Home Forums Chat Forum Anyone not donating to Pakistan?

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  • Anyone not donating to Pakistan?
  • Frankenstein
    Free Member

    I was about to donate after looking at the children crying on tv etc but my other half said no way, funding terrorists, Taliban, Muslims they hate us all etc.

    The only evidence is news and media etc but it made me stop and feel guilty for anyone suffereing no matter what their background.


    Anyone else not donating?


    Free Member


    charity begins at home. my home.

    And after seeing first hand how one of the brains behind the doorstep collection of clothes for charity operates, funding his jetset lifestyle & a beautiful detached home on millionaires row in Worsely, no charity director is getting fat off the proceeds of anything i'd donate

    Free Member

    I'm not. Nature has a habit of sending these 'disasters' to redress the balance. Sending money just prolongs the inevitable.

    Free Member

    I thought Directors were already well off and didn't know they get the charity money! 😯

    Free Member

    U31, they may, just may, not all be like that.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I'm not donating.

    Any country that can afford nuclear weapons can afford to look after its own people.

    I would hope that the western nations could get together and offer a combined aid package dependent on Pakistan giving up their nukes for destruction.

    Free Member

    Another "charity" that grips my bum chocolate is Bolton community transport.

    It was set up to help the poorest of society furnish thier home with donated basics, cooker, bed, something to sit on etc..

    It's now big business, with a lot of the donated furniture being sold at prices where you'd almost be better off going to Ikea.
    And at least at ikea you'd buy new…

    Full Member

    Shibboleth – Member
    I'm not. Nature has a habit of sending these 'disasters' to redress the balance. Sending money just prolongs the inevitable.

    What the **** does that mean?

    Free Member

    sc-xc – Member
    What the **** does that mean?

    Is English not your strong point?

    Free Member

    It's allah's will init. Don't mess with the big geezer or there'll be no virgins waiting for you

    Free Member

    Plus there are currently people homeless on my doorstep in stockport after last weeks flash flood. There are also still people up in cumbria etc that haven't get sorted after the floods there

    Full Member

    English language I have no problem with. Stupid, small minded petty little people like you are what puzzle me.

    Free Member

    its all down to call me dave this, they burnt his effigy when he upset them and he brought his wrath down on them the same week. we best be careful 😉

    Free Member

    Frankenstein, the clothes "scam" works, in this instance at least, like this: The bags go to a warehouse (read run down cheap rent mill) where , low paid immigrants sort out the wheat from the chaff.
    I'm not kidding your eyes would pop at what ends up in these bags, designer labels worn once or twice or even never… these get sorted and set aside.
    These get sold for profit. Charity shops get the rest that is decent and useable.

    Now i know there are overheads, but what other business model gives you your saleable stock for free?

    Free Member

    Plus there are currently people homeless on my doorstep in stockport after last weeks flash flood. There are also still people up in cumbria etc that haven't get sorted after the floods there

    And presumably you're not helping them either? Justify it how you like, but some of you are just &*&^s I'm afraid.

    Free Member

    There are also still people up in cumbria etc that haven't get sorted after the floods there

    I know, it's tough living in hotels all the time

    Free Member

    Nature has a habit of sending these 'disasters' to redress the balance.

    assisted by poorly designed mass irrigation schemes and international wrangling over water resources.

    New Scientist:

    It isn't just heavy rain that is to blame for the current floods in Pakistan: water management has also exacerbated the risk of such events.

    Both Pakistan and India depend heavily on the Indus river for their water needs. Since independence in 1947 Pakistan has virtually doubled the amount of land it irrigates with Indus water and the picture is similar for India. This thirst for water carries a heavy cost.

    The Indus drains the Himalayan mountain chain and carries vast amounts of sediment. As more water is diverted into irrigation, the river flow has been severely reduced, and can't now carry its accustomed cargo of sediment downstream. A growing number of levees and man-made channels also trap sediment on its way out to sea.

    "More silt has been deposited into sand bars, reducing the capacity of the river," says Daanish Mustafa, an expert on Indus water management at Kings College London, UK. "There is no doubt that infrastructure has exacerbated the flood risk significantly.

    "Antiquated irrigation systems in Pakistan may also have made the problem worse. "Pakistan unfortunately has one of the worst irrigation efficiencies in the world," says Uttam Sinha, a water security researcher from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, India. Repairing the leaks and installing modern irrigation technology may help to reduce the flood risk in future.

    Free Member


    After reading this and checking sources on UN charter I've decided not to but still feel guilty!

    Hmm handover Nukes in exchange for aid would be a tempory thing and cost more to handle to the nukes safely.

    Full Member

    Terribly sad for all of those families affected, but if a country can afford nuclear weapons and the kind of military that Pakistan has then it can sort its own problems out….

    Free Member

    What the **** does that mean?

    It means some bored, lonely frustrated little man is trying to get attention by saying something 'controversial'.

    The photocopying business must be a bit slow at the moment…. 😉

    Strangely, I saw a collection jar for the Pakistan relief effort in a pub t'other day. Seemed a bit incongruous somehow.

    Free Member

    sc-xc – Member
    English language I have no problem with. Stupid, small minded petty little people like you are what puzzle me.

    What puzzles me is utter morons who haven't got the intelligence to understand that an opinion is no less valid, just because you deem it to be politically incorrect.

    I'm also puzzled as to how often you get your nose broken if you talk to people like that in the real world.

    Free Member

    bassspine – Member

    assisted by poorly designed mass irrigation schemes and international wrangling over water resources.

    That basically supports my theory. It's Darwinism unfurling before our eyes.

