Home Forums Bike Forum Anyone ride with an ICD fitted ?

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  • Anyone ride with an ICD fitted ?
  • Thrustyjust
    Free Member

    After a suspected heart attack only 100 metres into a 4 days riding in the lakes last week, a riding mate is now in the local hospital and is having an ICD fitted on Monday. Just wondering if anyone has one or knows of someone having one? We , as mates hope it doesn’t stop him riding although we know he will have to hang his wheels up for a while. 45 yrs old is too young to have to pack up riding.

    Free Member


    Your mate will hopefully get the right advice, but there is a lot of info out there for him and for you.

    Free Member

    Cheers Crikey. That’s some good info. Yes, we as mates will need to know what could happen as well.Thanks

    Full Member

    May be worth a call to Ross Cowie, I think he has one fitted. He organises charity events now swimming, cycling and running so should be able to give first hand advice.
    My wife ran an ICD clinic for a while, supporting people before and after having them fitted. Email in profile if you want to get in touch, I’m sure she’d be happy to have a chat with your mate.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice. I will send him the link to this thread, while he’s passing time at the hospital.

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