
  • redthunder
    Free Member

    I can have them from a friend, for nowt… found them in their barn.

    Worth the bother?… the Shogun looks the best.

    Or just a royal pain in the arse.

    Thoughts 🙂

    Free Member

    Run. Run away….

    Full Member

    Doing up for what?

    Free Member

    They look like classic edinburgh commuters. Commonly referred to as 'shitters'.

    Give em a spruce up and sell them for a few quid and donate the money to charity.

    Free Member

    Just for fun. Pub bike sort of thing.

    Free Member

    My first MTB was a Shogun Trailbreaker with 24" wheels, circa 1992. In retrospect, it was rubbish then, so I can't imagine it being any better now.

    Free Member

    Trailbreaker my first 'MTB' too, 26" wheels tho'. 'Hi-tensile' tubing, nasty plastic 'n steel groupset – weighed about 32lbs. Cost an extortionate £200 in 1990. Got me into MTB's tho', even did some races on it.

    Be ok as a pub bike – just don't spend anything on it.

    Free Member

    I'm doing it an injustice, mine (TB2) had Cro-mo maintubes and 1st gen STI – just found the original brochure after 19 yrs! yeah very sad.

    Depends on model tho' the base model (TB1) was no better than an Asda bike.

    Free Member

    I seem to spend half my time working on bikes like that and to get them "just running" is achievable, to get them good is impossible. Every 10 bikes or so there's one that won't behave and drives you insane but it could be worth doing to use as bikes for others to use.

    Free Member

    Thanks everybody.

    Might pump up the tyres and oil the chain and use it for the pub.

    Free Member

    Pub/commuting hack. Strip it down, SS it if you can't get the gears to a working state.

    Full Member

    Donate them to a project like this one:


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