    Full Member

    lol – you going to send me another threatening email 😆

    Life's too short for me to worry about people like you!

    Free Member

    What puzzles me is utter morons who haven't got the intelligence to understand that an opinion is no less valid, just because you deem it to be politically incorrect.

    It has nothing to do with being politically incorrect, and everything to do with being a *&^%.

    Free Member

    Cynic al, i thought you was supposed to be the well, cynic al one on here?

    Come off it, they are all at with fingers in the pies.
    I really really do not believe in true altruism, there has to be an ulterior motive somewhere down the line, some payoff, even if its to salve a guilty conscience

    Free Member

    I'm not donating.

    Any country that can afford nuclear weapons can afford to look after its own people.

    The same applies to any UK charity then?

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I used to coach the wife of one of the Directors of WHO. She admitted herself that the organisation blew pots of cash flying him and cohorts in luxury, putting them up in swanky locations, and basically funding their very high standard of living.

    For me, charity begins at home. I do, however, pay a DD to various charities and have so for years.

    Free Member

    lol – you going to send me another threatening email

    Ooh, what's this? Sounds exciting! Please do tell! 😀

    Free Member

    Ooh, what's this? Sounds exciting! Please do tell!

    It's like the ones I keep getting from the CSA (or whatever it's called these days). 'Ave a word geezer.

    Seriously though sc-xc…don't suppose you could cut and paste could you?

    Free Member

    The only charity to get cash off me is the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
    It saves lives, and I feel it is money well earned by them, especially having had the unlucky opportunity to have a flight in one a couple of years ago, without which, I'd probably a lot worse off now than I actually am.

    Would we, the UK get massive amounts of aid from countries should we get a situation like what's happening in Pakistan? I don't think so. Look closer to home folks!

    Full Member

    I give to charities in the UK, mountain rescue, air ambulance, RNLI. The rest can go jump, especially the ones that pay students to ambush you in the street to try and get a DD from you.

    Free Member

    Would we, the UK get massive amounts of aid from countries should we get a situation like what's happening in Pakistan?

    Might that be because we are massively richer than countries like Pakistan – never mind the colonial history. You may also wish to think about how a failed response to this tragedy probably makes it more likely that fundamentalist nutters could take charge of the Pakistan government (and their nukes).

    I really really do not believe in true altruism

    You're making the mistake of thinking that because you lack empathy and human decency, everyone else does too.

    That said, a friend of mine is the director of a small charity, and he says the big charities are very bloated and inefficient.

    Free Member

    I got accosted by one of them students while walking through town.
    I had to get the banking and post done before a certain time and get back for the next job, and was walking, fast, with an obvious purpose.

    Poor lad looked really offended when i went verbose in anglo saxon..

    Yup worthy UK charidees, lifeboat and mountain rescue, grips me s*** that they need to resort to begging, they should be a proper service like the other 3, and yeah air ambulance are a worthy cause

    Free Member

    Seriously though sc-xc…don't suppose you could cut and paste could you?

    Yeah, come on; far more interesting than the rest of this boring done to death shite.

    I really really do not believe in true altruism, there has to be an ulterior motive somewhere down the line, some payoff, even if its to salve a guilty conscience

    You know what, I kind of agree with you on that one. But so what anyway. I'll give if I want to, not give if I don't want to, and don't feel the need to justify my decisions to anyone else.

    Full Member

    Same as MtbCol Air Ambulance, RNLI and Mountain Rescue teams are the ones I only really donate to. Do on occasions donate to some local charities but I stopped sending money abroad years ago.

    Free Member

    I'll give if I want to, not give if I don't want to, and don't feel the need to justify my decisions to anyone else.

    I need to agree on that….

    Free Member

    but my other half said no way, funding terrorists, Taliban, Muslims they hate us all etc.


    I have never met a Pakistani who wasn't a terrorist, Taliban, or just a Muslim who hated "us all"……specially the children.

    Your other half is clearly well-informed and has remarkable perception of what is occurring in the world – what newspaper does she read ?

    Free Member

    I have a DD for prostate cancer research and have donated enough to people who do rides even ppl on here.

    I won't fund people who want to blow us up or hate non muslims.

    I'd rather pack a parcel of food, bottled water and a blanket and post that instead. Can this be done still?

    If Blue Peter did it 30 yrs ago then why can't we as a nation just pack food and bottled water and send that rather money that will not be tracked?

    Actually Ernie its from her own experience with these people and their values. Her mother lives next door to a eduacated Pakistani family. at 2300 hrs her mother was unwell from an operation and went to bed. The Pakistani family wanted permission to use the garage as a platform for their house/roof repair. So when they rang an elderly ill woman at 2330 at night and she did not get up and answer the door they kicked it down.

    A neighbour called the police and arrested the middle class Pakistani family.

    Another incidence in this country is Muslims want Sharia law, a sexist law where my OH a Doctor could not work.

    She was told not to dress like that by Muslims if she visited patients in strong Islam suburbs – in Australia FFS

    A society that wants to be seperate in Europe.

    My OH is happy to donate money to anyone but her own experience with Pakistani people in England and Australia has basically turned tolerance upside down and into a racist. She has donated her own clothes when on holiday to India and I had to stop her trying to adopt homeless kids but her personal experience is no. And no she is not BNP member and feels Pakistani women are victims from her Pakistani friends.

    So please go ahead and critise her, this I intolerance I don't like about her either but her experience with Pakistani people from high and low classes doesn't mean she hates them but disagrees with their values to the point she refuses to donate to them although I would.

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