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  • Anyone else's wife not fill up the car?
  • Pook
    Full Member

    “Will my car get across town with the petrol in it?” she asks.

    “How much?”

    “just above empty”*

    I’ve now got to go and fill it instead of sitting down with a beer and watching Better Call Saul.

    She’s just driven past a petrol station coming home

    *wrapping around the pin.

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    Mine wouldn’t even know how to.

    Free Member

    Buy a Tesla, then you just need to plug it in while you sit and watch the TV 😉

    Full Member

    Pook that would be a blue job. Just designate a couple of pink jobs that you don’t do and it’s all gravy.

    Free Member

    +1 here, mine seems to drive around in 2nd everywhere… Looking at how much she uses

    Free Member

    Mine gets filled up with Shopping.

    Full Member

    Best not.

    Free Member

    My Mrs knows how to, she just doesn’t know (or even care a jot) how much it costs. If she needed fuel & it was shown at £25 a litre, she’d still fill up. Dozy mare. (but I love her)

    Full Member

    yes, to be fair she did try once at the pay at pump. Nozzle in and “click” came home complaining that fuel gauge is broken. £0.34 of fuel added according to bank statement.

    Full Member

    I used to think my wife never had any water in the washer bottle either. It turns out she would suggest going in her car for various spurious reasons, and in always found the washer fluid low, so would top it up before we got home.

    It eventually dawned on me that she was letting me drive her car knowing it needed topping up, and that way she never had to do it.

    Similarly my son always offers to take me shooting in his car when the tank is nearing empty and he’s spent all his hard earned that week. “No Dad, it’s so you can have a couple of pints afterwards, honest.” Is wearing g a bit thin. I’ve taken to putting in a tenner for him to see his little disappointed face. 😈

    Free Member

    My wife doesn’t fill up the car.
    To be fair, she’s quite small and it’s a big car.

    Free Member

    We’ve got one diesel car and one petrol car, so I make sure that neither of them ever go below 1/3.

    Free Member

    Other than when she goes away I’m not sure my wife has ever put petrol in her car. Just another one of ‘my’ jobs…

    Full Member

    I never fill up the car, mainly as it’s the wife’s company car and she has the fuel card…..

    Free Member

    I don’t think Mrs Z knows wheree the fuel gauge is, let alone look at it from time to time. There was a time she’d pay for the petrol she uses but I cannot recall the last time she put her hand in her pocket.

    As she gets a mileage allowance for work, it annoys me the she’s paid for the fuel she uses but I pay to fill the car.

    I’m tempted not to fill it up and let her run out of fuel…

    Free Member

    “My car is making a funny grinding noise”

    Open bonnet, pull dipstick out, nothing, not even a dribble.

    So that’s 2l of synthetic to get it to the end of the week, another gallon + filter and hope that no lasting damage has been done.

    FFS. It’s not even the first time, she’s run it dry before doing a lot of miles and never checks it. The first time I explained to her that she should check it sometimes before/after a busy week or long journey, the second time I got irritated, third I got angry, this time I just signed and said we can’t afford a new car so if it’s **** she had better get used to walking.

    Free Member

    We had our new car nine months before my missus filled it up for the first time.

    She’s very, very bright and being married to a farmer in a former life meant that she has mechanical sympathy – but she can’t be arsed to put diesel in, check the oil, or fill the tyres with air even though she uses the car during the week and I don’t.

    I would suggest I borrow the rolling pin, but she’s been known to post on here so I’ll be rumbled any minute.

    Free Member

    Wow. I mean I get mildly irritated about small things thAt my wife does when driving (and her inability to explain internal combustion), but at least she’s capable of doing a simple everyday task. Maybe I should cut her some slack!

    Full Member

    My wife rarely fills it up either, even though we have fuel cards and it doesn’t come out of her pocket. Usually it’s a ‘will you take my car today’ the inference being fill it up too!

    That and the windscreen washer bottle, oh and the service light as well.

