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  • Anyone else's wife not fill up the car?
  • doris5000
    Free Member

    did none of these women have a life before marriage??

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    did none of these women have a life before marriage??

    Calm down dear, don’t worry your pretty head about things that don’t mean anything. This is what our wives hear when we explain how and when to put fuel into the car:

    Some claim that male chauvinism amd misogyny never went away. Others claim that neither did bimboism.

    Free Member

    I always have to fill the car but it does belong to me. Plus my clothes get washed & dried and the bathroom gets cleaned without my input. Seems like a fair trade.

    Full Member

    It wouldn’t cross my mind to even consider it. I presume if the car is low she stops and fills it. I do the same.

    Full Member

    My wife is fine with filling the car with fuel, though she has ran out of fuel twice in the past 2 years…she is from the North and does seem to resent filling it up.

    Full Member

    Not once in 22 years has my wife put fuel in a car.

    I have done it quite a lot!

    Free Member

    She always waits until the last possible moment to fill up, the tyres are never checked, the oil level is never checked, the washer fluid is always empty.

    Hers is the family car as well, so that usually means that when we’re running late to get somewhere (as we usually are as she hasn’t prepared clothes, etc beforehand so everything is frantic at the last second 👿 ) we then have the added stress of finding a petrol station too.

    Same with emptying the bin as well. She just keeps cramming stuff down into it until the bag is nigh impossible to remove from the bin without it tearing and exploding rubbish everywhere.

    I suspect the density of the rubbish in there would be higher than the core of a neutron star if I waited for her to empty it.

    Free Member

    She does worry about it getting low – probably stems from having had a few close calls of nearly running dry when I was driving and her having an absolute fit about running out. Therefore it’s usually brimmed before the light comes on.

    When I gave my last company car back, I narrowly avoided her tanking it the day before it was collected.

    Full Member

    It’s like this thread is channeling Les Dawson.

    Free Member

    Aw bless em. I rarely let mine out of the cupboard these days so I’ve got fill up the car AND burn the dirty washing.

    Free Member

    Mrs taxi has her own car and I’m not even on the insurance, so I’ve never put petrol in it 😀 . Oil, water, air in tyres thats a different matter 🙁

    Free Member

    Wish someone would volunteer to fill new motorbike, even if they grumbled about it a bit. It’s using a lot more (now super) unleaded than the old one and has a tiny little tank!


    Free Member

    Phew, this thread has just saved my marriage, divorce papers cancelled. I knew i was in the wrong when i chastised her for taking so long changing that gearbox.

    Full Member

    I’m happy to do all the car stuff in our household (although my wife fills with fuel if need be) if it means I never touch an iron

    I’m the only person in our house capable of putting water in the iron it would appear.

    Free Member

    “The” car? She fills up hers, I fill up mine.
    Surely it doesn’t need to be anymore more complicated than that?

    Free Member

    Consider yourselves lucky. My Mum aged 86 decided it was time she filled the radiator with water so she opened a cap and poured in a pint. The PAS started making a horrible noise. Guess where she had poured the water?

    I was once taken out by a lovely girl in her car. We set off down the road and immediately I could feel a “bump-bump-bump” of a big lump on the tyre. Told her to stop, got out and found the tyres absolutely ringing with pressure, ready to burst, with a bulge the size of an ostrich egg on one of them. I asked her when she last checked the pressures and she replied: “Oh I just put some air in every week!”

    A female colleague gave me a lift to work one day. The first time she braked I heard metal on metal. “Get your brakes checked TODAY!” I told her, “the pads are down to metal!” A good month later she was late for work, because her car had broken down. When I asked, she explained that a horrible noise had come from the front, the car had stopped abruptly and big round piece of broken metal had fallen onto the road. She had ignored my warning about the brakes, needless to say.

    Free Member

    There is a story about a woman who was stood for ages in a petrol station forecourt with her head in the engine bay. When someone came out to ask if she needed any help she explained that the oil light had come on and she was trying to fill it back up but was just struggling to pour it in to the little hole….

    Free Member

    definitely a pink job. i only drive during the weekends as i work away but when i get home the tank is always full. ive not had to use a petrol station in yonks.

    Full Member

    I’ve often wondered how far the car would go after the fuel light has come on and the needle hits the stop. I remember that episode of top gear when JC drove to london from Edinburgh to test that exact circumstance. IIRC the needle hit red roundabout Newcastle on the way back up but the car never stopped and he managed to get all the way back.

