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  • Apple WWDC 2014 – iPhone 6/ iWatch? / iWotM8?
  • kelvin
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    How awesome is the camera tech in it?

    Impressive, but someone needs to sack that sommelier 😉

    Free Member

    Surely if the design is so good then you don’t need a case?


    Full Member

    Options are good. I only use a case when I have the phone mounted on my bars or in some other risky scenario. Rest of the time it is naked, bar a cheapo screen protector film.

    Free Member

    Anyone had any luck walking into a store and buying one, or is online order the quickest option? I was told they would restock at the weekend, but I’m having trouble getting confirmation.

    Free Member

    Anyone had any luck walking into a store and buying one, or is online order the quickest option? I was told they would restock at the weekend, but I’m having trouble getting confirmation.

    EE had a second batch of stock to their stores over the weekend so they had some in Brum in store. Not sure on the Apple stores, might be a case of calling them first to see. Online will give you a definite answer and delivery date but might be a couple of weeks.

    Free Member

    i’Ve not seen a liVe one yet, the more i thiNk about iT the less i seem to want one now.. QuiTe happy wiTh my 5s, at least iN the sort term.

    Free Member

    So what do people think now they’ve played with them for a few days?

    I guess if you’ve bought one then you’ll like them or why else would you?

    I guess I’m in the same boat, I like the bigger screen and sure some of the features are nice but the main thing that is a good reason to buy is the new IOS8 running nice and smoothly and efficiently. This for me is the main thing, the rest is largely nice to have. I’m a fan but cant claim the 6 is worth some of the press hype. Quelle Surprise.

    Anybody want a 64gb 4S with Oakley cover? 😉

    Free Member

    I got my 6 plus on Friday. it’s very good but not worth upgrading from say a 5s unless you want the extra size.
    10 minutes after getting it and restoring from the cloud it’s like you have nothing new which is as good as it is bad.
    It is massive though and a bit awkward to use one handed even with the double press to bring the page down but it’s something I will get used to. The main struggle is reaching to swipe from left to go back a page.
    The most impressive features are the camera and screen. Playing back a video of my daughter swinging around on a climbing frame the picture is stunning.
    In reality I think that the 6 would be a better size than the plus even though I have large hands.

    Full Member

    Been living with iOS8 on my 4S for a few days now – can’t say it is noticeably slower (for my usage).

    The new features seem pretty good. I like the magic text prediction on the keyboard – that’s clever.

    Bit disappointed that Family Sharing is still geared towards multiple devices, rather than multiple logins for a single device. I’m not buying my 4 year old her own iPad (yet).

    Free Member

    So what do people think now they’ve played with them for a few days?

    Had the 6 since friday.

    The first impresions are…
    – It’s just an iPhone, not exactly ground breaking
    – It’s a loverly thing to hold and use.
    – The rounded edges of the screen make it feel like the infinity pool of screens
    – The camera is amazing
    – It felt big compared to my 4 for the first couple of days but now it just feels normal
    – The trade off of camera bulge vs thinness all over was worth it. Thinness makes it feel lovely

    Full Member

    The camera that’s in the 6+ put inside a machine the size of the 4S would make a great trail camera/phone/map device.

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    Full Member

    So what do people think now they’ve played with them for a few days?

    I forgot to order a nano SIM so still haven’t enabled mine yet!

    Full Member

    Nice comparison of iPhone cameras over the years:

    That’s really good. Pleased to see my 4S camera still seems to hold up quite well, except in low-light where it does suck.

    Full Member

    So what do people think now they’ve played with them for a few days?

    got a 128gb 6 and one of the leather apple cases. Its nice, the extra size isn’t as much of a pain as I thought it would be. battery life seems good but then the battery in my 5 was goosed. havent used the camera much yet.

    contract is less than it was monthly, phone cost £70 upfront and O2 recycle are giving me £165 for my old phone. what’s not to like?

    Free Member

    what’s not to like?


    Free Member

    i’Ve just popped iNto EE here iN Canary Wharf and they had a 6 siTtiNg on one of the ServiCe Teams desks, looked niCe from 6ft away..

    Free Member

    @jfletch – thanks for update, mine is due for delivery around Oct 7 I can’t wait.

    @jam bo – I took a chance and ordered a case even though I use current phones without so that’s good news

    @footflaps – that’s hysterical ! Three told me I can just come into the store and switch sims once I get my phone.

    Full Member

    @footflaps – that’s hysterical ! Three told me I can just come into the store and switch sims once I get my phone.

    O2 have posted a new one to me, should have arrived today. Still, the 6 makes a very nice paper weight….

    Full Member

    I took a chance and ordered a case even though I use current phones without so that’s good news

    its a nice case in black. matches my moleskin notebook quite nicely.

