Home Forums Chat Forum Anyone work as a CAD designer or technician?

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  • Anyone work as a CAD designer or technician?
  • niallmb
    Free Member

    Completely off topic but hey, easily not the most off topic thread I’ve read on here so…..

    I’m in a position where I have the opportunity to sell my business, thus freeing me up to move into something new. I’ve now crossed off all of my goals in my current role and fancy a change.

    As part of my current work, I design stages and studios and do a fair bit with CAD etc. (predominantly vectorworks/wysiwyg). I really enjoy this bit of the job and quite like the idea of a move into doing this for a living and leave the business running to someone else!!!

    I’ll have a chunk of cash available for training etc. and can probably spend about 6 months on getting some qualifications but could really do with picking the brains of someone who does CAD as a job. Anyone out there who wouldn’t mind me emailing them some daft questions?

    Free Member

    email in profile. Ask away, the dafter the better.

    Full Member

    I design stuff using CAD (but not before I’ve used pencil and paper). CAD is really a tool, if you want to move into a design job then you will probably need CAD experience but primarily you will need design experience or a design related degree (or both, ideally). My experience is in product design / mechanical design using Pro/E and Solidworks, happy to help if I can.

    Free Member

    I have friends who did the same job as you and went to work as CAD draughters for architects and a furniture company. There is a guy at a structural engineers I use that only draws up stuff given to him.

    Free Member

    On CAD type software all the time as a surveyor but generallyy real stuff as opposed to,designs.

    CAD is easy peasy once you know the basics. Most folk get dead confused by the layers and model space and drawing space.

    I learned by sitting in an office with a bloke who used CAD and who(annoyingly at the time) talked his way through a drawing thereby teaching me subliminally. ” draw a line from the end point of that to the mid point of this, draw a circle here, d, 490″ etc.

    When I went on a course years later, I already knew all the moves.

    Used it almost every day since 1995. Only basic stuff though.

    Email away.

    Free Member

    I’m a product designer / mechanical engineer spend most of my life sat I front of a CAD station with near 15 years experience, feel free to mail me if you want to know anything benatmysterymovedotcom

    Free Member

    I work for myself and offer a technical / CAD role on building projects. Effectively what I do is I come in and take charge of a project. Typically the company may have tried and failed or has insufficent staff rescoures be that in personnel or technical skills

    I’ve been using CAD since the late 80s and only really starting using AutoCAD full time in the mid 90s.

    I am not a CAD drafter. I’m a experienced technican / contract administator / team leader who can use CAD quickly and effectively as part of my day to day job.

    I’m not sure if your proposing to be become a CAD jockey or specialise in stage / studio design.

    Free Member

    I’m a CAD monkey (!!) currently working at Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan on a contract for NATO. Been here two years now after about ten year as an Architectural Technologist in the UK. I’m an AutoCAD person which is probably the most commonly used software out there.

    Full Member

    Currently using AutoCAD for designing composite window and curtain wall installations, also have previous experience in solid modelling (Mechanical Desktop), surface modelling (PowerSHAPE) and CNC Programming (PowerMILL).

    Happy to help if there’s anything there that may be of any interest.

    Also happy to take on drawing work anyone else may have!

    Free Member

    is it the artistic side of CAD design that you enjoy ? if so another option for a career path is in Games/Film as a Modeller.

    Full Member

    In my experience an experienced CAD technician is worth their weight in gold. Though if you want to make big bucks get into BIM as apparently that’s the future.

    Free Member

    I use AutoCAD and Solidworks daily as part of my job, designing certain engineering components to be used in our small family manufacturing business. I actually thought I was pretty dman good particularly at the 3d Stuff, until we subbed some work onsite to a proper designer. It took me about 1 hour working with him to realise I havent scratched the surface

    Free Member

    Rockhopper – Any jobs going? Sounds like an interesting alternative to the norm! I’m a architectural technician – 15 years experience.

    Free Member

    Nothing doing at the moment (for CAD people anyhow, we are looking for other types) but keep an eye on http://www.reed.co.uk

    You need to be able to get NATO Secret security clearance (not difficult) and previous military experience helps as well.

    Its good to be part of whats going on out here, its tax and NI free, everything is paid for (food,laundry etc) but it is certainly dangerous and getting more so as the draw down gets going.

    Free Member

    To be tax free though you would need to be out there(or working outside of the uk) until after April 2014. If you came back to work in the uk within that period you’d have a nice tax bill waiting for you. I’ve just returned from afghan after a few years out there doing construction management and design work. It’s a good way to save money but it’s bloody boring- both the work and the life.

    Free Member

    I Use cad on a daily basis vworks acad etc I would
    Def look into BIM revit etc also if yr mac based
    Look into rhino you can beta test it for free and
    Parametric design like grasshopper… Plain old dots and
    Dashes cad is on its last legs

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