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  • Anyone given up tv
  • MrSalmon
    Free Member

    We haven’t had a TV for about 3 years. I wouldn’t say we’ve given up on TV though – we have Netflix and Amazon Prime subscriptions. I’d say we’ve given up on the dross that’s broadcast in favour of being much more selective. When we visit the MiL (who has a TV on in more than one room constantly) I’m actually quite shocked by how poor a lot of it is, even things like the news.

    That said, I’m thinking of getting another TV because watching everything on the laptop is a bit annoying sometimes.

    I’ve never owned a microwave either!

    Full Member

    Have netflix and amazon prime is having a TV though isn’t it? Even if you watch it on a laptop screen or a monitor, is essentially watching TV

    There have been a couple of blinding things on TV that I really enjoyed, and I even learnt a few things from too (things like Planet Earth or Band of Brothers)

    There’s also some pretty cool documentary stuff, low budget ish production that is like watching a magazine… things on the Bike Channel, some motorbike stuff I’ve seen a bit of recently

    (plus you can also watch x factor and BGT 😀 )

    Free Member

    I haven’t had a TV for about five years. I mostly watched relatively few programs on stuff that interested me. Often this was a disappointment. I see enough of it in holiday rents to notice that it hasn’t changed. Furthermore, the weather on t’internest is much more useful.

    Then there’s the political slant, like the sort that some Scots folk are objecting to…

    ‘However, there is a significant number still in Scotland whose trust we lost and I think there’s still a bit of work to be done in that regard. I think it’s part of my mission to try and address these perceptions, which may have led to that loss of trust.’

    D MacKinnon, new boss in BBC Glasgow. Go to it, luv.

    Like others I get offensive threatening letters and occasional visits because I don’t have a licence. It’s you good people with licences who pay for this.

    Free Member

    PS – there’s never anything interesting on my microwave, just stuff going round and round, like a good-old-days test card,

    Full Member

    @slowoldgit – try a raw egg in there, it’s quite exciting

    Free Member

    A can of coke might be intersting too.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a nice big TV which I watch if I have nothing else to do.
    Great way to watch the 6 nations, footie and Die Hard.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit like people saying they don’t have a microwave…

    Hardly an essential item of the modern age. I’ve got one but I only use it to soften butter and heat up coffee after I’ve let it get cold.

    TV is like alcohol – an acquired taste that’s difficult to give up at first, but after a few days you don’t miss it. I enjoy it but often just listen while doing something else, and I only seem to watch BBC2 and BBC4. There are some delightfully quirky things on the channels further down the list but the ads come round so quickly that it annoys me and I give up.

    Full Member

    I do find it slightly odd that some people wear “not doing something” like a badge of honour

    I don’t think anyone was thinking of it as a badge of honour, just answering the question asked and explaining what they do instead. Is that so difficult to follow?

    For what it’s worth: You have a TV, good for you. Do you want a medal to go with that?

    Free Member

    One of my cousins used to be a teacher. One day in class, one of her pupils asked her if she’d seen a programme the previous night which was presumably relevant to her subject (biology). “No, I don’t have a TV”. A couple of days later another pupil’s parents came in to school carrying a TV – their child had told them about my cousin’s lack of TV and they had “taken pity” on the poor teacher and were donating a spare TV to her! At this point my cousin had to explain that she didn’t have a TV because she didn’t want a TV.

    Full Member

    I don’t think anyone was thinking of it as a badge of honour, just answering the question asked and explaining what they do instead. Is that so difficult to follow?

    If you read the rest of the post rather than cherry-picking one sentence in order to have an argument, you’ll see the very next sentence which says:

    Not on this particular thread necessarily but certainly in previous discussions

    I’ve even embiggened the salient bit for you. Is that so difficult to follow?

    Free Member

    whitestone – Member
    One of my cousins used to be a teacher. One day in class, one of her pupils asked her if she’d seen a programme the previous night which was presumably relevant to her subject (biology). “No, I don’t have a TV”. A couple of days later another pupil’s parents came in to school carrying a TV – their child had told them about my cousin’s lack of TV and they had “taken pity” on the poor teacher and were donating a spare TV to her! At this point my cousin had to explain that she didn’t have a TV because she didn’t want a TV.

    Haha, I’ve experienced that. You say you’ve ‘not got one’ to try and avoid an awkward conversation. Then it’s “What do you mean you’ve not got one? Well you can have our old one, it’s just sat in the loft!”

    You then think: Hmm, shall I accept it then bung it on Freecycle… or should I fess up? So you do the honourable thing and explain why you don’t have a telly and it gets their back up immediately. “Eeh, appen ‘e thinks he’s a right intellectual scholard!”

    Full Member

    I’ve not had a TV for, er, 17 years? I had TV soap-addicted flatmates before then and it really put me off TV then as they’d watch solidly from 5.30pm to about 9pm every single day, so when they moved out, I got rid of the TV. Then I moved (up north) and didn’t bother getting a TV (and couldn’t afford a licence) and found I really didn’t miss it.

    I rent the odd film from iTunes, watch Youtube videos and that’s it. I rarely find that I have two hours spare in a day, even at weekends, so soak up in front of a TV.

    (I don’t have a microwave either…) 😉

    Full Member

    No. Next question.

