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  • Anyone giving up time to ride with their kids
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    Or should I say giving up more of your own riding time to help your kids.
    I can’t be alone surely.
    I used to have two set rides that whatever was happening I would always do, they were Tuesday night club ride and the Sunday run.
    Now my 12 year old is into competative riding I now have to train with him at the MK Bowl Tuesday nights and get his miles in on Sunday.
    So to get my training in I have to go out another night and have a road session Sunday morning, grab lunch and train with him in the afternoon.
    Should’nt grumble as I’m getting more in, but I’m dead curious to know if anyone else is or has been through this.

    Full Member

    to ride with them both, and the mrs.
    and to take them both to rugby tues and thurs evenings.

    i do commute daily, which i consider the bulk of my riding.

    Free Member

    not as much as I would like to, but he let’s me ride with him occasionally.

    Full Member

    same as ton, apart from the rugby.

    my eldest’s only 3 (nearly 4), but he’ll let me come with him along ex-railway track paths for a good few miles at a time.

    means when I do get my own decent-length riding time i really try and pack it in. today was one of those days and i got in 50 road miles followed by a climb up spooky wood at glentress.

    I figure I’ve got maybe 7-8 years before he leaves me in his dust. Hopefully then (after I’ve learned to deal with that) the roles are reversed and he gives up his riding time to let me come along.

    Free Member

    Yes I take Nial (11) out with me especially for downhill and I go Isla biking with Greta (3) and take her on the back of the Ute. It’s great we’re like the Athertons, but shorter.

    Free Member

    Yeah, i hardly get out in daylight from having two kids under the age of 6, and working offshore, so when im home and the kids are up i like to be there. However, from september both kids will be in full time school, and missus working, so will be able to ride 7 hours a day 5 days a week, 2 weeks a month. Can’t wait.

    Full Member

    Surely taking the kids out on bikes is one of the best bits of being a parent?
    Seeing them get better every year at an activity I (we) love is a great feeling.
    Reckon I have a couple of years left before the eldest (10) leaves me for dust.

    Free Member

    I love it, i still get my night ride and w/e ride but i always used to get a bit of grief about riding any more but now whenever i get the urge i take the kids for a spin in the woods or up to the bmx track. We all get have fun and exercise and my wife has a bit of me time, everyones a winner!

    Full Member

    just noticed a couple of posts saying that as son’s get older they will leave us for dead.
    my son is 17, and when we ride a long xc type of ride i can keep up and beat him.
    when we ride anything remoteley technical, sketchy,tricky,downhill based he hammers me.

    i think it is a boredom thing.

    this time next year he will be giving up his time to take his son/daughter out on a bike.

    Full Member

    I take mine (7 and 9). They like riding a bit of woody singeltrack now. Soon we’ll be adding the dog once I’ve trained him up. It’s great fun, but they would still rather bez around on their scooters.

    No point having kids, if you’re not going to spend a lot of your time with them!

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