Home Forums Chat Forum Anyone else have Gilberts syndrome?

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  • Anyone else have Gilberts syndrome?
  • boriselbrus
    Full Member

    I was randomly going through my medical file yesterday and it seems in 2008 I was diagnosed with Gilberts syndrome. I do vaguely remember the gp mentioning it, but I had more pressing issues at the time.

    doing some research having a quick Google it seems to explain my issues with tiredness, foggy brain, can’t deal with heat and dehydration, can’t drink much alcohol without feeling rubbish.

    So I was just wondering if anyone else here has it and what they do to offset it?


    Full Member

    Gilberts (depending on how posh I’m feeling, it’s either “Jill-bear’s”, or “Gill-berts”…!!) is generally anymptomatic.

    ..it seems to explain my issues with tiredness, foggy brain, can’t deal with heat and dehydration, can’t drink much alcohol without feeling rubbish.

    As I often say – That (^^) sounds like normal human functioning, TBH…


    Free Member

    I have it apparently. Never impacted me a jot and had a Dr not mentioned it following a blood test then I’d be none the wiser nor have any cause to suspect I had some mysterious lurgy.

    Full Member

    I have it, was diagnosed years ago. As far as I know it’s asymptomatic on it’s own, isn’t it? I can drink normal amounts of booze, don’t get particularly tired, foggy, etc. Your symptoms don’t sound like Gilbert’s to me.

    Free Member

    My dad has it, and I need to get myself checked out for it as I think its 50/50 I will have it.

    As far as he understood it, and how he explained it to me, it’s just an issue with the breaking down of bilorubin which can lead to becoming jaudiced and getting the yellow eyes thing. Only an issue in so far as he was recently admitted to hospital for something unrelated and his eyes were going yellow as a result of the stress the unrelated thing created, had he not know he had Gilberts then the assumption would have been made that his liver was failing.

    So useful to know if you have it, but no effect on your day-to-day life.

    Free Member

    I have it. I’ve never had any issues with alcohol but in my twenties in particular I used to get brain fog type issues for a few days at a time that really affected my work ability – I couldn’t say it’s down to Gilbert’s but it’s an excuse. I also used to suffer from stomach cramps which the doc could never explain and that could also be a symptom.

    Doesn’t seem to affect me now.

    Free Member

    Yep, I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with it.

    Don’t have a problem drinking alcohol but do have problems with tiredness..I put that down to the baby not sleeping though.

    I do occaissionally look a bit jaundice in the face and have yellow eyes though.

    Free Member

    Boris – long time old chap

    It’s really nothing – it is an incidental finding on blood tests – lots of people have it – can cause a problem if you have certain rather old fashioned drugs – but mainly an issue in that sometimes it causes young Drs to overreact to tests which are actually normal for you.

    I am sure lots of people on the interweb will blame it for everything from tiredness to third world poverty…

    Free Member

    Don’t something like 10% of the population have it? I have it, but I can’t say I’ve ever had to do certain things to not exacerbate it.

    Having said that, I don’t drink a lot (couple of units a fortnight), I don’t eat a lot of processed carbs (a bit of cake once a month ot so) and I almost always get 7.5-8 hours sleep a night and my bedtimes are very consistent.

    I am also a lot of fun at parties 🙁

    Full Member

    I am sure lots of people on the interweb will blame it for everything from tiredness to third world poverty.

    And those Calais imigrants.
    Don’t forget them.

    Though I think it’s our contraceptive pill pushing on 6 year old girls that’s caused the Nepal earthquake, isn’t it?


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