    Free Member

    @jfletch – thanks for update, mine is due for delivery around Oct 7 I can’t wait.

    No problem. Although my last bullet may have been a bit hasty, judging by the media reports it should have read…

    – The trade off of camera bulge vs thinness all over was worth it ill advised. Thinness makes it feel lovely bendy

    Full Member

    Well looks like I have a borked iPhone 6. Touchid sensor doesn’t seem to work and just says ‘Failed’ before it’s even tried to learn a fingerprint.

    Free Member


    You didn’t update to iOS 8.0.1 first?

    Apparently it’s a massive crock of shit.


    Free Member

    @footflaps, yes as per @Jamie those athe iOS 8.0.1 symptons for the iPhone 6 – massive FUp from Apple. You can restore iOS8.0 via iTunes

    Free Member

    I put 8.0.1 on and need to restore although doesn’t seem too bad on my 5S. Just some weird email issues.

    Full Member

    You didn’t update to iOS 8.0.1 first?

    Apparently it’s a massive crock of shit.

    Sadly I was initialising my 6 in the 90min window when the update was available, so iTunes stuck in on there for me. I since read later online that the update was duff. Total PITA, wasted hours last night wiping the iPhone, re-installing thinking it was just a glitch….

    Free Member

    I since read later online that the update was duff. Total PITA, wasted hours last night wiping the iPhone, re-installing thinking it was just a glitch….

    I feel an Android user should really come along at this point, and point and laugh.

    Free Member

    Happy to oblige 😉

    posted from my iPhone android phone

    Free Member

    iOS8.0.2 now available. Fixes snafus and also the photo issue


    Free Member

    Is apple the new Microsoft? 😉 The brand we love to hate?

    Free Member

    Is apple the new Microsoft? The brand we love to hate?

    No, Microsoft innovate. It’s just that they take a lot of iterations to get it right. Apple just seem to follow at the moment.

    Free Member

    Arguably what Apple do is follow good ideas that are badly implemented and make them useable. At least that’s what they’ve done in the past. The iPhone for example was the first smartphone that really worked well.

    Now they just seem to be adding a little spit and polish which is nice but not really (IMO) anything to get excited about.

    As I said right at the start of this thread, I’m unlikely to ever buy any Apple products but I used to really look forward to their releases as you knew it would drive the whole market forward. That doesn’t seem to be the case here at least not with the product itself (because I think that the payment side of things could actually be pretty cool).

    Free Member

    Arguably what Apple do is follow good ideas that are badly implemented and make them useable. At least that’s what they’ve done in the past. The iPhone for example was the first smartphone that really worked well.


    And what they seem to really excel at is the way we interact with technology rather than just the tech its self.

    The iPod wasn’t ground breaking, it’s just a hard drive and a headphone jack. But it came with the click wheel and iTunes and that is why it was such a success.

    The iPhone wasn’t ground breaking, it was just a touch screen phone (and not even a good phone at first). But it came with multi-touch which made it useable and then an app store which made it useful.

    In comparison Microsoft made Kinnect which is technologically amazing but nobody wants it.

    Apple are trying to do this again with the smart watch bezel, and credit card payments.

    Full Member

    I feel an Android user should really come along at this point, and point and laugh.

    If they didn’t, I’d think something was very wrong.

    NB if you want to see really disturbed people (aka Android users) just look at the 1000s of anti-Apple comments on any Jack Schofield article about Apple on the Guardian website…

    Free Member

    Jack Schofield

    Nah, it’s the *runs off to google* Charles Arthur articles that usually get it.

    To be honest, after The Guardian published that nauseating Stephen Fry piece, where I half expected the article to be accompanied by pictures of Mr Fry spooning an iPhone while stark-bollock naked.I tend to avoid it for tech stuff.

    Free Member

    Hey Ya’ll, i’M on 8.0.2 haviNg just downloaded iT. Seems fiNe so far, clearly not a briCk as i”d not be able to post here ATM.
    Can’t see any diFference at all..

    Don’t get flustered eiTher, i’M on my 5s haviNg not succumbed to the baby 6 (yet) 😛

    Free Member

    Is apple the new Microsoft? The brand we love to hate?

    People love to hate big business and Apple is now very big and very profitable. There are also people who like to distance themselves from what they perceive to be the “in crowd” and to have an opinion which is counter cultural. Many reasons really.

    Free Member

    My 6 arrived early (2 weeks from order). Very nice, like it a lot. Much faster than the 4S (doh!) and the screen quality is really a big step forward. Much lighter and slimmer overall. Probably the biggest benefit of the large screen & quality is that text in messages and emails is much easier to read (larger text mode on) so no need for me to wear my glasses. I was able to mark up a route map for a fellow STWer using the phone, the extra screen size and resolution was really useful. The 4G network speed is really noticable too (“free” with Three mobile).

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