    Full Member

    Ah, but you posted it on this thread, Cougar. I’m not spoiling for an argument, but your post (which I had read in full, I’m afraid) basically reads that those without TVs should be pitied as we’re missing out on all this stuff. I can’t speak for anyone else, obviously, but I don’t need the pity and I don’t feel I’m missing anything by not seeing the stuff. It’s not a badge of honour, but by the same count I also don’t need the TV-faithful trying to brief me in on exactly what I’m missing: if I was that bothered, I’d buy a telly!

    Oh, and embiggened isn’t a word, no matter what the Simpsons claim 😉

    Free Member

    Yet you’d never hear someone go “oh, I gave up on books years ago.”

    I have. Not read a book in years!

    Did 75 Audiobooks from Audible last year though.

    (Although I do totally get your point 😉 )

    Full Member

    basically reads that those without TVs should be pitied as we’re missing out on all this stuff.

    I wasn’t being entirely serious with that last sentence. I should have put a smiley after it really.

    Free Member

    (I don’t have a microwave either…)

    The TV I can understand, but what the **** is this shit?

    Free Member

    Watch it for sport and The Grand Tour, the rest is shite.

    Free Member

    Watch it for sport and The Grand Tour, the rest is shite.


    Full Member

    Did 75 Audiobooks from Audible last year though.

    Yeah, I don’t really get as much time to read as I’d like (obviously, cos I’m glued to the telly), but I can listen to stuff whilst I’m cooking and so on and so audiobooks have filled that gap. I’ve been going through the Big Finish full cast Doctor Who stories borrowed from a friend, I think I’m up to #155 now.

    Full Member

    I like TV.

    Full Member

    Couldn’t survive without my fix of Scandi dramas. 😀 I do seem to be different from most wimminz in that I don’t watch any s’leb type tosh or cookery shows.

    Note to BBC4: sort yerselves oot with music programs, standards have dropped.

    I do have a microwave for porridge-making.

    Full Member

    I don’t have a microwave and only have Freeview. At one time all I watched was F1, TdF and Ski Sunday.

    I watch a bit more these days – when there something worth watching.

    Full Member

    +1 P-Jay & Cougar; I really couldn’t put it better myself.

    Still don’t have a microwave though – only miss it for heating up leftovers and making porridge in a less messy fashion.

    Free Member

    Mindlessly watching crap is no good. But there are ways to be a discerning viewer.

    For us, Sky is terrible value for money. We have an Amazon and Netflix sub and we watch that. Some superb stuff on it. And a lot of crap too.

    I rarely find that I have two hours spare in a day

    I couldn’t be that busy. I need time to chill.

    Free Member

    The usage score so far this week is

    Microwave 1 – 0 Television

    I expect the TV to up it’s game later in the week as I’ll probably watch a man walking purposefully around ye olde London in Taboo at some point.

    Free Member

    +1 no TV & no microwave , I do stream stuff from the net tho , but don’t pay no one nuffinks.

    Full Member

    Hang on, I’m out of popcorn.

    4 TV’s in our house, full Sky Q package, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

    Don’t think I’ll be ditching tv any time soon

    Free Member

    Can all the non-microwave owners have some sort of icon next to their name?

    I need to know who I think are a little bit odd, and prefer to cook beans on the hob rather than nuking them with technology.

    Free Member

    Is that all they do, cook beans? How much time are you saving compared to heating them on the hob? I don’t think I’ve ever cooked beans on the hob and thought “this is taking ages, I need a colossal white appliance to get this done quicker”.

    Call me a minimalist but I’d rather have the space. Not only that, but it’s another thing to clean.

    Full Member

    but it’s another thing to clean.

    You have a choice. 😳

    Full Member

    Sorry, I detailed the thread with the microwave comment!

    I used one for scrambled eggs and then porridge at breakfast. Then to reheat leftover spag bol for dinner. I love the microwave!

    Free Member

    You have a choice.

    Don’t worry, CG. The microwaves steralise all the old porridge stains

    Free Member

    I’m quietly confident that the expensive stainless steel jobs are self-cleaning. Micro fairies emerge from the little slots and eat any spillages.

    Free Member

    Ha, whilst technically I do have a TV it hasn’t been cabled up or switched on in, oh, seven years I’d guess (keep meaning on trawling through my VHS tapes and for watch DVDs but I have a couple laptops which I use instead),

    The last time I lived in a house with TV I think I watched it maybe 20 times the whole year and most of that was for the weather/news reports on the long, harsh winter we were undergoing. Remember actually switching it off mid programme as it was so shite and never switching it on again….

    I did use iplayer for a while (when broadband and legally supported) but not since the law changed.

    I consume TV by DVD mostly these days (just finished Narcos). Broadcast TV is just so outdated (like having a landline….).

    Oh, I don’t have a microwave either. Add me to your list Jamie 😉

    I consume TV by DVD mostly these days (just finished Narcos). Broadcast TV is just so outdated (like having a landline

    *Wonders if actually serious

    Free Member

    *Wonders if actually serious

    I mean sitting down and waiting for a programme to begin. As against on demand (like NetFlix).

    Just seems ridiculous now.

    Ha, just seemed funny that you somehow thought that watching TV on a dvd was somehow more futuristic than a scheduled broadcast – anyway, it’s Blu ray now you heathen 😉

    I watch streamed stuff, I watch scheduled stuff, I watch discs. None seem more relevant than the other tbh.

    F1 and most sporting events are not really something you’d want to watch on dvd

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