    Full Member

    There is a reason……

    Full Member

    I have no wife, but, when my dad stopped driving my mum had to confess that she’d never filled up the car once, since they got their first car about 40 years ago 😆

    Free Member

    I don’t think mine would be able to. She’s Irish and the stations have filler-upper people who do it for you. She’s never driven in the UK and in Asia, there are people who fill it as well.

    Free Member

    Washer bottle. Every. Damn. Time.

    To be fair she fills the diesel more regularly than I do, I seem to always end up brass necking it, I managed to put 70.33l into the 70l tank the other day!

    I don’t think mine would be able to. She’s Irish

    Racist! 😉

    Full Member

    Weirdest thread I’ve seen in ages…

    Full Member

    Not once in 7 years of car ownership.

    Full Member

    I think she finds as much difficulty filling up as I do, none. Agree with weeksy, weird…

    Free Member

    Mine’s alright. She’ll fill hers or mine and even took mine for an Albanian valet the other day 🙂 I do everything else car wise though which is fair as she does a lot of the household stuff.

    Full Member

    Albanian valet

    The stick is for getting the dead wasps out from the bit where the windscreen meets the dash.

    Full Member

    her inability to explain internal combustion

    Suck, squeeze, bang, blow?

    Mine struggles with the cap on one of the cars. But she is disabled, so I cut her some slack.

    Full Member

    Just had a text informing me the fuel light has come on in her car, I’ll be filling it up tonight 😆

    Free Member

    Mine never fills my car, but she does fill her own…

    I was expecting more pictures of wives filling cars :

    Free Member

    Wow. I mean I get mildly irritated about small things thAt my wife does when driving (and her inability to explain internal combustion), but at least she’s capable of doing a simple everyday task. Maybe I should cut her some slack!


    Free Member

    My wifes favourite is giving me the car with the “refuel now” sign on the dash. “its ok, there was 20 miles left before I popped down to waitrose and took the kids out…”
    That and waiting till just before bed on a Sunday to tell me the car is low on gas, and that shes run out of money – Could I go and fill it up for her, she’ll pay me back on payday.
    Never happens.

    Full Member

    I’m happy to do all the car stuff in our household (although my wife fills with fuel if need be) if it means I never touch an iron 🙂

    Full Member

    Not being arsed / wanting to pay I get, but are you seriously telling me there are people who are actually incapable of putting fuel in a vehicle? And these people are driving round on our public roads? Are you’re marrying them?

    Jesus wept, I despair. Top tip, next time it needs fuelling, take her with you, show her how to do it, and then never ever do it again.

    Free Member

    Mine will put fuel in but is completely unaware of anything else mechanically

    – Oil light came on. Not only the light but also a buzzing warning sound. Did she pull over? Did she hell – just drove home. Thank God it was just a duff sensor, but how far do manufacturers need to go to stop people from potentially wrecking their cars?

    – Washer bottle light came on. This time she did take action (can’t remember if this was before or after the oil warning light incident). She just happened to be passing the local garage so stopped by. The guy there topped the washer bottle up (no charge as he recognised her) but was duly tipped a fiver!

    – I drive her car for the first time in a while and notice something amiss, like engine management light on. “oh yeah, that’s been on for ages”

    Full Member

    Years back, my then-girlfriend drove an old-style Mini. It was a shed of a thing, had several eggs in the coolant to stop the radiator leaking.

    Driving to mine one day the fan belt snapped, little red light comes on on the dash. She thinks “I wonder what that is?” and carts on.

    A little while later the cooling system exploded, at which point she rings me. Took me about a minute to jury-rig a temporary fan belt, and half an hour to chisel congealed scrambled egg off the windscreen.

    Free Member

    mrs rocket has been driving longer me and has no problem refuelling

    My speciality is to let it run biblically low as in 0 MILES and the needle beyond the red before refuelling

    Full Member

    If she doesn’t fill her car up it will run out and she will need to call the AA, I am just giving women equal rights and all that 😉

    Full Member

    My wife has a license but refuses point blank to drive anywhere at all after a bad experience about ten years ago. Sometimes I find that slightly annoying* but this thread has cheered me up somewhat.

    * Understatement.

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