    Full Member

    I get at least 20 miles after “0 miles left” but I’ve never gone further.

    (on the motorbike, i may have run out a few times but you don’t get that much room to maneuvre with a 16 litre tank. But there’s few feelings more glorious than coasting into a petrol station having run out of fuel on the approach.)

    Full Member

    It’s using a lot more (now super) unleaded than the old one and has a tiny little tank!

    Surely there are after market touring tanks for a GS?

    Free Member

    A girl I used to date was raised fixing her father’s cars. She was quite lithe, so she used to wiggle under her car with her toolkit and never bothered with main agents with stuff like brakes, oil changes, exhausts etc. Somehow, she had immaculate nails too.

    Another couldn’t be bothered to check tyre pressures every week, so every now and then she’d hustle her car around a few hairpin bends near her home. If the car wallowed or understeered early, she’d chuck in a couple of PSI into the tyres. Sorted.

    I’d been with my missus for about a year and had insured her on my car and left her the keys. I was greeted at the door by Stepson One who told me that his mother had cornered the car on two wheels at a roundabout. That had been my fault apparently, the day before I’d convinced both stepsons that their mother was actually The Stig.

    Full Member

    Wife is great with fuel. Air, water, oil, cleaning etc are all mine. Same applies to the bikes. She does the fuel, I do the rest!

    Free Member

    I’d been with my missus for about a year and had insured her on my car and left her the keys. I was greeted at the door by Stepson One who told me that his mother had cornered the car on two wheels at a roundabout. That had been my fault apparently, the day before I’d convinced both stepsons that their mother was actually The Stig.

    Mine managed to kerb 3 wheel simultaneously, pedestrian refuge, combined with a chicaine, she managed to hit one side, bounce across the road and get the other two.

    Apparently the ‘wobble’ now present at >90mph is entirely unrelated.

    Free Member

    They are not incapable, just know that someone else who’s daft enough to fall for the old blue job, pink job routine will do it for them.

    Free Member

    oldtalent – Member
    “The” car? She fills up hers, I fill up mine.
    Surely it doesn’t need to be anymore more complicated than that?

    Don’t let people know you have more than one car here. Even if one of them is an estate car. Hell, don’t even mention one of your cars might be an SUV you evil selfish son of a bi7ch.

    Free Member

    We only have MrsSalmon’s car and I very rarely use it so generally it’s nothing to do with me.
    But anxious searches for petrol stations with the needle hovering on empty happen all. the. bloody. time.
    And she’ll knowingly pass up any number of opportunities to fill up in order to make sure this happens, or at least that’s how it seems to me!

    Free Member

    MrsH calls me ‘tight’. In 11yrs she’s put £30 in petrol into it.

    I pay all the mortgage and most of the bills.

    She once asked why I bought a new bike frame when we should buy a bigger house.

    So when I go into the pub literally I’ve got a fiver in my pocket for bloody beer.

    Full Member

    Amusing stories which confirm our own domestic motoring escapades.

    But to bring a bit of balance to the force, I once queued behind a chap at the water tap in Gloucester services who disappeared under the bonnet for a wee while, then reappeared and beckoned me for assistance.

    Turned out his car had overheated a smidge as it had a water leak. So he’d put some more water in via that big yellow cap on the top of the engine… then he thought to ask me whether it was the right one.

    Full Member

    “Will my car get across town with the petrol in it?” she asks.
    “Dunno, try it and see”*
    Caveat: I’m not married, or have a current s/o, so I’m not sure I could actually get away with that!

    Free Member

    This thread has been an eye opener!

    My other half sorts out everything to do with her car, I don’t go near it other than driving it occasionally.
    She’s never asked me to do anything to it, other than machine polish it once to get some minor scratches out and to be fair, that’s hardly a DIY job anyway.

    I honestly can’t believe there are adults with driving licenses who don’t sort out the absolute basics (fuel/oil/air/water) on their own cars. It’s all so simple to do.

    Full Member

    My wife’s favorite is “oh there’s no petrol in my car ,You best use that to go to town ” knowing full well i’ll have to put some fuel in.
    Although she drives past 3 garages on way home from work .

    Full Member

    It’s taken 30 years but fuel and air in the tyres are all organised by herself. Oil levels and washer fluid are the next 30 years project.

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