Do you have experience of ten year old kabooms
No, all my pals are well enough off to be able to change their bikes at 5 yo. I go out with a large bunch, maybe 50 altogetehr (not all at once, some just do Sundays, some Wednesdays etc), and 10 years ago the 1290 was one of the bikes to go for, exceptional power, great fun to ride, and finance deals (typically 0% on a discounted price) made them really attractive. Then they started to fall apart. One had the rear sub frame break, others had lots of electrical faults, so as trade-in time approached, they were not renewed with a new KTM, but usually a large BMW. Oh, and the short arses didnt go near them, you’ve got to be near 6 foot tall to get your feet down.
The small bikes are really selling well now. The Triumph 400 has exceeeded all sales expectations, Honda are bringing one out (may be out already?), but it costs more than the Triumph. Enfield are still selling well, which surprises me, slow, heavy, not really cheap, but some people love them.