Every bike shop I’ve gone into for parts bar two, attempt to sell me a complete new bike (I don’t go back or buy anything). They have a vested interest, the biggest margin is on complete bike sales not parts! I’ve noticed a fair few that used to stock loads of parts don’t bother anymore. The most honest LBS I know, the owner says he can order parts in, but recommends buying from CRC because they are cheaper than his trade supplier, he’s not bothered about the small change in it for him.
Plumbers pull a similar stunt with boilers! I’ve lost count of people I know who have been blagged into a new boiler with the “can’t get the parts anymore” standard line, when the parts are available from both trade and online retailers! but we will do you a nice two grand boiler replacement. I’m sure Northwind and everyone in his book circle have had a completely different experience of course! bought the boiler and the bike, so like #amaze at how much better they are than the old ones 🙄
I doubt every single parts supplier (except affiliates who will do their corporate masters bidding) will stop selling tyres, wheels and forks when theres a huge worldwide market for them.